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So the CPD that lost its place as second must have been injured a bit more than it showed. Yesterday I turned the lights on and he was fine. When I came back to feed the two head honchos were beating him up. He had two more chunks missing. I had to remove him from the colony.  My CPD are merciless at the first sign of weakness. ☹️ Here is the video I took right after removal  I guess it’s a reaffirmation of sorts  towards the end you can see the distinct color difference between the alpha and second  the alpha only goes real dark red through mating and fighting but there is still a noticeable difference 


new babies04127170-B4D9-4BB2-A1FB-AB620AD687DC.jpeg.841692f7262b28c262c637b43b3acbf4.jpeg

lines going to lfs Friday079C2DA9-9EE5-4679-B555-17678B80E49C.jpeg.125ede55a073fe04a1f41dd7be9b4ade.jpeg079C2DA9-9EE5-4679-B555-17678B80E49C.jpeg.125ede55a073fe04a1f41dd7be9b4ade.jpeg
Scooter is unhappy being back in the Pygmy tank. She glass surfs a lot. I put another fry in that was getting bigger. All thre of them are happy. Her glass surfing is making the Pygmy hide so she is hurting herself. If she would calm down the Pygmy would swim with her like they did before. All I can think is she was so used to the guppy boy chaos she doesn’t know what to do now. 2-3 of the other fry should be big enough in the next day or two to join them. I hope that helps. This is the chaos  she came from

I was looking to trim some dying sword leaves and found a blue and snowball shrimp. Have not seen those colors in a while. I also think one of the real red ones just released babies2E00B022-43E6-452C-B84F-DCC5E59EB009.jpeg.b18ca3c155c39c02c46a5c7ff33db739.jpeg982F3691-483A-4FE8-95D9-15FD40CE32AB.jpeg.31ad585c1c66491aded8df7b0f8eabd5.jpeg836ADF77-59FC-4E72-BE2A-C3F67D594664.jpeg.f17d44f81cdd4c888c920b84a0f218ed.jpeg




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On 10/27/2021 at 9:24 PM, Atitagain said:

I never would of thought CPD would be so aggressive (until I stared following your journal) they look like peaceful community fish. That alpha is most certainly puffin his chest out tho. Love that blue shrimp too.

They definitely have rank and order. The first time I saw two of them gang up on one I was astounded.  It’s all very soap opera. 

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Scooter has definitely decided she is a Pygmy corydora NOT a CPD. I put 3 more CPD in the Pygmy tank with Scooter for a total of 6. She doesn’t care. All day she hung with the Pygmy. They stop she stops they swim she swims. The only time she goes midwater is when they go in formation and she goes too. The first photo she is behind the Pygmy it wouldn’t focus. At least she stopped glass surfing even if she is having an identity crisis 🤷‍♀️50366C2D-8FA4-4A28-9506-B0264262AEF5.jpeg.75b56ba4c44a0545a310330e346f4792.jpegA01A197A-45A5-48E5-BC11-989BA6234F96.jpeg.39c4a77481a8c1f613c9e5a5b6ee0704.jpeg

Mom just before laying clutch number 5. A0CFCB8A-3240-4F35-B2CD-90CF785108DF.jpeg.372760aedbaa0e70a6da99444ab74a64.jpeg70D138FD-ED9A-40DB-8C6A-5E21801D8955.jpeg.6d58162416ff1b73eeef0d4613379f62.jpeg

I fed the CPD in this tank just after this picture and mom came out of dads cave and backed in to lay. I will remove the eggs tomorrow 😢 it’s the right thing. I have the last batch still n their tank and to give them the best chances I must limit the fry 😟
The remaining CPD fry minus the biggest 6 are starting to show on camera. The pleco babies are doing a decent job of cleaning up the tank. The shrimp have the majority of the plants cleaned up. It always amazes me the ugliest tanks are sometimes the healthiest but most of the microfauna has been devoured now. There is still some but not much. 



Edited by Guppysnail
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I have a green shrimp???  I have never had a green one it’s the one color I never bought. She showed up brownish on the picture but in person she is very green  I found her while feeding the tank  B2584F70-BF14-4420-8962-3F8F1EBA7B01.jpeg.81d86d6dfb1df09c7f6b9c96c4fb42a6.jpeg

My LFS flaked out. The new kid did not actually take over the fish section. They don’t have a fish person right now so are not taking/purchasing any fish. I explained the only reason I left the pleco and CPD hatch was because the old manager wanted them…no go. 😕. But I have a backup (ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN B 😁) I just have to drive an hour 😝. I should be be to take them up in a week or two. I stuck the pleco and cpd and guppies on eBay for local pick up only to see if I could lessen the amount of fish I have to transport that far since that is an unnerving drive to begin with.  I’m not holding my breath. There just is zero demand for fish in my area. 🤷‍♀️

I have seen a few folks doing repashy on a stick so I thought I would put this out there. Whenever I freeze repashy it gets sort of dry from the moisture being frozen out of it. I found using the food saver it holds its gel consistency much better and stays on the stick longer. 1CFD6960-4662-4DEC-AFAE-769CC4C121B4.jpeg.bc5b37d87c5eb37e77b3abc995be6b35.jpeg






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On 10/29/2021 at 6:38 PM, Solstice_Lacer said:

Your mystery snails are so cute, I'm convinced I want a couple. I'm waiting for my assassin to come out of hiding so I can move her to the other tank

Endless hours of pleasure to watch their antics 🥰 bubble surfing and parasailing are favorite pass times. 

