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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Hi @Cinnebuns sure looks like it to me. Sadly this never happens when the stores are open. Yes you can treat Ich with Aquarium salt but I have not tried it myself. Ich X would come in handy if it's something you can get tomorrow. Raising the temperature increases the life cycle of Ich and the only time they are susceptible to medication is a very short window- the scabs that you see fall off, releasing eggs into your substrate, they incubate then hatch when they come up to swim (in the hundreds) THIS is when the meds can kill them- otherwise they attach to new hosts and the cycle starts again. The heat speeds up the lifecycle- I've treated Ich a few times 1x with heat the other times without both successfully- but you have to treat your fish longer. If you have no other options here is the Aquarium Co-op link for treating it with salt: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish Start whatever treatment you choose ASAP as it can get out of control pretty quickly! But it is one of the easiest illnesses to ID and treat IMO.
  2. OTOCINCLUS VITATTUS: The Accidental Oto Tank AND The Parent Tank BABIES!!!! So today while doing my daily maintenance in the Accidental Oto Tank I noticed a new 2-3 day old baby between the breeder and the front glass! I'm not sure if it was previously trapped or I in my maintenance mode did it, but the poor little thing got squished a bit and started to tumble down when I moved the breeder back to try and catch them. 😔 There was still some life in them so I caught them and at first put them in the breeder in the Accidental tank, but the babies in there are little roughian juvies at 2 months and a day old and could easily mosh pit this tiny already possibly mortally wounded baby so I pulled it and put it in the Parent Tank with the 2 others from there (I'm gonna need to grab a couple more breeder boxes this weekend I think). Little one was still upright on the bottom of the breeder but hadn't moved before I left to work. Either little one will recover or I'll be removing them tomorrow. Wish them luck. So I went back to the Accidental Tank and looked a bit more and found another baby. Caught them as well and put them in with their sibling and the Parent Tank's 8 day olds. This is that little one: While doing inspections I always try and make sure everyone is eating either by evidence of food being gone or little poops left behind. Today in The Parent Tank one of my 8 day olds made me proud by pooping the prettiest spiral I've ever seen in excrement, yeah I know I'm weird, but I'm fascinated by essential functions of life 🙂
  3. @Odd Duck you have been a tremendous help in this effort so thank you and appreciate your ongoing viewpoint- your assistance has helped little Oto get to where they are now. I still plan on talking to the University to see about a physical and if they can assist further with my patient if I can get an appointment after the new year. The fact that the injured eye has some function makes me want to believe it can heal a bit more at least. Here's hoping!
  4. @dasaltemelosguy the nitrate experiment with bamboo starts with page 4 so you don't have to wade through my Oto entries and are sporadic so far. I posted a pic of what my bamboo looked like in the pot before I tore them out. They're not big only about 3' root to tip of leaves, part of that might be lack of nutrients and not a lot of light. They're not getting much light now but plenty of nitrate since it's been consistently 40ppm for months. I'm not sure bamboo really stops, that's my concern. Never plant it in the ground unless you want a yard full of bamboo and own a Panda bear. It's prolific. I guess one could just cut the tops off and put them in water to propogate more, I might have to try that once mine grow a bit- I've never tried!
  5. @Torrey Excellent observations. I'm just trying to take everything into account with multiple sources of info and determining a plan from there. I absolutely appreciate your input.
  6. Didn't get any fish/aquarium related books but I got myself a super cool book nook as a Merry Christmas to me. The lantern lights flicker and the window of the Potion Shop changes color
  7. They are so small and your parameters and filtration seem enough to be able to handle 18 total pretty easily IMO. I have 9 CPDs in a 4 gallon tank and they are doing awesome and tank parameters are ideal. They're similar in size to your Chilis (I'd be tempted to have 20 in your 20).
  8. @Crystal_Marie honestly if that's your thought, just make the flex a Betta tank and if the deal goes well- get your 20 gallon and leave the betta in the 9- go mad with the 20! The fish thing is hard- typically you want to get a fish that comes from similar water parameters as you, LFS are usually your best bet. Barring that if the parameters aren't posted on the sites you're looking at- email the company and ask- I find good customer service is also a test of whether or not I want to order a fish from them. I say that but I got 8 CPDs from Aqua Huna which is in another region as me and often described as soft water territory (I have hard water) and my CPDs did great- on the other hand I ordered a beautiful Betta from a company in TX and sadly she didn't last much more than a month. It's hit or miss- but if you can find someone that has closer water parameters you have a better chance!
