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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. So I have no clue if I asked something like this or not but I was wondering about some good kinda high light slow growing plants (got a kit light, it is LED but not sure if it is high or medium…) if that is a thing. The reason I said slow growing is because I have some anubias nana and Pearl weed + micro sword (lots of that) don’t have tons of room in this 10g but anyway thanks in advance of there is a answer, I just needed more plants for coverage because I might get some type of shrimp 🙂 water paremeters with a good ph of 7.5 and nitrates 20 to 25 ppm
  2. White Cloud Mountain minnows are the BEST fish! I love those so much, love the tank, would love to see how it goes and good luck on the future of this tank! @Creedmoor Aquatics If only I could have plants like that, but I got nanos, but planning to get some more plants soon for my WCMMs tank.
  3. @Colu, day 3 of after adding salt in, after 5 days, what next? Kanaplex?
  4. Nice build u have there @DebSills! I would be 100% happy with that build!
  5. Yeah a day will do hardly a thing, but I also have some of the same Qs as @Galabar, especially what size tank and what species you have or will purchase
  6. @Tony s, that is a good reminder for me Thx! Yes learned SO much! Thanks for the encouragement! That is my second tank btw. I have a 5 thatt has been set up for under 2 years actually. To ugly right now lol
  7. Welcome to the forum. Nice tanks
  8. Yeah that’s fine nitrates are low anyway. Thanks for the info! Ok will NOT do, thx @Jeff!
  9. Ok here is my 10g, not anything special but oh well, will be different and upgraded soon, not about to show my 5g with diatoms coming out my ears in that one lol
  10. I will keep it quick, I would do fishless cycle, but that is me, your decision @EnvyDontKnow Yeah if u have the fish, fish in cycle is what u would be doin
  11. I have 2 at the moment, yeah not much but will post some pics when it looks better lol A 5 and 10 Both stocked already.
  12. Can’t wait for everything from u about the tank!
  13. Ok that is a good idea, but what do u mean by “drops per gallon”? Totally MESSED up the editing! Oh man!!! 😭😂
  14. I just saw that @Tony s! That is incredible! I love prime time aquatics!
  15. Update here, (not going to have a “journal” but anyways) they are doing great, but one literally just disappeared….and I have looked everywhere. Including, looking behind the counter where the actual tank is, taking caves out where they can hide, looking behind and other plants and decor…nothing, even checked the filter with a flashlight! I had six, now I have five 😢. Will get maybe 2 more soon in the next couple of weeks but that is my update @Tony s and others. Btw I changed my name because I like WCMMs and the other name I didn’t like lol
  16. I am ashamed of my tanks at the moment, to ugly for pics right no lol
  17. Let me know how it goes! I am going to put some in today crossing fingers as well lol
  18. Yes fish and then you will know what u need
  19. Micro sword is smaller and can be super small if trimmed regularly @Gideyon, I have it, and it is good! It can grow Without root tabs but u can still get those In low light idk…. I would google it
  20. Glad you started this topic and I will hope to follow your updates! @pdmeighen
  21. Yes they have the BEST customer service in this world lol. I got an answer within 4 hours which is mind blowing!!
  22. It would not hurt to start over but I am sure others will have better advice than me but to answer this above, yes it is, it can be frustrating sometimes but IMO it is great! 🙂
  23. Wow! That is amazing, u learn something new every day I guess.
  24. @Colu, should I start kanaplex? I have seen no improvement….OH NO, I DID NOT DO epsom salt! (I actually just THOUGHT OF THAT WHILE TYPING) I guess I dissolve in the tank water in a separate cup right? Should I still get kanaplex?
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