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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Well, idk about that, for articles it seems that AI….idk it just doesn’t seem right lol.
  2. Nice jump from first pic to last, that driftwood looks awesome, nice job @tetra!
  3. Looks awesome! I am here to see big tanks, not to show mine, got none lol. I have nano tanks and taht is it, but love big ones and love all the plants and big fish and all that!
  4. Checked the paremeters which I have not checked in a week (worst thing you can do with a sick betta I know, I forgot and not going to let it happen again) @Colu but the thing is, ammonia, .50 ppm 😫. Immediately did a water change and added seachem prime and going to check paremeters in morning, everything else completely fine, even nitrite 0. @Colu
  5. Yeah regular water changes and good water quality and attention to him is what you should do, I would not panic even after din rot on him, red spot can mean continued infection BUT that might not be it. But watch him day by day, and yeah it should be fine.
  6. Yeah, same here, did a water change on my 10g and cleaned up a bunch of algae. Yep same here, super cool right? 😅. Water changes for my 10g take about 40 mins becuase I use a 5g bucket and get 2g of water in there, dechloranate it and use a funnel and put into 2 jugs and add after taking out. Very exciting lol
  7. Will have to order more, all out again 😅. Still dropping money on my betta, like 50 bucks so will order in next couple of days, my betta is really breaking the bank recently. Thanks @JettsPapa, will check ph again today. Forgot to test when I would, sorry.
  8. Ok thanks, yeah sorry, they are bad. I will do aquarium salt right now, as I have some fritz aquarium salt at the moment, going to get kanaplex today, might take a few days but for the time being I will do salt I guess @Colu
  9. Yes I would love to see it @beastie! No competition here like @Mmiller2001 said. 🙂
  10. If I may ask, what kind of plants is those red ones throughout the tank @Mmiller2001?
  11. Unbelievably amazing @Mmiller2001!!! One of the best looking tanks I have seen!
  12. Sorry the pics are not very good either, this is very hard to take a pic of, the camera will not focus on him, will make another attempt of taking pics whenever he comes out of his cave. Here is more, it is slightly raised so not ich? Here they are ⬇️ Very bad, sorry. @Colu. Kinda useless, probably did NOT help, going to get more right away.
  13. I have so much trouble finding them, still on the search, weird.
  14. Ok just checking, was planning on some more plants and was wondering because didnt want only slow growers. Thanks. Will find somewhere to buy online because AC does not carry it I think… Yes I have anubias currently and it is in a high light tank thriving which is good. Thanks for that info @Pepere!
  15. Thank you, I will get a better pic in the morning, and will post it @Colu (with the lights on)
  16. Yeah sorry, they are slightly raised i guess… not a lot tho, will get a better look tomorrow, the lights were off when I noticed it @Colu, if either one, any guess on what it might be?
  17. Might sound kinda dumb, but can I? say I get some hornwort and already have anubias. Would hornwort take more nutrients?
  18. What kinds are u thinking @johnnyxxl? If u are thinking of that now
  19. I have seen nothing saying they are fine now, most people still say they them but idk, ya they have disappeared recently seems like, even at AC….I haven’t seen any clear answer anywhere to, I was looking into them for my tank and saw a lot of this @yakteriyaki
  20. Very cool, wish there was more around, I hope I eventually encounter some AC products at some LFS.
  21. @Colu, now he has two white spots on his head, here is a pic, about to order kanaplex because nothing happened and this is the 5 day and no improvements, did a 25% change because water quality was not great but now it is better, but will do these every other day until improvements, sorry for no light in tank, light was off because of a timer and can’t turn it back on until tomorrow at about 9 am so yeah ordering kanaplex tomorrow and will treat, do u know what this is???? Thanks Very very hard to see, my apologies @Colu.
  22. Like @Guppysnail said, I would love to see a journal on this awesome tank!!!
  23. Yeah I really want something different, BUT, no 20 gallons in my house, NO ROOM LOL. That would be impossible lol 10 is my minimum actually, I wish I had more tables and furniture but nope
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