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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I’m debating whether to dig a big hole in my garden and put a 70 gal tub in it because I’ve always wanted a pond 😂. Maybe fill it up with ricefish? What is their temperature tolerance ?
  2. Went to go watch my 65 gal, which is a bit of a dumping ground for my aquarium club 😑. I’ll tag @Guppysnail
  3. I’d do: 1) Clown Killis and Kuhli loaches 2) Endlers and shrimp 3) My absolute favorite: Planted neon tetras tank with blue dream shrimp. 4) Amazon Leaf fish.
  4. I think we all want to breed a lot of stuff. What are RTBS?
  5. I have to admit I’m always petrified of fry getting into a heater like that and ending up as fried fry😜.
  6. I use a variety of fish meds which do not work in the slightest over here in Europe, but I’m told that Ich-X and Maracyn are supposed to give good results.
  7. Welcome to the forum! It looks like Epistylis to me, because Ich has relatively even spots and a whitish color, whereas the photo shows a gold color and spots which differ greatly in size. @Colu is a bit of a fish vet. Any ideas?
  8. I think Aspidorus ones are about the same size… why not Pygmy Corys to get a bit of swimming action?
  9. Ever thought of throwing some Java moss in?
  10. I agree with you, they’re stag horn algae. I think the best way is to scrape or pluck it off , even though it does look kind of nice.
  11. Have you spotted any more fry? What are you thinking of doing with them once juvenile/ adult?
  12. You’re very lucky that you have managed to breed them. They’re supposed to be the easiest thing going and I have never managed!
  13. Tell you what, I think I’m going to do a fish dictionary. Put all the main meanings and uses of stuff in it and do a relatively complete summary of the main fish species. That’s going to be autumn project, along with trying to rid my LFS (I work there) of sick and unhealthy fish. Thanks for the idea!
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