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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @KittenFishMom you can't delete but you can edit and clear the text, type whoops or something and voila!
  2. @eatyourpeas posted a pic of their tree in what you got done today....why haven't we started this thread yet to spread some cheer? Post it here too @eatyourpeas! Here is my tree this year, a real Douglas fir as I have to have the smell! And despite internet promises, my 2 cats could absolutely NOT care less (I mean they're cats they have that skill... but...)
  3. All 5 of my tanks have 2 air driven filters (even my 4.12 gallon), 1 filter in each is powered by a lithium backed air pump so if power goes out the air pumps switch to lithium power- I can even switch them to intermittent pumping so the battery lasts longer. That's not to say I wouldn't have a problem in an extended situation, but I have 1 conventional battery powered air pump that could run 2 of my tanks and options to take dead lithiums to get charged in emergency situations. It's nice to know if I'm not home they'll be ok until I am and can assess the situation.
  4. Nope. Just turn down the lights and put on some romantic music for them. They could be like that for a while.
  5. Wise man at Oceans Aquarium the co-op just did a video on said: rhizone plants need 3-4 hours, stem plants 6 and that's it! Thinking about trying it since my lights don't do siestas.
  6. I had a cat that preferred drinking out of the gutter. That couldn't have been good water. Then again she was an outdoor cat that lived to be 20. So I'm thinking something in that water gave her super powers. Like the Ninja Turtles or something.
  7. That's so funny, 1 track mind apparently. You'll have to post pics if he plays with his new toy!
  8. So true. One of the things I love about this forum is how different everyone's tanks and even philosophies are. They're like art and science all in one and if we keep our eyes, ears and minds open there is something to learn from all of us. That said, I always enjoy your tanks...even the ones that are in a state of beautiful chaos.
  9. Hi, I was delayed in getting mine so I thought I'd have some fun with it. Pictures probably won't stay long, lol! THANKS EVERYONE! Aww as predicted they imploded. 🙂 Anyway, thanks so much Aquarium Co-op and C.A.R.E.S.!!!!
  10. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA: The 2 Gallon QT So today my patient got a gallon water change and a piece of Polyfilter to suck out the rest of the meds. I added about a Tablespoon of aquarium salt and will be leaving them be for a couple days and take a break from meds and soaks. As I was waiting for @Odd Duck's opinion I went ahead and did 1 more Epsom soak yesterday, which I think was a good idea- gave me another up close look. While I totally agree with @Beardedbillygoat1975's assessment of the other pictures yesterday's was much better. Now something you can't see- when they're in the QT their coloring is darker- but clearly yesterday their coloring in the soak was much better than it has been which I was happy to see. The skin around the eye a lot whiter. I'm happy with how they are coming along. In the meantime: In inspiration to getting my poor little patient back to original condition as best I can... OTOCINCLUS COCAMA: The Accidental Oto Tank Cuteness overload:
  11. @Nel it's worth considering building 1 fasting day into your week, especially if you feel you might have a tendency to overfeed 🙃
  12. Hi @Nel, welcome to the forum. Beautiful Betta. I think you might be overfeeding a bit. Remember their stomach is about as big as their eyeball.
  13. You've come to the right place, but we more encourage it than the other way 'round.
  14. You are welcome! 🙂 Sometimes even when something goes the wrong direction it works itself out to be even better.
  15. **oh and the friend that has the Glofish has a herd of albino Corycats- it's a beautiful tank (she has a 40 breeder). So even if you end up pulling the Guppies there are options for tankmates!
  16. One thing with this hobby is: always have a back-up plan! Sadly this is sometimes because of these instances. I will start by saying I have not kept either (though I recently started keeping Endlers which are similar in nature to Guppies)- HOWEVER - I did do some research on black skirts and did not choose them because of their reputation for fin nipping- it pays to point out that tetras sometimes have that reputation (not all but as a family it's something that I look for when researching a new one). If your tetras are the Glofish BRAND a friend of mine has a pack of them (about 6) and they're not aggressive at all- in fact they get spooked by just about everything. You may never notice them fin nipping. When they say get a large group- well they're refering to dither fish really- meaning (in this case)- if you have fin nippers or aggressive fish they don't know who to chase when they're in a crowd making it less likely anyone gets victimized. SO. Knowing that you could continue with your plan and take your chance- everything could turn out fine. BUT you have options. Potentially a 10 gallon could be a really cool Guppy tank!
  17. 😄Oh my gosh and apparently not at all put off by you standing there noticing it. How funny! My cats are interested in it too but I've never let them eat it (I don't have enough fish to have a bucket of fishfood though!). I'm sure it smells good to them- I feed them mostly fish product and a lot of food has fish meal in it!
  18. @CalmedByFish I've always admired bathrooms with aquarium walls, I could totally rock one of those.... ...all I need now is unlimited income....
  19. Hi, welcome to the forum. Lots of knowledgeable folks around here to help.
  20. Then @Torrey's way might be a cool option for you! 1 piece sounds like it'll cover both your tanks. 😉
  21. Hi Colleen, welcome to the forum, beautiful fish!
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