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Everything posted by BenA

  1. Didn't know that. I have thought that the roots will block the water flow when penetrating inside it. Currently am waiting for a 75gl (3'x1.7'x1.7') tank and depends on the substrate I might build an UGF using 3/4" PVC tubes and an air pump to work together with a large canister.
  2. Am not sure if my answer will answer all you want to know as I am new to the game so please don't just relay on what I say/think. In my 100gl tank I have Rainbows (Bosmani, Celebes and Melanotaenia maccullochi), Tetra Cardinal and other with no aggression (sometime the Bosmani goes after the Rasboras), so I don't think that you will have issue with these. The Denison Barb is a fast mid water swimmer that likes fast water and open space while the Rainbows prefer slower water and lots of vegetation, also, the Rummy noise are schooling fish and there is a possibility that the Denison will create stress among them. Will Apistos and krib live in peace? I don't know but think that as the Crib is a much larger fish the Apisto will suffer. Good luck.
  3. Will it work for Loches that like to dig into sand? Horses for courses I think. It is a good filter and my cousin runs his 600Ltr tank only with UGF but he has no Loches and no plants.
  4. Well, last night they have decided to do the did and today I found my filter to be covered with eggs, I have to admit that I am surprised as i did not see it coming. The question is what now? I have some powder food (Hikari first bites) so this is covered but do I need to separate the fry from the adults at one stage (if there will be fry as my water are PH 8 with 12GH and 15KH). Can I do the water change this weekend as planed? Should I add RO water in order to soften the water? Anything else? Thanks
  5. from Seriously Fish website: Exodon paradoxus (Bucktooth Tetra) — Seriously Fish
  6. Thank you all. I think that I have sorted the algae issue as it has almost gone so now I have started to fertilized the water but in a much reduced quantity (3ml a day instead of 6ml). During the last 5 weeks I did a lot of reading about it and came across Cory's blog, then the penny dropped. I have x1 Anubia Barteri, x1 Bonsai Anubia, x1 Theia Green and some Java Ferns, all the rest of the plants are planted in growth substrate and are doing very well. Regardless of that, I was fertilizing the water per instructions on the bottle while the plants are slow growth and low light effectively over dosing. I will know in 2-3 weeks.
  7. I do have an issue of algae, it is either BBA or Brown Hair Algae. If to be honest I just don't like the look of them, having 10-20 is fine but then they take over the whole tank and getting rid of them can be a task.
  8. Yes, this is the one. Will make some reading about it and then will decide. Thank you
  9. Just as it says above? I found one yesterday and another one today, it has small brown/orange dots on its shell. To keep or not? Thanks
  10. Think about small Rainbows like the Thradfin and the Forktail (and there are many more). I have them with Cherry and Amano shrimps.
  11. I have some properties that I rent using estate agents. Our contract is fees only without tax (European VAT). Sometime ago they had to register for tax as they pass the threshold. When I got the invoice I have noticed that the fees were higher than what my contract calls for. I have questioned it and the answer was that there is no mistake, I have pointed at the contract and asked them to verify it. In return got a rude reply; "Because this is what you paid last year". I paid them what the contract calls for and left the rest out, when they came asking for it I told them to read the contract and refused to pay, they gave up and adjusted the invoice as well as refunding 50% of the tax that I have paid by mistake the year before (I was in a good mood). There is a price for being rude, there is no room for it in day to day life and definitely to a customer. Out of principal I would have demand my money back. If he wants the fish back shipping at his cost, more headache and I want him to pay for the food that the fish eats 😇.
  12. I am new to the hobby so can't can't answer your question about the Hydra as I sterilize all my plants by bleach before they go into the tank, however, I also had hair algae, Green and Brown. The Green showed due to (I think) to much light, food and liquid fert. Also, the tank was a new tank going through its biological maturing, once the algae started dying the water became cloudy, clarifier did help. The Brown Hair Algae is on its way out. six weeks or so ago I bought Amazon Frogbit, a week later most of it rot and disintegrated causing cloudy water. I have changed water every week and stopped the liquid fert. Before changing the water I shook the algae of the plants and roots and let it go into the pre-filter, then cleaned the filter. This week the first signs of the algae clear tank can be seen. I hope that this helps and gives you some ideas.
