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  1. You can name your snail whatever you want, but I usually name my organisms something that fits with their behavior or appearance. Olivia might be a good name, because from the pictures, she looks kind of like an Olive Nerite Snail, or at least, Olive colored. Also, it isn't too far from the original name that you gave it, Ozzie, if I remember correctly. Again, it's up to you what you want to name it. Sarah the snail is also a pretty good name.
  2. I notoced that some of the fishes mouths are stuck open, which unfortunately is a symptom of Columnaris. You will probably want to consider quarantining your fish, because Columnaris is highly contagious. https://www.thesprucepets.com/columnaris-disease-in-aquarium-fish-1378480 https://fishlab.com/columnaris/
  3. I'm pretty sure that they will go above the waterline regularly. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/nerite-snail-care In the blog, it says that they will go above the waterline to eat the mineral deposits, and I'm not sure about this, but might come out to get oxygen as well. As long as she isn't trying to escape, it should be fine. And even if she does escape the tank, she likely won't get too far before turning back, because they need water to survive. I have never seen mine go above the waterline, even after 5 months owning my snail, so @EricksonAquatics probably knows more about it.
  4. I have never owned a Mystery Snail, but about a month ago, my Nerite Snail was experiencing a similar problem. It had algae on its shell, wouldn't move, and wouldn't eat. Here is what I think. 1. Snails will probably need minerals in the tank, but your GH looks good. However, you might want to consider raising the pH, because I am pretty sure that snails will like higher pH, GH, and KH. Don't do this immediately, though. Double check with research or another forum member. What other fish do you have? 2. He might still be stressed about the move, I don't know about Mystery, but Nerite snails' schedules can be a little different when they settle down in a new environment, and they might go completely lethargic for a few weeks. 3. Do you have a lot of algae in your tank, or barely any? One of the causes for snail inactivity is that they don't have enough food. Even if you do offer other foods, snails usually prefer natural algae, rather than processed algae. 4. I can't back up this idea, but maybe the algae might be slowing him down. Happened to my Nerite, and I tried to get it off. It worked, and made him move faster, but stressed him out a little, so don't try it. 5. If your snail is reluctant to come off the glass, that is a good sign that he is still alive and strong, because I am pretty sure they will lose their grip when they die.
  5. Are you using the same account to log in every time? For example, if you have 2 accounts, Account1 and Account2, then if you logged into it on Account1, you would have to log in again on Account2. Same if you are using incognito or Guest Mode or anything like that, once you close out of it, you will have to enter your credentials again. I noticed that on the image, you turned on "Private Browsing"... Most of the time, when you delete Cookies and other Browsing History, it will also sign you out of websites. Check for an option on your device that will clear cookies or data once you leave the page. Not sure if that's a thing, but it's possible.
  6. I added you to the PM thread, check your mailbox, @EricksonAquatics. I have had my snail for over 6 months now, but I think that you are probably more experienced with them than I am. Thanks for helping!
  7. If you want to help, I can add you to our private message thread.
  8. I was thinking we could edit through a PM thread, because I would have to reveal my name if we do a Google Doc, but I guess that's okay. Would you rather do it through a private message, or do you still want to do Docs? Send me your email address through a private message, so I can send you the document.
  9. If no one else wants to, I could write the Nerite Snails section. @Whitecloud09, are you interested in helping with this section? You have a Nerite snail, too.
  10. I also think 5 x 8 will be better, even though we have already started to get a lot of images in the other thread.
  11. Pictures here: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/38969-community-contributed-images-for-community-contributed-aquarium-guide/
  12. Yes, I don't think pictures from the internet count, ask @Kunersbettas for more information. All the pictures posted so far have been really good, in my opinion. I have only kept 3 species before, but here are some pictures that I think are pretty decent. Guppies Endler's Guppies Nerite Snail and Guppy (Crop out the fish for the guide?) Again, thanks for all the pictures, keep them coming!
  13. A few members of the forum including me have been writing and editing an aquarium guide as a community, but we are in need of images. @Kunersbettas wants the community to donate some images for the guide, so we are asking for anyone who is interested in helping out to take some high quality pictures or dig them out of the depths of your drives, and contribute to our project. Here is an list of the types of fish we might want. I will post an update once we complete the full species list. -Livebearers -Tetras -Barbs (Rasboras) Tiger Barbs -Algae Eaters and Plecos -Corydoras and other Catfish -Loaches -Gobies and Gudgeons -South American Cichlids -African Cichlids -Labyrinth Fish -Rainbowfish -Oddballs -Shrimp -Snail -African Dwarf Frog -Aquatic Turtles? Also, if you are more interested in writing and editing, please view the thread linked above.
  14. I have an Amazon Sword, but some other plants that I also have a Java Fern (You mentioned having driftwood, right?). Its easier to get a moss ball, I believe PetSmart sells them, mine is actually pretty healthy (for a plant). Another plant is Anubias, you could also attach that to driftwood. Finally, look into Roseatte Swords. Those are the plants that I have experience with, but pick whichever ones you and your fish will like.
  15. I think the snail is back to normal again. Last night, he cleaned off an entire wall of algae, meaning good appetite. He was also moving a lot faster than usual, but not abnormally fast, just at the pace that he used to move. There are no clustered poops anymore, like in the post linked below. He occasionally still makes some stringy feces, but I didn't see any last night. I will post here if there are any more problems regarding GH or Nerite Snails. Thank you for all your help.
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