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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Colony 2.0 is officially active with shrimp and the white clouds are moved. It's not a magical kingdom with an amazing aquascape but I have made a few changes when it comes to the setup. The lower height definitely gives me more options and some welcomed limitations. (29G-->20Long) In terms of where we are now, I've gone through 3 scoops of anywhere from 40-100 shrimp and sorted them. Cull rate on the first scoop was really high due to things like backbone gene and the whole rili shadow stuff I had going on (40% maybe) and following that I just tried to pick out the very best ones for launching things off on the right foot. I finished up that scoop, then I saw another massive pile of shrimp to sort, so on the project went. I repeated that one more time. There is more to get done, but the whole goal is to take my time and really look at the shrimp. There's a few newborns I have to let grow up before I can tell what is going on with them as well. Pictures and all that will come when I can, but I would love to see some other shrimpers as well. Dan posted (yep, Dan's fish) some gold amano shrimp that melted my brain a little. Really unique and I don't think I've ever expected amanos to have morphs like that.
  2. I would check locally what rocks you can actually get in the size you need. The main issue is getting "boulder" or larger and supporting them. The larger the rock I tend to prefer things with holes. As far as what "looks good" it really depends on what you're looking for. Felipe has a lot of great inspiration for big tanks and has many videos where he is inside and working with the rock, showing how he supports it, etc. Depending on the wood, what you have in mind for layout, then I think you could do well with anything from lava stone and seiryu up to whatever else you wanted. I apologize for the vague recommendation on which, but that's sort of how I would go about it.... -what is possible to get easily -what might take a little more work but is nice -what makes sense given size and weight
  3. I wouldn't do a siesta unless you were running pressurized CO2. From you're profile below, I would recommend lowering the blue LEDs to 5% or lower. In terms of all of the other channels and ratios I would adjust them based on the actual shrimp you're keeping. What color and species? I see you have some algae in the middle/center of the tank. (First photo) Are you seeing healthy growth on all of the plants? Do any of them seem to be struggling?
  4. Well, if you're visually ok with it, I can imagine there's a way to get a custom, tight, strong lid to handle the kitten duties. It's definitely a challenge. I wish it was easier to get the "right" lid for a side mount tank. The mini canister makes a lot of sense. I would recommend checking out things similar to the UNS layout in terms of trays. They don't have the media in the best order, but that is easily remedied. They have new stainless ones if you feel fancy too. For that tank, I would assume something like a 307 or delta 90 is about the right power for circulation. Having the betta in there makes it a little challenging to size it right though. I know the type, reminds me of Helga the destroyer with that face! Probably loves cuddles just as much. 😂 She is definitely the queen of the tank it seems.
  5. It's definitely something they enjoy. As long as temperature is good, it helps the water to hold a good amount of oxygenation. If you're having issues, please feel free to make a thread and show your setup. There's a lot of great corydoras keepers here.
  6. I would recommend trying to put the tidal on the end of the tank as opposed to the back. The setup you have might be fine, but consider something like a small airstone on the right corner as well to push around circulation. Those dead spots in the tank could be the reason you're experiencing algae.
  7. A great place to start would be the journal section!
  8. Seems ok to me. A lot of corydoras have some iridescence there in those locations. I don't know if it's any sort of issue, but just keep an eye out on it and keep an eye out for things like fin rot and any other symptoms that might crop up. The fish should recover, keep the tank clean and keep up with maintenance.
  9. As far as method, I would check this out. I would also encourage you to look at whitecloud dynasty on youtube. @WhitecloudDynasty is also here.
  10. are you going to play around with varied heights on the background or is the goal to get everything to the same length?
  11. I wish I could find the photo I had originally found but trying to find it was just a bit messy. I imagine a tank like that would be special with badis badis or something. Gobies. Etc.
  12. Always down, but hopefully there is someone out there who's never used them before and is hoping to try something fun in their tank for the first time! I want to try a "stick tank" where the substrate is just a later of small branches and leaves. I saw the idea off tannin aquatic and it's something I think would be fun to put into practice with shrimp or certain very nano fish. Ram Tank (preferably 1, just due to not having space) and I would use it as a cull tank for a shrimp to get an "interesting colony" going. I also want to get some of those nano corydoras... looking it up... Corydoras pygmaeus / Pygmy cory. Option 2: African butterfly fish tank (courtesy of the dave) But there's those bolivian rams.... 🙂
  13. vinegar soak paper towel? Maybe fill it for a day with a pump running some diluted white vinegar? Riddick is back in the 75G tank, I assume she's still with us. I honestly lost so many corydoras that I stopped worrying about who and what was going on and I was simply so focused on just trying to get through it all. To have the tank "whole" again is a relief and I have been slacking on some things due to the needs elsewhere around the house, but.... yeah. It'll just be nice when I get back to two tanks I can better manage and that 29G tank isn't on the broken stand anymore. I might have to recycle the glass and get some lids out of it or something. Maybe use it for the sake of a planter box. Who knows! I'm going to take the cabinet apart and use the topmost board on the 20G stand (it's the metal brooklyn petco thing) and then take the shelf and use that as a shelf. The wood stand was/is beautiful and I'm really just mad at myself for the fact that it broke apart due to these crappy floors. It is what it is! Metal stands for the win...
  14. AH! That's unfortunate. Please be sure to check out filter mod videos for your particular filter. There might be someone who has previously upgraded it in this thread as well or feel free to ask! I think they are referring to bio rings Yep! Barring the rings, I thing some people even take a scoop of gravel for a similar affect.
  15. Given the cost of a tank, I wouldn't worry about trying to save this one. Cut the seals, use it for lids or something. I wouldn't try to salvage something that has ~3 weak points on it and two of those being high stress areas.
  16. Check out the "newbie" playlist on saltwater aquarium's youtube channel. BRS and all them have a ton of great "how-to" series designed for beginners. Pecktec has one with his daughter! 🙂
  17. Check humidity in the room, the more humid... you might have issues with mold + bugs, but beyond that I thing it's purely tied to time of year and how open the house+tank are.
  18. very happy and chonky well fed limpets. This is a HD photo of them for comparison.
  19. You should be fine with "just" the hang on back in the tank. You can take some of the media out of the baggie and place it in the new tank. I would use anywhere from a few pieces of media (5-10) or go ahead and replace the media bag in the HoB and place the entire media bag into your new tank to cycle. Just having the media bag in that tank with an airstone will get you going and get the bacteria going as well. Thankfully, shrimp do not have a big bioload and it's something where you can add them to the tank as long as it's setup for them with pretty minimal issues. One thing that's helpful as well is to keep the water is the same between the two tanks.
  20. Walked into the room today and the fish were being weird. I looked on the sidewall of the tank, right side towards the back, and I didn't see anything weird going on. They were just being weird or goofy or something pecking at some susswassertang. I scolded them, "you guys are freaking me out today!" 😂 Cleaning the canister, removing carbon, and I'm going to move all the corydoras into the 75g and run through one more dose of metroplex in food. I want to ensure everything is cleaned up and make sure we're 1000000% solid moving forward. Being down to 2 tanks will be so nice. I cannot wait.
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