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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. That is an option 🤣 So basically like a 6 gallon right?
  2. How big @beastie? A 3.5 tank is what I was thinking because have almost NO space
  3. Thanks for that info, I might think on this first before spending a hundred bucks….we will see! 🙂
  4. Thanks I guess I will have to order online because no stores have those in my area for some reason. I will do that AFTER long cycle with live plants, Yes that is a option but idk because that dude is a sick betta, bout to treat him with kanaplex. Thanks for the info! Yes definitely getting moss in there Yes maybe, @Tony s @T. Payneand @AllFishNoBrakes thanks for all this I appreciate it a lot!
  5. Yeah harqulen Rosa oars can go with bettas uselly, they have some bright red colors if I am not confusing them with another fish 😂. @MidnightBel
  6. I am now planning on a shrimp tank, a 3.5 gallon tank from petsmart I have seen and wanted for like 2 years and ended up with bigger tanks than that. Now I would like a little shrimp tank with some moss and rock for decor. Advice on how many, what kind, their paremeters and so on, any advice taken, also wonder the total of this tank and decor + live plants without including maintenance like water conditioner stuff and test kits and everything you would need for any fish tank, thanks in advance 🙂. So new to shrimp and very interested!
  7. Looking good there, can’t wait for the updates to come @HelplessNewbie
  8. Some male cherry shrimp would really pop on that gravel for sure! Or there is a lot others too that got some really bright colors
  9. @AllFishNoBrakes I kinda had the same Q on getting a little 3.5g tank and adding shrimp, how many is what I was wondering, never owned shrimp….
  10. you acted fast and did the right thing, quick thinking, good job and keep us posted if u can on how your tank is going! 🙂
  11. @EnvyDontKnow it’s fine, we all make mistakes and you actually made a good decision on joining the forum for this help u got, plz keep us updated if u can! 🙂
  12. yes like @Fish Folk said for start up you will probably have to drop some dollars on a 55g and even for example I have a 10g and I spent 200+ dollars on setup and around 15 bucks on maintenance but if you stock up on maintenance supplies at first then u can stretch it for a bit more but then you will have to restock. Exactly. Just the needs is what u need. Wow that rimed lol
  13. When I saw 200 I was like what!? But yeah water changes do it all right! That’s good news there! I like the tank btw
  14. No that’s fine that you are waiting for it, just wondering, tell us how it goes!
  15. @Gideyon did you decide? Just curious
  16. Thanks I have never seen that before, will definitely check it out! Thanks @Guppysnail
  17. I was thinking of maybe a quarantine tank for my betta if he gets worse since is sick, and if my WCMMs get sick which they prob won’t, but if my tank cracks which probably won’t but can’t take no chances. What size? Do I even need one? Just curious, not ready to act immediately.
  18. Hi @MidnightBel, good looking tank for your first attempt at aquascaping. For fish, I suggest, maybe some green neon tetras or neon tetras (green neons are smaller in size). Shrimp could be an option but idk with a betta. For plants I personally like anubias including anubias nana and petite. Windelov Java fern is awesome. Male or female betta @MidnightBel? Do you have the betta or plan on getting it? What is your paremeters? White cloud minnows are awesome too but with betta again not to sure how that could work…
  19. 0 ppm thank you for that info, will wait on the 25% change I am about to test ph, but does it matter? I mean because ammonia is showing up, i test it but
  20. Thanks so much! 😂 yeah some plants are RAPID growers but yeah I wouldn’t say my Pearl weed is doing that good sadly but micro sword is doing better since I put it in there, I get them all from AC, I will look into these and again, THANKS SOOO MUCH man, very helpful exactly the info I was looking for!
  21. This tank is cycled by me doing the fishless cycle for almost 2 months and I added 6 fishes (a school of em) to the tank and now I am seeing 0.25 ammonia…is this something to be concerned about? Nitrates are like 25 ppm too, not sure if that is too high, I know 20 uselly is minimum. Should I do a 25% change of water?
  22. The topfin all in one kit from petsmart @FLFishChik. Thanks for responding btw
  23. To answer that Q, u can def buy it at a local fish store. No he will be fine, in the tank. I would take out about half of the water and add dechlorinater. no i would not drain it all out, just put the rocks in without setting them on him. Keep the Qs coming lol @Fishy_business, tough situation i know.
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