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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Wow, that’s so funny, I love those little guys! Maybe not “little” but yeah still awesome!
  2. It should go good but with everything u do, DO NOT RUSH SO FAST THAT U WAIT like a week. Cycles go a long way with helping the tank be ready for that ammonia which comes from fish poop, xtra food etc. This will help soooo much to be patient, your fish will love u if u have everything set up and going for them, that is a great idea about the HOB and sponge transfer, that will work. Hope this helps! @cotasm
  3. Yes I was not really panicking but had a Q and was just commenting again to see if someone would see it because nobody’s had responded for a few days, I was just wondering about it and I will get pics tomorrow because the timer shuts off the light switch so couldn’t do it but anyway thanks and yep I got diatoms (brown algae, whatever u want to call it) not panicking because it has been like this for maybe…almost 2 weeks. I just was wondering about if anybody had any assistance @Tony s, will come back tomorrow and get pics and see what this is….if it is algae, might not be idk. So thanks and will post agian tomorrow. 🙂
  4. Yeah sorry, it is white spots I guess, it is all over the glass, how do I add more “micro nutrients”?
  5. @Mmiller2001, or anybody know? I just was wondering, is white spot algae a thing? Plz help. @Tony s, any thoughts?
  6. Yes, there is pros and cons for both, beginners can pick either one, if they do the fish in way, that does not mean everything will be HORRIBLE, it is just not the BEST way but it is a way that most beginners do maybe because their friend did it and showed them or they just thought they would get a fish tank one day and it didn’t go well, I am not trying to switch topics but that is my last note on this topic and lots of reply’s and maybe if a beginner sees this or searches on google and this topic shows up they will get something out of it. Good idea of a topic @face!
  7. Yes, that is a what I had to do, I added 6 fish (schooling so I had to do it) and everything is going great! Not a heavily planted tank but it is good enough, I did the fishless cycle method and had to wait almost 2 and a half months! But I got WCMMs so they are hardy anways! @DallasCowboys16
  8. Yes I see that Amazon has some decent ones! Ya sounds kinda hard but idk Thanks!
  9. I agree, the bacteria is really not a fish and can go for a bit without food, I just dozed ammonia to 2 ppm maybe….4 times in almost 2 and a half months so I agree. Yes, u still need to feed or u will have some problems. Ammonia goes to zero very quickly but nitrite seems to take a LONG LONG time for it to go down, I just dozed after both were 0 and then added ammonia and repeated every couple days after they went to 0 and did it until they went down within 24 hours, thanks for all the help everyone on my post btw about the cycle. Mainly @Galabar, @Tony s, and others! This was a good topic!
  10. Welcome and wow! A 4 footer! That’s awesome!
  11. In that case, Idk. Yeah my tank light is pretty bright. My fern had WAY to much glue so to get to the glue point I would have to take a ton of the roots off. I will think about it and look into it, thanks a lot @Tony s! Always the best!
  12. I actually do not have my Windelov, planted it wrong 😑. But I have anubias, micro sword, and Pearl weed. Thanks for the info btw I was just very curious, might not, idk😄.
  13. You are right, I think that a fish in cycle is the way to learn….because most of us start with that because we do not usually understand the “fishless cycle with ammonia” or whatever you want to call it, with that said, fishless cycle has pros and some cons but don’t get me started on the fish in cycle when beginners do it especially lol.But is happens!
  14. I was wondering if I could get a light (like a decent one) for my plants???? Here is a pic, is there a lid I could get that would fit because the fish I have can jump….thanks if there is any answer to this, just curious 🙂the pic is from when the lights were off for the day btw
  15. Yes I agree, I am not mad at the petsmart people but I have learned a lot from a friend of mine, and online like, this forum, google, several peoples opinions and so on, I feel that it comes down to what u have access and what u are confident in that actually works, if u have no access to pure ammonia shrimp is def your second option, fish food can cause problems sometimes….
  16. Exactly! Fish in cycle has way more cons than pros!
  17. Yes, it isn’t actually that bad, so safe and if u got live plants it is even better Yea definitely.
  18. I would go with some aquarium salt and go from there
  19. Spot on, fishless cycle hurts u in only one way, 1.Your Patience is tested!!!!!!!! lol Yes I agree I have never watched him before.
  20. He looks great and very healthy! I love fish and mostly babies!
  21. Yeah it has carried over for years and is still super popular among new aquarium hobbyists @face
  22. Yes exactly! I know, most of them I talk to get confused about when I ask Qs about the fishless cycle and instead reccomend API quick start and immediately add fish, when this happens and u have no clue what u are doing, u don’t do the necessary water changes ammonia rises and kills the fish, turns out horrible, I feel like a LOT of people go through the hard way of learning the cycle methods @NOLANANO
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