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  1. if the 10g is free that sounds like a great option.
  2. Do you have any pictures of the egg harvesters? I’m trying to picture it but am having trouble.
  3. Hey there. Welcome. So would any guppy fry survive in your 20 gallon tank with its current setup? There is always a chance, but there are things you can do to increase your odds if your looking for that. Keep your fish well fed, less need for them to hunt fry. Provide as much cover as you can for the fry, the better they can hide the better odds they survive. Is your 10 galling tank setup already? Does it have any occupants? If you want to keep the fry it may be to your advantage to move the pregnant guppies into their own tank or the breeder box to protect the fry. Less fish to hunt the fry the better odds they survive. With many fish in a community tank setup there isn’t any guarantee the fry survive, just things you can do to help increase their odds
  4. So what I am thinking: 20ppi - less polishing but won’t clog up for longer 30ppi - clogs up sooner… but how soon is “sooner”? Or is the difference so small I’m just over thinking it.
  5. I have never heard of that happening before. Pictures would be great to see.
  6. This is great info. I might have to try out grindal worms, I have stayed away from them due to it seemingly like more work than microworms. But your process doesn’t sounds so bad. Also, what sort of project do you have going on with egg harvesters?
  7. Thanks for the update. It sounded like it was worth a shot, and if it worked out had a big upside.
  8. I agree. It shouldn’t be a big deal. That said it’s your tank and your house that could get wreck, will multiple people online telling you it should be ok allow you to sleep at night?
  9. Day 7 update - I have left them alone since Monday. It looks like they may have perished. There doesn’t look to be any microworms….
  10. I’m concerned that the 30ppi foam would clog up to quickly. How often are you cleaning yours?
  11. If your going to engineer it this far you might as well add a fan module to deal with the humidity.
  12. The setup: 20g long tank, bare bottom, holding guppies and shrimp. Question for the hive mind: Do I go for 20ppi or 30ppi for the matter filter foam? Or go rogue and pick something completely different. Looking for which way you would vote and a little context as to why as I keep going back and forth. Thanks.
  13. Unfortunately I am no where near there. I was looking for an internet option.
  14. How big is the tank? If it is only 1/8” in just one direction I wouldn’t worry about it. I called aqueon to ask about this when I setup my tanks and that’s what I was told.
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