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Yes it is time, the journal where I post everything for my 20-gallon long!!!! I bought the tank, an empty 20-gallon long Marineland tank. I ordered these items for my tank, down below. From aquarium coop. AC sponge filter. Edit: also bought baby brine shrimp for my WCMMS, not related to this topic tho Amazon buys, Standard airline tubing for sponge filter. Heater, going for a tropical tank instead of what I did with my 10g WCMM tank with no heater. Air pump for sponge. Spiderwood 7 pc set. Thermometer. Nicrew 20 watt 30 inch light. 20lb bag of sand (black galaxy) And maybe i forgot something else but idk if i did or not. For my stocking, (again, tank is not setup and there is nothing in it and has not been cycled, going to do the fishless cycle) 8 panda corys. 6 guppies or rasboras cannot decide which schooling fish i want yet. And 3 honey gourimais. And it will be heavily planted, going for that natural look. And that is it, thanks for reading! Pictures as soon as i set up!!!!
Hello Friends! I have a 20 gallon TopFin starter kit. For those of you that don't know me, I have 5 species of plants, a male betta, 2 otos, and 2 nerite snails. I plan to eventually get a small school of fish, but that's another topic for another day. I need to upgrade my lighting on my tank from the stock lighting hood, which will require me to get a new hood altogether. In addition to my beautiful aquatic babies, I also have three curious cats that love to try to sit atop the fish tank and play with the fish if they're allowed... 😑 My question to you is what tank hood is the best to protect my aquarium inhabitants while also providing enough light to my plants? I must also mention that I have a Fluval T series heater and a HOB Aqua Clear filter. Everything I'm finding online is glass and has two sections-a front and a back. Do these work well? I'm not opposed to the glass tops, but it must be strong enough to keep the meows out while also allowing enough space for the heater/HOB filter, and enough light through for my plants. Thanks so much for any advice! ❤️❤️❤️Rosi
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Hello everyone! I wanted to start a little journal of my high-tech planted tank. (More like medium-tech; these are all mostly easy-to-grow plants) Plants are val, dwarf sag, dwarf hairgrass, various types of buce and crypts, java fern and finally amazon swords. I used some cheap Mexican beach stones available at home depot/lowes for the island in the center. The wood is called ghostwood, which I believe is just sandblasted manzanita. Substrate is UNS contrasoil capped with some coarse sand. My goal is to get the val to fill a lot of the back half of the tank and float over the surface. I know the swords might be too large for a 20 long, but i feel that with adequate pruning i can get them to remain bushy. once they grow in they will hopefully shade the buce and prevent any algae growth on their leaves. The Dward Sag has exploded. the dwarf haorgrass is the newest addition and am hoping to get a decent carpet going. I wouldn't mind a patchy look in the foreground. I'm dosing nilocg Thrive+ and am running 1.5 bps off a small paintball tank. Took a while to dial in the needle valve as the Aquatek regulator has really bad tolerance. The CO2 diffuser is placed right under the intake of the aquaclear 50. So far, the diffusion has been excellent and I haven't noticed any issues with the impeller. I also swapped an impeller from my AC30 into the 50 to get gentler flow which the rummynose tetras seem to prefer. Stocking is an apisto hongsloi, about 20 rummynose, and 9 corys. Nitrates are consistently below 30ppm so I feel i can fit in some more fish. I'd like some nano Amazonian top dwellers; Pleas make suggestions! I was thinking of either dwarf hatchetfish or pencil fish.
Hello All! I am setting up my first community tank, and just looking for somewhere to keep my progress. I have kept a few Bettas in 5 gallon cycled tanks, the last of which I had for 4 years. For plants I had moss balls and java fern. After a 3 year hiatus, a few moves and some general life getting in the way, I started to concider getting another fish. As I started looking at a new setup since I had gotten rid of my old one I started to be very interested in a larger tank, and have spent that past few months deciding. I picked up a 20g long, glass lid, nicrew 24/7 light, sponge filter, and a tetra ex30. I packed the filter with sponge, floss and some purigen (to remove tannins I don't care for the black water look). Here is my hardscape, I am just waiting on plants. It is a dirted tank, capped with hth pool filter sand. Manopi wood, river rock, terracotta pot, and a random driftwood stick that I think I might remove if I can find another way to hide the heater tl/dr: first community tank 20g long. Have experience with Bettas and cycling a tank. Here is my hardscape.
So I recently decided to go down the road of attempting my first planted tank. I ordered Anubias Nana, Water Sprite, and Amazon Sword from Co-OP that should be arriving Friday.. My goal for this tank is for it to be a guppy tank. I have a small amount of guppy grass that I had floating in my grow out tank. Apparently guppy grass is hard to come by in Florida. What are some other good floating plants to add? I should mention this will be a low tech tank. I am going to try reaching out at my local fish club to see if anyone has any floating plants available since my LFS does not. Also what would be a good amount of guppies for a 20L? I picked up 6 females and 3 males today and they are in my makeshift quarantine tank.
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- 20g
- planted tank
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