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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yes I was just saying in regards of if he was doing a fish in , good info there.
  2. 😅 yeah, you could add some coverage for them so they can hide better so they get a better chance of survival @jodip, could I see a pic of the 10 gallon @jodip?
  3. With another tank on your mind, yes I would not focus on that @jodip, exactly what you said, up top, but that’s good, keep testing, let us know if any more questions pop up, because I love to help on the fishless cycle, my favorite topic, becasue I did it, and learned a lot, now want to help oTheres 🙂
  4. Unbelievable, discuss is like, my third fav fish, and you also got a great looking aquarium @anewbie! Nicely done ✅
  5. Real quick, can anybody assist me on how much root tabs to use when it comes? I have a lot of micro sword soooo…..?
  6. Yes daily, if doing the fishless cycle, it is important to know your paremeters and check for when the nitrate shows up and nitrite starts rising @jodip
  7. I left it out @Colu, (the cartridge) and the water is super super cloudy, I was scared the quality was Terrible so I did a 25% change yesterday and now it looks the same, is it that the water is cloudy because the cartridge not in, or that it is kanaplex is in there? @Colu, please help.
  8. Oh ok, that answered my question too @Colu thanks, since it isn’t really a medication, just aquarium salt I should of guessed, thanks
  9. If u got some nitrite showing up at all, I would do a quick 30% change. I am still thinking of some suggestions for how much…….🤔
  10. Really glad you got those, have not tried the tissue culture yet, could u tell me how they turn out? @johnnyxxl
  11. I am assuming that the fish are not sick, but there for bacteria and ammonia reasons for the cycle correct? If not sick, then I would add them to main tank so they can be fed and it will save the risk of them in the tank with possibly ammonia. What size tank is the main one exactly @JohnNYC?
  12. Possibly a mystrey snail but might be a sort pest snail…
  13. Co2 is an option for most plants uselly, like anubias and Java ferns, carpeting plants mostly just like some good substrate and fertilizer, I like those ideas from @JS Fish, hope everything goes super well! @Ladette, happy fishkeeping 😀
  14. Welcome to the forum, I think u might be ok with that, especially since you are super understocked. What kinda snails are you speaking of and what algae @Max W.?
  15. I would not mix them personally to be safe, they may react to each other, I would start with kanaplex. Yes sometimes it takes a long time to heal, but keep fighting! Yes I am so attached to my sick betta to!
  16. Thanks @Ladette, I like airplanes too, about the micro sword, it should be fine even in normal gravel if u have that and no root tabs, but if it struggles a little bit then add some easy root tabs @Ladette, it is a great plant!!!!
  17. Yes it is, Pearl weed is hiding back there too
  18. Ok……..it is not great sadly but…. There is not really anything to it but there. Pls ignore the fake ones as they are gap filers because I am waiting on new plants from AC.
  19. Ok I see, I have not got a ton of plants in my tank but if u want me to show it I will but it might not help lol. Prob not…
  20. Question @Ladette, are you looking for plant ideas or plant setup ideas???
  21. Yes me too, but I have made quite a few posts since I joined as u can see, all because everyone is very very friendly and I fell safe on this forum.
  22. I am very glad you are breeding these things because I would love to see how, never have!!!
  23. Yes, yellow means no ammonia, u should be fine, I would not stress it but if u want clarification u can get the API master test kit if u want.
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