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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The 2 Gallon QT It has now been 15 days since I found our Popeye patient in need of assistance. I think I'm pretty pleased with how they're coming along so far especially since eye injuries I've been reading in fish can take months to heal IF they do heal. I started a new round of Kanaplex we did dose 2 of that today so started 20 minute Epsom baths for the next 5 days or so. After this I think good sized water change and constant clean water will be on order. I may contact the local Veterinary University Hospital to consult on whether bringing them in sooner or waiting a bit for healing time is better. Patient eats every other day or so a decent amount. I always kind of grit my teeth so to speak when I'm putting a fish through a round of meds. I'll be happier when it stops. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank I love my little Momma Oto. She's always somewhere in the front right corner of the tank. Unlike most of my Otos in both the tanks she's not at all spooked by my presence and rarely moves even when I'm working in the tank. You'd think it was because she's guarding eggs maybe but I've looked and not seen any. Sometimes I wonder if the snails eat them as I see the Mysteries in that corner from time to time. I put this driftwood cage over the tiny Amazon she loves and it's been there since the other spawns but the snails do find their way there regardless. Anyhow, she's just relaxing at the top of that cage today, thought it was cute if it didn't look just a little uncomfortable: I've been testing a bit earlier in the morning and on a different day. Getting different readings lately in my tanks- oddly my Parent tank usually tests well but since I've tested the last couple of Wednesdays I've gotten different ones: Parent tank parameters: Temp: 75.6 pH: 7.6 (consistent here) Nitrite: .10 (this was the odd one- it usually tests 0, technically there is no .10 but it wasn't blue and it wasn't the .25 purple it was somewhere in between) Nitrate: 40 (consistently) KH: 4/71.6 GH: 161.1
  2. Honestly, when I saw the picture (of the LFS leftover) I thought, wow what a beautiful fish.
  3. @Torrey ah very nice to know. If my water is already 7.6 pretty consistently do you think I'd get into the 6 range though?
  4. @Cinnebuns kittens are awesome and cats are not hard to train like some people would try and tell you. My cats don't raise a claw to anything they aren't allowed to. They are allowed on my kitchen counter but not when I'm cooking and they know it. They sit politely on their designated pot holder at the end of my counter to watch me moving about in the morning. They don't wake me up unless it's really time (they know they can after my alarm sounds). I could go on and on. Ragdolls have awesome personalities- you will enjoy her immensely.
  5. I guess I am constantly disappointed by the fact that my cats are so well behaved. They will occasionally watch the fish, and I've caught one of my 2 boys on top of one of my 20 gallons (really seemingly to sit on it without a care for the inhabitants). When I first got my cats I got a Christmas tree JUST for them to play with but they don't care. They might knock a pen off a desk but that's as bad as they get. So I'm always fascinated by others' experiences. Seems like you've got a live on on your hands!
  6. For those who find benefits with the leaf litter, it lowers pH yes? ...in doing so does it have any negative effects on your snail friends at all? I've been thinking of doing this but wondering if it would be bad for them.
  7. OMG I LOVE this guy! How cool! I remember as a kid there was a lotto commercial that had a guy who won go to a fancy restaurant where they sold lobster and you picked it from live specimens- he bought all of them and the next scene you see is him at the beach setting them all free. I would totally do that. Now I might keep one for a pet.
  8. Sounds like the Betta especially is in better hands with you now. I'm sure it will help. Let us know the update.
  9. Sounds like a plan! You're on the right track. You could do a water change if the ammonia does spike and is a manageable level before redosing medication. I've done it with success in the past.
  10. That's the funny thing, the bottle claims to do a lot! I wish there was something that was all encompassing!
  11. No you are correct- what I mean is you have many options but you need to do what you think is best for the fish. If that's keeping them in the tank they're in, definitely do that. I was trying to convey is there is no one "right way". Sorry to confuse you. I was just trying to say this is where fish keeping can get tricky.
  12. And that poor betta. They are very susecptible to fin rot and you did say the little thing was at the store forever. Betta fish IMO are among the hardest fish to keep. You might want to consider starting treatment sooner rather than later. This can go downhill quickly. But new clean water can make a world of difference. Give it 24hrs and make a decision from there.
  13. If I were in your shoes, I think it's fine to leave them where they are- you're in the wait and observe stage anyway- like you said no rush really. I agree in not stressing them- and if this is going to be their final tank anyway- it's probably best. The good thing is you have lots of possible options- the messed up part of fish keeping is there's lots of ways to approach this: Some meds can crash a cycle (honestly I have to refresh myself every time I use a med and read if that's the case) so if you'd rather not deal with that the other tank is an option. Med trio is supposed to be invert safe but I don't know if that includes scuds. You also have to consider the other tank needing a disinfection after QT which is no big deal it's just something to think about. I'd give the "not white glove clean" tank a good cleaning before starting the meds you chose so you don't have to worry too much about parameter issues.
  14. IMO If you decide to use the "weak fish" method of the trio I would choose what would treat best what you're seeing, yes.
  15. @PineSong it's ok I'm not that big on tech either but a friend has a 4k tv and swears it's a big visual thing (I've watched a 4k movie on it, I wasn't that impressed). The colors are supposed to be super true and black is a true black, blah blah blah....oooh shiny objects.....
  16. @PineSong you must have the 4K version (saw it being boasted on netflix)
  17. @DarthRevan honestly it could be great stuff, but I have that as a rule for myself AND my animals. 🙂 It's just a preference.
  18. You are correct, the reason they recommend that is because of ammonia, and if you do feed do it on the 4th or 5th day of treatment if I remember correctly.
  19. I've had pretty good experiences floating some Polyfilter after medicating tanks.
  20. It may. Keep a close eye on parameters when you start medicating (esp ammonia) you don't have much of a bioload though with a 10 gallon QT and that selection, but it's saved me a lot of grief in the past.
  21. I'm not a fan myself of companies that refuse to tell me their ingredients and just say "proprietary blend". Likelyhood is it could be Indian Almond Leaf "tea" with who knows what else. AKA Catappa leaves are good for Bettas and other fish and have anti-bacterial properties. You could make this "tea" yourself or just drop a leaf in and let it work its own magic.
  22. IMO you're off to a good start. I probably wouldn't start medicating for a day or 2 if you're going with the med trio. I'd recommend re-reading the instructions on the Aquarium Co-op page (especially if you see signs of weak fish).
  23. Are they going into a QT tank or what is ultimately your display tank? What are your parameters?
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