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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I have a 10g and I have had this tank setup since the very start of the year and fishless cycled it. There is fish in it now (WCMMs). Is this algae? It is kinda white and it is spots, is this even algae? Kinda hard to see in pics, could not get the phone to focus on it 😩 😂
  2. How many coats did u do @Robert K? Prob look awesome! That is a cool idea @Charestv
  3. @varun, is this a planted tank? Kinda high on nitrates if there is no plants, what is the temp u raised it to?
  4. I would like to do this for a 10g I have but it is setup, so I guess I can’t but these answers to this Q helped me!
  5. Welcome and like everyone else said, if u can repost pics that would be good and the bubbles isn’t really a bad thing, but there is some cases that it can be excess ammonia, I highly doubt that tho. They will go away and if u have a HOB filter it could cause this but pics would help @Tan Tran
  6. Yes, I went through the same thing because I listened to petsmart, not saying petsmart people are not helpful but I think they might emphasize the fish in cycle to much and totally ignore any other method. (At least my petsmart is like that😁)
  7. Yeah, I don’t like it a lot, but i would do it lol Yes, the fish food way is prob the worst non scientific method IMO
  8. Exactly what I do and it took maybe 3 weeks and no issues yet.
  9. Yeah I would, but I prefer the fishless cycle because I have smaller tanks so I would need a few small fish, but I have no access to small non schooling fish (because most schooling fish need at least 6 fish) and online is a lot of money for shipping at a total of like 100 dollars! No kid. I know how to cycle doing the fishless way and i want to stick with it! IMO . Yes I agree @AndEEss, but I would not say it is torture
  10. Same here lol! Yes ammonia will slowly but surely rise with nitrates very high and nitrite climbing too! U are doing everything perfect and all will be fine! Algae is normal, especially diatom brown algae @cryptkeeper
  11. If u can convince them for a betta, that would be great! Just get the short fin females because they are more healthy and swim more because they don’t have all that heavy finnage @Gideyon
  12. Wow, very small! Now I see why some are so small they can get in HOBs lol
  13. I’d say, from 1 to how ever thick u want it to be @Herefishie, the plants just need to be able to have all the roots under the gravel and stable.
  14. Welcome to this forum @cryptkeeper! U will like it here!
  15. I was maybe this, shrimp???? If I do, how many what kind? @tolstoy21 and @Tony s, if u know, thanks
  16. Yeah I like bettas and have heard good things about guppies too! Hope everything goes well @Gideyon
  17. Thanks a lot @Tony s, I am very used to HOBs so will stick with it. Thanks a lot @Lennie Wow, thanks for the time of posting that, I am glad people are SO helpful on this forum. Best forum ever! Yes I uselly soak in water from the water I take out of tank during water change and I quick rinse it. Thanks @Odd Duck!!!! So helpful! Will look into these media’s and the what not!
  18. I actually do have a heater, it keeps the temp stable and is set at 73 degrees Thanks a lot for all this @tolstoy21 and @Tony s!! So helpful!
  19. I have a 10 gallon tank with a HOB and yeah what can I have? If I can? I will post paremeters later. If someone asks. Thanks . I have 6 WCMMs
  20. Everything will turn out good, it is not like the old timers cycled their tank doing the fishless cycle with bacteria boosters and the what not lol. Yes I like plants and I know that everything will turn out good for you, I have never treated ich because I have new fish that I got a couple weeks ago but I have been dealing with a 6 month sick betta. But you will be fine @Zathul! It happens, I just want to be an encouragement! Good luck with everything @Zathul Now I doubt it a actually was the cycle, I had know clue what I was doin lol
  21. Thanks, do u mean add the salt every day for 5 days or no? I guess I am not really worried about GH because I have soft water and GH is maybe 2 DGH. Do I dissolve it? Like because would he try to eat it @Colu? I mean, he isn’t the most active and mainly moves around to go to his different hiding spots. @Colu Thanks, I guess I am not really worried about GH because I have soft water and GH is maybe 2 DGH. Do I dissolve it? Like because would he try to eat it @Colu? I mean, he isn’t the most active and mainly moves around to go to his different hiding spots. @Colu Sorry, I TOTALLY MESSED THAT EDIT UP lol. I didn’t mean to double it. 😁
  22. @jwcarlson, I have 6 white cloud minnows currently with live plants, that’s is it for now 🙂. What do u mean by “taking out the HOBs”? @jwcarlson My short response, thanks @tolstoy21! 😁
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