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The fins on mom in the pic yesterday wow so beautiful. I generally stay away from longfins but hmmm I don’t know you might change my mind with those and your blue guppy. 
what do you mean by the food saver when talking about the repashy sticks? Is that a vacuum seal? Because I did notice on my last batch it did slide of the sticks fairly quickly. And I didn’t freeze it but I put some on some slate let it gel up real good about 4 hours. Felt good and stuck out of the water. And my bristlenose just pushed it right off in about 5 minutes. And the 2nd slab took some corys a bit but had it slid off as well. Should I have froze that? Or used different rock?

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@Atitagain I’ve never tried slate. I have painted it on thin on river rocks though. Yes a food vacuum sealer that suctions the air out. The longfins are gorgeous and I love them so much. But they drive me crazy. If you look close the point tips of all moms turn white the more pregnant she gets. That last picture was just before she laid and you can see it.  The first few times I was terrified it was fin rot. I think it’s just all the pressure from the eggs maybe restricting blood flow?  It goes back to normal in a day after she drops and the process starts again. The babies I decide to keep will most likely be regular fin….and even as I type that I think but oh how pretty those fins are 🤣

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All kinds of excitement.  My ad on ebay was heartfelt and honest about the situation I was placed in by my LFS. This attracted the attention of a hobbiest who is also a pleco breeder with more years experience than me who is currently breeding green dragon, super red, and albino. After many conversations about my tanks and maintenance and pictures  he was impressed with them all. He said he thought my setups were awesome maintenance was extremely diligent and tanks looked “pristine and beautiful” (not sure I’d go that far but I’ll take it). He has purchased them all.. the entire first and second batch to be picked up Saturday. He is returning for the third batch as they are tiny and he feels comfortable enough to allow me to raise them to a safer transporting size. Bought and paid for already. So I’m over the moon happy my babies are going to an experienced hobbiest who is very passionate about the hobby 🥰


Been super busy with communication with this person so if in the near future you see long fin lemon blue eyed plecos coming out of Philadelphia they just might be my babies 🥰

Guppy babies being helpful again58298979-E708-4CB2-9F9A-D4C34FF79224.jpeg.d9ebf33a399a6306c0bef650b94869b3.jpeg





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On 11/4/2021 at 12:06 AM, PineSong said:

Ooh, I am so glad you were able to find a trustworthy and appreciative buyer for your babies. Your tanks are clearly fish paradises. 


Awww thanks. Yes I am so relieved. I never had kids so my fish are my babies. It was awesome that they didn’t just make me an offer. All the inquiries about my tanks, my maintenance habits etc really made me feel confident about how they will be cared for until they are large enough for individual sale. 

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I noticed today AR is rooting into the planters to the bottom and has again grown above the water line. I love this stuff. F4EDE322-7BD2-46E8-9EE3-58FB831333F9.jpeg.7182e34529a9185318c410dea69e39b3.jpegD9207C4D-8697-4686-867D-2D82E4FFC853.jpeg.be355a0809d803ea05fca57ca5d1f193.jpegBAAEA705-82E6-4D70-84D4-F280EC792763.jpeg.a4106c3b21fdabbed501c5f0568966a4.jpegE653FC43-7BF9-49AA-BCA5-1A76D287104C.jpeg.edd3edbff5cbe1d0f525a8f9c6de97d3.jpegBB2E9195-EFF5-41C3-B26B-B074BB404786.jpeg.e36b13eeaf5a53fd52d764351b2558f4.jpeg118B2193-54CC-43F3-B5D6-95670E1FEE26.jpeg.6d4ef190cade87680c3ff41043b75501.jpeg3777A685-1258-49A1-B052-59FD8B3F7F28.jpeg.1879651bd26df532b2517552d5e175c5.jpegTomorrow I’ll move it down. Kept getting guppy photo bombed. They are so nosey. My one anubias is sending out a whole new baby plantAF6F941A-1EE2-4C84-9916-A192A9BB54A8.jpeg.3b8ba5f5e43b1eb3ec34ffaffcf54307.jpeg

CPD eating BBS. The pleco babies I put in are getting it looking better in there. I added an el nino and a windelov fern. I hate seeing fish just minuscule amount of plant cover. Got two so so pics of CPD BBS bellies873FF342-4DF2-415A-ACA0-44F3D0B94B99.jpeg.ed4b65ba72e3939a7efc17923d658204.jpeg0DB9A045-A826-42B1-A710-E886CB104B02.jpeg.f45a23407889c5d7b016f41bb1ffda21.jpeg





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