  13. @Isaac M Thank you, will read. I actually top up with RO water, in any case this weekend I am going to change 25% of the tank water. @tonyjulianoMy cousin has a large tank of about 150gl with African Cichlids. He changes water once every 4-5 months and says that the fish spawn like mad and that all the time he gives young fish to his friends. The only filter he has is an under gravel filter.
  14. Funny that, the same question came into my mind only few days ago. It is nearly 4 weeks since I changed water in my 100gl tank, all I did was cleaning the filters and trimming the plants. Ammonia, Nitrite, Phosphate are '0'. Nitrate is 50, PH is 8, KH 8 and GH 17 (used to be 15). Fish are happy and the Brown Hair Algae that I was fighting for the last 5 weeks has started to disappear so maybe less frequent water change is useful.
  15. As promised a current photo of the tank. Ginger is back at the shop, too aggressive.
  16. Photo. Currently many more fish while the plants are larger. Will take a current photo after cleaning the tank this weekend.
  17. Thank you all, very helpful. My 100gl tank is 140cm (~4.25') long and is not densely planted, I left lots of open space for the fish to swim, although about a month old the photo will give you an idea. However, all of this is now theory because this morning I had to rescue the under dog. He was attacked and one of his eyes got damaged so now it is cloudy. I got another container, rushed and bought heater, sponge filter and medication and moved the poor guy into his new home. When Ginger sees the other fish through the sides he gets aggressive and attacks the container so I covered the side with a towel. I guess that one of them will have to go, which one I don't know yet which one. My problem now is what do I do with the"Melanotaenia Sahulensis" that arrive on Sunday, can't put them with the couple, is Ginger safe? Is the injured fish and the medication safe? God knows.
  18. Good day to you all. Have a problem of my own creation. Been to a shop and saw 7 beautiful large fish, they were not cheap, but they had amazing blue reflections, I could not resist and bought 3 of them and housed them in my 10gl quarantine tank together with 2 Bosmani rainbows and some Celebes, 3 weeks later X1 Bosmani and 2 Celebes were transferred to the big tank in the sky and the remaining fish to the 100gl tank leaving the 3 Angels behind, 2 decided to pair and started to intimidate the other fish so to solve the problem I bought a storage box of 15gl for this poor fella. Then, I made another mistake, I saw and got another large ginger (not gold or red, ginger) angel brought it home and housed in the storage box with the other one. It didn't take long for "Ginger" to take control of the box so on Sat. I am going to split the box. My plan is to move the angels into the 100gl tank but this will take another 6 weeks or so as I am waiting for a 50gl tank which will house all the small fish that will be removed from the 100gl. So the question after this long story. Do I have a chance to have the 4 together or is better to take them back to the shop? Thanks
  19. Looks to me like a Banded Rainbow, if so, they grow to ~ 6". If correct, they are very attractive fish. Melanotaenia trifasciata (Banded Rainbowfish) — Seriously Fish
  20. I would say that it is a male. See Honey Gourami Care Guide: Lifespan, Tank Mates, Size, Breeding (meethepet.com)
  21. I quarantine every fish for 6 weeks but do not treat. Just as I don't take medicine for "just in case" I don't give it to the fish, I don't believe in treatment without an illness.
  22. 340gl??? I think that a nice crocodile with anyone that upsets you thrown in will turn things very lively 🥶 If you don't like the above (creative) idea you have another 3 options. 1. An Amazon set up (soft water) containing large fish like Archer, Stingray etc. or, a tank with Angels, Silver Dollars, Neons etc. (see here for some ideas The Amazonian Aquarium: Setup, Biotope Options, Fish, Plants, Substrate (tropicalfishcareguides.com) ) 2. An African Cichlid set up (hard water) that will contain no plants. 3. All Rainbow tank, many of the rainbow fish are hard water fish but some are around the 7ph mark. Very attractive fish that will leave you wondering how nature created so much beauty.
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