  9. @Torrey I really appreciate your kind words and insight and confirmation of some of the things I've been reading. I was planning on making some Indian Almond Leaf tea for both the QT and the Oto tank on my days off and utilize that. As it stands I have half an IAL in the QT tank- thought that would be sufficient since they say 1 IAL can be enough for a 10 gallon. and it's darkening nicely so the tea I make will bring it up a notch. I thought maybe lights would be an issue thankfully the Imagitarium holding tank I have them in has a top that doesn't allow a lot of light in so it's pretty low light especially when I'm not home and the kitchen lights are off. I'm trying my best to keep their stress level as low as possible. What is your opinion about the Epsom baths? Should these continue or should I leave the poor Oto be?
  10. @Crystal_Marie Welcome to the forum! I have a Flex9 as well and it was intended for my last Betta- unfortunately she died before I was able to put her in there and I've decided to no longer keep Betta fish. What I can say is Bettas can be tough in a community tank. What you'll want to do is start with your community fish- you said you wanted Neons- and I agree they might be a bit big for the Flex as really in the end it's about 7 gallons of usable fishy space- so consider that. I started my community tank with Ember Tetras- they are a good option as they are small (less than an 1") and a group of 6-8 will work well in the Flex. They have similar water parameter needs (I'd keep them at about 7pH and minimum temp of 80 with a Betta inhabitant) I would recommend 1 Nerite Snail for clean up. You'll want to add your Betta LAST- they are rather territorial- have your community fish settle in first. THIS means you'll need to start a QT for a Betta. I use Petco's Imagitarium Temporary Holding Habitat (as I keep small fish these make great inexpensive QT tank- and the advantage to these as opposed to storage bins is they have lids that already have breathing holes and tube cut outs/feeding lid- but see through as well) but you can use any plastic storage bin or even get a small glass tank. We here cannot stress how important quarantining new fish is! I will also say because you have to start with community fish first- and you're putting in what is considered an "aggressive" fish- have a backup plan if things do not work out....Bettas can be great in a community tank but they all have different personalities and some will be too aggressive for the other fish. Since I decided to not keep Bettas anymore I've added 1 Hillstream Loach and 5 Endler males to my Flex- this is a very fun, colorful and very active combination- just as alternative to Betta fish keeping. Male Guppies would also be fun and colorful and IMO both are much easier to keep than a Betta. Just food for thought. As far as plants, I love Anubias, easily glued to a piece of wood, rock or decoration they are beautiful and easy to grow- the Flex doesn't have the best plant lighting- so lower light plants are best for this tank. I have Anubias, Java Fern Windelov and Narrow Leaf, as well as Bacopa Caroliniana in my tank and they all do very well- and are easy to propogate. p.s. Most on here seem to have the Flex15, I've had a lot of issues with filtration in my 9, so watch the pump and parameters closely. I've not noticed the 15 owners saying the same. I've since hotrodded my tank so that doesn't happen anymore- not saying it will happen to you- just keep an eye on it.
  11. @Eva Personett good luck with your move. Glad someone is able to take your tank. I'm sure that is something of a stress reliever.
  12. @dasaltemelosguy well I'd owned my Lucky Bamboo for at least 4 years maybe a bit longer already- I'd repotted them a year or so ago in aquarium substrate because it was what I had on hand. So that was what got put in my tank- and since they, and my Pothos and Spider plant experimentation plants are with Otos- they don't have any danger of getting eaten- maybe just cleaned a lot haha. When I say I saw the Nitrate move- it went from 40-80 (the reds are hard to tell apart on API master test kit) to not so clearly red and partly orange- so I'm looking forward to my testing next week to see if we can get a full on orange. The plant is clearly happy because its roots have outstretched and the plant on top is spreading out. I'm documenting on my Accidental Oto journal.
  13. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The 2 Gallon QT So today after yesterday's pictures I decided to start up a round of Epsom soaks again. They have had a couple of days rest from it. I'm wondering if every other day is therapeutic enough? Anyone have an opinion? Little one goes in while I clean up their space. I had mentioned yesterday I was going to pull the Indian Almond Leaf but upon some further reading and its purported benefits I'll leave it for now until and unless I need to medicate again. I put some pics side by side and while the 21st looks like it was better than either of the other pictures (and it may be but the angle may throw things off I'm not sure) it does appear it's stayed the same for some time now. The redness in the area up to today still bothers me- but I'm hoping it is just damaged and hopefully healing tissue under the stretched skin around the eye, like bruising, NOT an infection. 🤞 One thing I was encouraged by is that I saw the little one "blink" with both eyes- not sure what that movement is officially called since they don't have eyelids but both eyes moved in unison so that to me says function in the area is still there. I'm not sure what they are seeing if anything from that eye though it looks clear- there is probably some blindness- I'll have to do some further focused "tests" on them later.
