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Everything posted by ADMWNDSR83

  1. Congrats, winners! You all have helped me through these past few weeks I've been around!
  2. I like the look of that, Bill! I may have to hit Lowes tomorrow before my water change!
  3. I have a 37g, and don't have a python or a tap that would work with a Python. I add a few drops of dechlorinator (I have been using stress coat, but I'm getting ready to switch to Prime) to each bucket as it's filling.
  4. That piece does look amazing! The piece that is the challenge for me is the one on the right. The left piece seems to not be letting any tannins out.
  5. Admittedly, my photos, aren't great at this point. I'm just returning to the hobby after a long hiatus. At a yard sale recently, I obtained an aerial photograph of the Baltimore Ballpark, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, and an idea was born! After all, the Orioles' colors of orange and black tend to be in no shortage in freshwater aquarium fish. This idea was reinforced the first time I saw a picture of a koi angelfish, and knew I had found my focal centerpiece. The color scheme is rather singular, as I aim for the Orioles' black and orange whenever I can. I also considered looking for a purple to bring in the Ravens, but didn't want to go the GloFish route and haven't run across anything else. What you're seeing here is a 37 gallon topfin. Substrate is Black Diamond blasting sand. To the right is a gnarl of spiderwood which I soaked for 4 days before putting into the tank, and after 5 weeks in the tank I'm still having tannin issues! To the right is some other little piece of driftwood. In the back of the tank are 3 Amazon Swords and several clumps of Jungle Val. In the front are multiple clumps of micro swords. As should always be the case 😉 , all of my plants and my sponge filter came from the Co-op! What I have not been able to get really any pictures of yet are my Clown Pleco and a school of 6 Schwarz' Cories. Living higher in the water column are 2 Golden Wag(MickeyMouse?) Swordtails (there were three but I had an explained casualty the other day), and two koi angels, Natty and Bo(Anyone from Baltimore, enjoy the reference there!) I'd love to know anyone's thoughts in the forum world, and I'll work on some better pictures!
  6. I put a piece of spiderwood in my 37 gallon after soaking in hot water for 4 days. It was too large for me to boil, so I would put as hot water as possible into the rubbermaid and changed anytime it cooled down. I find myself now, a month later, changing water twice every week to combat the tannins, but I enjoy giving the fish the structure to swim around so don't want to lose it.
  7. That weight scares me on that one. I'd say go with the structural wall, and as much surface area as possible in contact with the floor on the new stand, not just four leg spots.
  8. Thanks a bundle. Will siestas be alright even with basic lights that just turn on and off?
  9. In my 37 gallon planted tank, lights are required to see anything, obviously. My standard schedule at work is 2pm-12am, so often I don't see the fish in the evening because at the moment my lighting timer is set from about 8:30 am-8:30 pm. I'm trying to decide if it would mess with the fish too much to have the lights on in the morning, and then go off during the day while I'm at work, then turn back on when I'm getting back from work. Am I just being selfish and messing with the fish's brain by have the lights on and off unnaturally? I'd love some better brains than mine weighing in on when my lights should be on or off!
  10. I apologize for this, but the site won't allow me to start a new thread, and this at least is close to the topic. I work from 2-12 each night, and spend a good amount of time not being able to see my fish with the lighting schedule I have now. I don't want to leave the lights on so long and create an algae issue, but I'd love to be able to see them both before and after work. Would it be detrimental to the fish in my tank if I had the lights on in the morning before I go to work, and then in the evening when I get home, with the lights off in the meantime so the algae bloom doesn't overwhelm? Thanks for any insight.
  11. Mine is the black bag... I think it's 2040
  12. Now THAT is some fancy stuff right there. How often will you have to change out your candle, Daniel? 😉
  13. Is the hole for air to come up from a fire, so that the air is heated? Thanks for the info on the posting issue.
  14. Cold water sinks through the hole in the bottom as warm water runs in the top?
  15. Heater? Also, side note, why will it not let me create a new topic on any of the boards?
  16. Natty and Bo, my two Baltimore Orioles inspired koi angelfish!
  17. Tiffany, another option if you are looking for a different color is black blasting sand, which is particles of coal slag. I got mine from Tractor Supply store for $9 for a 50 lb bag. Others who know more may disagree if this is too coarse for the loaches, but my fish seem to love it, and others told me they've had no problems.
  18. I have noticed today that one of my female swordtails is getting noticeably chubby. My male is following her closely and "nosing" her in her pelvic/anal fin area. Is this breeding behavior, or are we past that point and she is preparing to release? I know swords are livebearers, so I'm just trying to be sure I know what stage in the game we are at. Thanks for any insight!
  19. I scrolled down and the first thought I have was... THAT LOOKS LIKE THE FISH IN MY AQUARIUM! Who knew, I'm being historical! Side note: I wasn't sure if zebra danios would be safe with my koi angels. At this point I have some swordtails and a school of cories. Angels are arriving Thursday!!!
  20. Thanks Jayden, it's definitely at full strength. I'm struggling with some cloudiness, but it could just be the new tank stuff working out. I've had it running about 3 and a half weeks at this point.
  21. After watching countless reviews, I decided to get an Aquaclear 50 for my 37 gallon tank. Now, I realize just how short and skinny the intake tube is! I feel like the water comes out of the outlet, and straight back into the intake. Does anyone have any thought on this? Am I overthinking it, or should I be concerned about the lack of filtration power. I will also note I have an Aquarium Co-op sponge filter in the tank as well.
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