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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Ha, funnily I just finished watching this video, I agree what a great guy to learn from! Something to aspire to!
  2. Opinions differ as you would see, I have Nerites of different types in ALL of my tanks and they seem to be just fine. My waters regularly test in the mid 7s and gH between 6-9.
  3. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA: The 2 Gallon QT Well folks Day 5 of Epsom Salt soak for our Popeye patient and last dose of the first round of Kanaplex. Food was pretty much left untouched but since I'm pretty sure patient ate earlier in the week I'm not super concerned- if I was in this little one's fins I wouldn't want to eat a lot either. It seems like the skin around the eye is just a little better maybe not between yesterday and today but definitely between day 1 and 5, it seems a little less stretched and a bit more rounded hopefully meaning the eye is pulling inward how far that goes of course is yet to be seen with continued care. The little one is very patient with me, I catch them with a net out of the QT but I hand catch them out of the container when the soak is done as it seems to stress them a whole lot less, fins and mouth get caught on the net more than I'd like. @Odd Duck you recommended a 5 day soak on the Epsom, should these continue with the 2nd round of Kanaplex or just do the 2nd round with the Aquarium Salts? I plan on doing a water change after the last 48hour dose is up and starting up again.
  4. I love it when a fish displays a curiosity when you're working in their tank.
  5. That's a good question. I'd be concerned about it effecting the meds not knowing how they'd intereact as I am no chemist. If I were in your shoes: When in doubt, take it out! 🙂
  6. It's a good option, especially for smaller tanks. I put one on my 4 gallon for a little extra light and it has a 4, 6 and 8 hour timer on it with color and intensity options. Anubias is pretty bulletproof in my experience so I wouldn't worry there- and I have lots of Windelov it's good too.
  7. Hi @Emily Z honestly I don't see why you couldn't add a Nerite snail. Some sources say they like a tank to have 12-18 gH. What is yours at? I've found Nerite snails to be the BEST part of any clean up crew. Bonus: they're probably not going to be picked on by the Betta, their foot doesn't really show as they move around so they're pretty well armoured- their antenae are tiny and the Betta may not even notice them.
  8. ah well in that case I say wait until the tank tells you.
  9. Maybe you could get a small submersible light that would have suction cups you could place just inside or on top of a glass lid or if you have a plastic lid they will sometimes stick there- could also submerse them in the background and play with light that way.. They come in lots of lengths, can usually angle them different directions, sometimes have different color or intensity options, usually have timers attached to their remotes or inline controllers and they're usually pretty inexpensive.
  10. Looks neat, what are you thinking to do to it if you didn't leave it?
  11. There is theory of course behind different color lights but I'm wondering if the LEDs are strong enough in some cases because as @Torrey and @OnlyGenusCaps has experienced- I have a rim light that was part of a glofish set up and you cannot turn off the blue LEDs while the white ones are running- I pilfered it and am using it on my Aquatop. I don't find any more algae growth in the tank than any of my other tanks. I did find that when I added a bit more light to the tank (all white LED) I definitely got more algae. @Atitagain the tank looks so cool with the blue, can you put that part on a timer so you can at least see it part of the day?
  12. LOL @Torrey I only paid $7 for my glass lid it was bought online for the discount and I used points, didn't have to cut or store a thing just threw it on the tank. 😉
  13. @Odd Duck Oh yes, I understand that too, I guess I'd have to ask them if they'd be willing to try. I'm willing to take them in- but here veterinary appointments are weirdly hard to come by and the emergency vets are booked solid. It's pretty crazy. I live pretty close to UC Davis. A friend of mine took her goldfish there who was swimming upside down years ago. A family friend graduated from Davis as a large animal Vet and is a cattle rancher.
  14. Hahaha aww that's lovely. I COMPLETELY get the dog hanging with the cat analogy there. These Endlers would probably totally annoy my Harlequins lol. They're in a tank with 5 Ember Tetras and I'm not sure if they even know what's going on- sometimes they participate in the antics but most of the time they are sitting there staring at them. Yeah I got my selection at my LFS, I let them pick my first batch of 4 (aka just whatever they catch which I'm totally cool with) and the 2nd batch of 4 were literally the very last 4 they had and I still got quite the variety, one is entirely white (haven't managed a good pic of them yet)
  15. @Odd Duck that's too rich for my blood, attempting that. Especially since they don't have eyelids I'd have a hard time with it. HOWEVER, I live very near a pretty famous veterinary teaching school and they do see fish. I might consult with them over it out of curiosity and see what they say.
  16. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank For a break from our Popeye patient we'll talk about baby Otos! They are now 1 month 16 days old, still not even as long as a penny. They remain in the larger of my floating breeders. They are cute little squirts.
  17. That is odd but fish do eat other deceased fish so that's always possible. Sometimes bodies surface later too. I just recently started with Endlers. I think they are definitely more fun in groups. I started with 4 and lost 2 to the mystery illness in above mentioned tank- the remaining two would do NOTHING but chase each other. I felt when I added 4 more that let some of the pressure off and they take turns- but still a lot of action in the tank. They're pretty fun. I'm not sure if it's highly important like you said but they seem awfully social.
  18. Oh I gotcha. If you think it'd be happier there and showing no signs of illness and you're comfortable moving them I'd say go for it- they were already in there. I recently treated a tank for illness and had 1 Oto left in there. I'd planned on putting them back into my Oto tank since I didn't want them to be solo. I waited until after the illness cleared and there were no signs of trouble- which was about 3 weeks. It's definitely a judgement call. 🙂
  19. Just to clarify, the Endlers weren't QT'd prior to putting into your established tank? If so and with the others not making it, I might leave this one here for a few weeks before I transfer in case they are sick. You don't want to infect 2 tanks if this is the case.
  20. @Guppysnail interesting. I'm still not sure what makes them do it, considering I have a lot of Anubias and this is the only tank that has had this happen- especially since the tank next to it has pretty much the same parameters.
  21. I am so happy with my thorned/spiked Nerites in my "Angry Man" tank that I had to get some for my "Parent Tank". Unfortunately my LFS hasn't had any so I ended up ordering some online. I got a pack of 5, they shipped me 9, unfortunately it seems only 4 are going to make it (jury still out on one of them they were placed on a watch). I probably won't do that again- maybe I'll just ask my LFS to get them for me if they can as I'd like to have a few more for other tanks. THAT being said they are so tiny (they stay small anyway but these are babies). Today my Mystery snail Immaculate was trolling the glass with one of the newbies. I've named them after the Penguins in the Madagascar movies but they're impossible to tell apart (like penguins) so I'm not sure if this is Skipper, Kowalski, Private or Rico. #5 who is on watch is Classified- hopefully they're just napping. Update: @Guppysnail unfortunately Classified didn't make it. I also lost another one. Too small and too much change for them I suspect in a short amount of time. 😞
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