  14. Otocinclus Cocama (Tiger) and Vittatus: The Love I love (all) my fish babies- with Otos specifically there's just something so endearing about their cartoony faces, how they stick to the side of the glass, how sometimes they can move awkwardly swimming slowly or seemingly teleport from one end of the tank to another coming to an abrupt stop on something. There are so many more things I love about them. I admire them daily. Momma Oto (The Parent Tank): Otocinclus Vittatus and Cocama (The Accidental Oto Tank):
  15. @laritheloudThat would be amazing. Sleep well fishy friend
  16. @laritheloud I'd love to pinch that torte recipe from you to keep her recipe alive (of course if you're willing to pm it to me). I have an English scone recipe from one of my former co-workers who was English that was her mom's and I refuse to eat any other scones they are so good. Family recipies are the best!
  17. @dasaltemelosguy I read your initial post on the Nitrate and pothos/bamboo so I had started my own amateur experiment on my 10g Oto tank. I've seen the Nitrate move even in under a week weirdly though you say your results came 2 weeks later or more- maybe because mine is a smaller tank than yours. How do you manage your bamboo? I can't have 6' stalks! Can you just cut the tops off? Do you trim roots without hurting the plant?
  18. @PineSong I find adult Otos some of the hardest fish to catch. 😑 ESPECIALLY in a planted tank.
  19. I have occupied tanks with no high tech, no ferts that run 40ppm regularly.
  20. @Streetwise we all press play at the same time? Merry Fishmas my fishy friends!!!
  21. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The 2 Gallon QT Day 23 for my injured Popeye patient. They've been given a break from medication just sitting in QT solitary with Aquarium salt, a piece of Polyfilter and a small piece of Indian Almond Leaf- though I think I might pull that- not sure it will do much good- but moreso so I can see them better. I do small daily water changes sucking out of old food with a syringe. Haven't noticed any significant amount of food being eaten since the last update. I think it looks a little less puffy but it seems rather red to me- though the QT and the fact that it's kind of dark plays with the colors on me. The pics I have are in the QT instead of the Epsom bath (which we're taking a few days break from) so the angles are different from the usual. What was good about these is I can now clearly see with the side shot there is some healing damage along the skin just under the eye in the pic so there is no doubt the poor thing got it pretty good. Not sure where in the Accidental Oto Tank this could have happened- I try really hard not to put things near walls or put anything in the tank that might hurt them- but there is a piece of wood that stuck out well enough (since moved to a different position and some twigs cut off) and the sponge filter was close to the wall. I'll never know for sure. Otos can be spazzy when you're working in the tank. We might have reached the plateau for now but I'm determined to see if I can get this eye to heal. I think after the new year turns and people are back at work I'll contact the local university for an appointment regardless of little one's status (well barring a total miracle).
  22. Welcome to the forum @Ebish, hope you find what you need!
  23. The Accidental Oto Tank: Nitrate Experimentation The bamboo saga chapter. So, really not expecting to get different results just having put the bamboo into the tank this week (Monday)- but I think we have movement. Today when doing my weekly test it was not the clearly blatant red it has been for months- you know that red that you can't see the difference between the 40 and 80ppm Nitrate? Yeah that one. You can't really tell in my pic which is disappointing but it's an orangey red (I'd call it 30 ppm). Hopefully I'll have more decisive results next week! I can also say the roots have noticeably stretched themselves out in the last few days- the plant is clearly happy so far. Today's results: Temp: 78 (unheated) pH: 7.2 (down a little from 7.6) Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 30 (that's what I'm callin' it) kh: 4/71.6 gh: 143.2 (up 17.9)
  24. Sadly I *get* to work 12hr shifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas and NYE and New Years day! Lucky me!!! But there is one thing I always find time for. GINGERBREAD!!!!!!! It's my most favorite cookie of all, it takes hours and hours for me to complete my Gingerbread so sadly it only gets made once, maybe 2x a year and is demanded by family and friends. I of course hoard some for myself.... (I also made Snickerdoodles- which are NOT my favorite but a friend's request) Let me live vicariously, show me your holiday eats for these two holidays!
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