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  1. You could try to sell a few on this site once you have 50 posts. It has been very dead lately though.
  2. I also have had issues with baby tears. This picture is current with the plant being in my aquarium for a week. I am hoping it’s dying back and will revive after a while. But it looks pretty bad.
  3. I am in the same boat. My moss never really thrived, just slowly turned brown and died off. This is 2 months from purchase so it’s a slow. In this aquarium I have a single anubias nana and a crypt (20 gallon).
  4. You could put rummy nose tetras with either rams or apistos.
  5. I understand the process that lead to the mosquito larva getting in the aquarium, I was more referring to the odds of it happening.
  6. The guppies made short work out of the mosquito larva, I no longer see any in the aquarium. I’m going to leave the guppies in the tank until this evening just to make sure.
  7. How in the world did they get into my aquarium? I wonder if the other aquariums would have them in there too except for the fish in there. This is a dedicated shrimp tank so there isn’t anything to eat them. I will move some bachelor guppies into the aquarium to take care of them. I’m glad it was something beneficial and not harmful. Thank you @DansFish, @nabokovfan87and @GoofyGarra for jumping in right away on this one.
  8. I am not sure what this is. It looks to have a tail, a black head that is always down, moves by flipping around like a helicopter, and I found close to 100 of them in the aquarium today. Anyone know what this is and how to deal with them?
  9. I took the sponge grunge (jar #1) and the fertilizer (jar #3) and split them into another two jars that are inside under a constantly on light with a bubbler on them. I want to compare how both of these fair for a week I filled all four of them back up with aged aquarium water. Jars outside Jars inside under a light with bubblers.
  10. I’d love to hear any other suggestions on this topic.
  11. Day 10 - it looks like sponge grunge has won the contest. The water change really helped.
  12. Here are a few pics I just took. I have my tanks setup in my office so I can see them all day. I have extra things in my aquariums right now to prep to jump start the 40gs. The 20g aquarium with the moss clump is my shrimp tank, there aren’t very many yet. The 54gallon corner aquarium had an issue with the light, I dropped it in the water, it is currently a guppy bachelor/cull space. The other 2x 20gallons are my guppies. I keep a single mystery snail in each aquarium. Definitely looking for another type of fish as I will have the room soon.
  13. Day 9 - the sponge grunge looks really good. Also the fertilizer is calming down. I siphoned out the plant matter from the jars and added more aquarium water to each jar. My dog was nice enough to knock over the grass jar so that one is out. left to right: 1-sponge grunge 2-banana 3-fertilizer 4-lettuce the sponge grunge looks to be in the lead.
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