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Everything posted by Robin

  1. I checked Firefox and it's up to date. I tried to log on with Edge but I don't remember the password, when I tried to get it to fix that it was like it didn't recognize my email but I know that's the right one because it's the one I get all my alerts for the forums to. I tried to send a message and took a pic of the error so here it is. Believe me I did put in a title. Robin
  2. I use firefox but I'll try it with explorer. If nothing works I'll send a long a pic. I don't post a lot so I've only just found this problem the last couple of days. Thank you
  3. Lizzie, I'm having a terrible time posting. I even tried to send you a message but it won't work. I can post to a thread that is already in the works but can't start one of my own. I can't send you a message. Every time I try the title line goes pink with an error message above it saying to fix it. I've tried everything I can think of. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Robin
  4. I have a Synodontis multipunctatus that only comes out when the lights go down. I have a large piece of wood he hangs out behind. I could shoot some back in the back for him this way.
  5. If you do it, you have to post pictures!
  6. I am so going to try this. Thanks a bunch!
  7. That sounds interesting. When you say a dry start do you mean that once you paint it on you leave it to dry and then put it in water?
  8. I have an extra controller so I tried this with a little 10w heater. Works really well. I don't heat that room in the winter so this was always going to be necessary. I'm still tinkering but this got me on the right track. Thanks.
  9. Do you have a picture of the polycarbonate lids you made? I'd love to see how it looks and fits. Is it clear like glass so the plants get all the light they need?
  10. Great idea. I hadn't thought of burying it in the substrate and ta-da I already have some plastic canvas. the cave thing is interesting. I'd like t make some caves. I'll have to give that some thought. Thanks!
  11. Thanks I'll dig around for it. It's an interesting idea.
  12. That's wonderful. Can't wait to watch it all come together.
  13. I bought a bag of Safe T Sorb to try as substrate in a 10g tank. I like the look as I'm kind of over the black substrate. I put some Easy Root Tabs in and I fertilized with Easy Green. I'm not going to put any fish in the tank until the plants show measurable growth.
  14. My understanding is Java Moss won't root which is why it needs to be tied down to something. Is there a moss that will root in the substrate, kind of carpet like? Also, without C02.
  15. I'd was looking at 10w heaters for my brine shrimp hatchery for winter. All I can find is heaters that are preset and at a lower temp than I'd like. Are their any adjustable heaters that small?
  16. What's the little green thing at the end of the hose? I've been using netting over the end of my hose so I don't suck up any fish. This looks like it would be less hassle.
  17. I haven't even used this hatchery yet but I could see I wasn't going to like the stand. I was watching an old video of @cory talking about brine shrimp and he had this huge upside down pyramid shaped hatchery and he'd built a stand for it out of PCV pipe. I thought, that's a good idea and I'm sure I can do that. So here it is.
  18. Very nice. Gives me hope I can figure it out. Did you use some kind of tripod?
  19. I have an 8+. I'll have to try those settings. I've never been great with pics of my fish. I'd love to get something clear like what you posted. Thanks for the tip.
  20. I have Amano's which aren't really practical to breed. One of these days they'll be gone, maybe I'll replace them with ghost shrimp. At least these can be easily bred.
  21. I don't have that exact type but my son did put a hose hanger on the wall in the laundry room and it works great.
  22. Perfecto Manufacturing APFBAG028 Marineland Plastic Hood Back Strip Lighting for Aquarium, Large, Clear
  23. If you can't figure something out. I bought the plastic backer in approximately 2ft lengths off Amazon.
  24. Thank you. I'll look around and see what I can find.
  25. Really? Thanks. I'll check it out.
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