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A walk in our local park here in Colorado this morning. The squirrel is an old acquaintance I saved from a bullsnake a few years ago.

Western Painted Turtle,

two pictures of my squirrel friend

and a couple of American Pelicans.





Edited by Jungle Fan
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I moved to Texas kinda recently and I am constantly amazed by how beautiful it is. 


The sky was like this for about 5 minutes during the sunset, it almost didn't look real. I took this from my balcony. 


Earlier in the day, about 1/4 mile from my apartment. There's mystery fish in this stream, one of these days I'll figure out what they are. 


I bought a macro lens for my phone, I'm pretty impressed with the quality. 20210529_162610.jpg.dd16bfd3ad47c2b871daf2728620e6bd.jpg

Anyway, hope you enjoyed my photo dump lol

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Well this doesn’t fit in very well with all your beautiful photos, but when I went outside to water my plants (with fish water of course) I saw two rat snakes mating. 😀

After they were done they went under our porch. I’m really excited about this because we have a huge vole problem.

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So, all you people who love fireflies but they're not around your area - we have 'em here! Just have to put up with BILLIONS of these guys every few years, that's all!!

Her job done, she flies aimlessly till she drops dead, yet her red eyes remain, to haunt you until darkness falls, when the lovely fireflies emerge.. 


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This morning's blue sky is so beautiful, and there's a constant homogeneous buzz of cicadas in the air, from near to far. Zoom in to see them - those farther away look like white spots. It's not a "plague-level" pileup here, but they are everywhere, and are clumsy in flight so they fly into your face and body and weird out your dog when trying to walk or play outside. What a special treat to witness this rare event! 



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Frogzilla laid eggs in the pond and apparently the fish didn't eat all of them like I thought. Found 2 tadpoles eating the spirulina flake food today. Saw something hit the top of the water and got excited, thought it was a sign the flag fish were alive and well... Turned out to be these lil fellas. Watched them for the longest. They're so cute the way they nom across the water surface. I grew up in the woods and am a nature enthusiast but had no idea tadpoles would search out fish food and act kinda fish like. Learn something new every day. Love all of natures gifts this year so far.




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On 6/6/2021 at 6:55 PM, Kara C said:

Frogzilla laid eggs in the pond and apparently the fish didn't eat all of them like I thought. Found 2 tadpoles eating the spirulina flake food today. Saw something hit the top of the water and got excited, thought it was a sign the flag fish were alive and well... Turned out to be these lil fellas. Watched them for the longest. They're so cute the way they nom across the water surface. I grew up in the woods and am a nature enthusiast but had no idea tadpoles would search out fish food and act kinda fish like. Learn something new every day. Love all of natures gifts this year so far.




That's nice to see, we need more frogs.  :classic_smile:

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Wow, thanks for sharing everyone! Goes to show you there's beauty everywhere, whether it's in your aquarium, your yard or somewhere in the great outdoors. The images everyone shared are awesome!!

We haven't got out in the mountains yet this year, but we live in farm country so we have plenty of flora and fauna in the yard.  This is some of the stuff that has wandered through the property in past  4 or 5 years...


The quail family.. so polite.. babies are very cute!



The hummers in back yard



Turkey in our willow tree



On of the wife's roses in front yard


Surprise visitor in the shop, a bullsnake. I left the door open to cool down the shop, gets over 90 in there in summer. He was not happy about me moving him outside. He was about 6 feet all stretched out. I left him out by some gopher holes .. didn't phase them the least.



Young Hawk, he hopped around out by our grapevines trying to pick up sticks. Then he flew  over and hung out watching our chickens. They were bigger than he was and not too concerned.

One positive thing about Covid, is it allowed me to work from home and see this kind of stuff almost every day.

Edited by Griznatch
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I went for a walk today, and decided to stop and take a look at the nearby duck ponds. Was wondering what kind of aquatic plants it had. I'm interested in maybe collecting some. 



Now that its hot out I might bike out to another stream nearby my house to see what lives there. I walked past it yesterday and I saw some lillypads sprouting. 

Edited by James Black
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