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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. That stinks @Rube_Goldfish, never fun….sorry and the shrimp should be fine as long as the tank is cycled or you do the fish in cycle.
  2. Thanks so I guess I will that 50% today. Thanks again @Tony s. Do it today correct?
  3. Also @Tony s, I saw this online, is this true? Should I replace half of the old water or no? Or am I reading this wrong lol. Can you do multiple water changes in a day? It is possible to do too many water changes in an aquarium. The maximum frequency of water changes should be once per day. If you choose to perform daily water changes, be sure to only replace half of the tank's water to avoid disturbing the tank's biological balance and stressing your fish.
  4. Yea paremeters are super important for the best help but agreed with @Tony s, kanaplex and maracyn2 are great + like @Colu said, aquarium salt is great too. It’s popeye for sure @NickD
  5. @Tony s, I tested ammonia today and it’s .50 to 1 ppm of ammonia I believe. Another water change? 50%?
  6. Nice! Good looking tank there @Pepere! I will definitely folllow this, so interested in aquascapes because my tank…..isn’t one lol
  7. Yeah I match the temp of the sink water with the water in aquarium with a thermometer
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum @Airborne 82nd!
  9. Yes absolutely, with a fish in this condition I would 100% get that ammonia 0, and DEFINITELY nitrite 0, anything over 0 can result in problems, and I forgot that the cycle (fish in) can take a bit and you might not have a bit and meds + water changes is acting fast @Lily Beth.
  10. I got worried and did one more 25% change today 😅. I would not be able to do the change for a long time tomorrow so did one quick one tonight @Tony s, I guess that is fine right?
  11. Thanks I will do that, @face yes I haven’t fed them in 2 days.
  12. @Tony s, I did a water change and everything, just checked and now it’s .50 ppm. So….wait right? Then recheck tomorrow. Might need to do another one again tomorrow.
  13. Oh yeah a hob is fine too, I forgot about those lol, yep EXACTLY what mine does, doesn’t even come up but for air, sometimes it’s just because they are age ing but water change meds is what you need to do first here, as soon as done with the meds than add some aquarium salt.
  14. Yes that’s good, prime time aquatics says in the long run they probably would need a 20g tank? Ik I am not going to get that because I have NO space in my house! I think that is a suggestion, but I guess they can fit in a 10g? @Tony s, do you mind checking on aquasviser to see what the percentage would be for 6 pandas and 5 WCMMs? Sorry but I am not techy and I couldn’t figure out fully it, + there is WAY to many ads on there to even see what is happening lol, thanks 😁 Its panda Cory vs harqulin rasboras now…… @Tony s if not that is fine, I will try to figure it out lol, again, not tech! 😉
  15. Thanks, I will look into a care guide, think about it, make sure tank is good to go and make a decision. 🙂 I can’t react to any more posts today lol, have been on here for a hour trying to figure out the ammonia situation lol
  16. Oh I didn’t read that there is no filter, that can be a huge problem possibly, salt, Maracyn and ich x will help just like @Spaghider said, aquarium salt is super helpful in a TON of diseases and I am a strong believer in it, if your quarantine tank is not cycled I would definitely get a sponge filter and get the bacteria going in the tank @Lily Beth
  17. Thanks, just finished the change, I added some more drtims one and only and prime, thank you for the help, will test in a couple of hours and hopefully it will be lower 🙏
  18. Thanks, I was just wondering because I have like, no room at the bottom of tank unlesss they swim through the plants, so I am now leaning towards panda, do they add a lot to the bio load of tank? @Tony s here is what I mean by hardly any room at bottom of tank ⬇️
  19. Cool! I STILL can’t decide…even tho I might have an ammonia spike on my hands I still want to decide and plan for it, do pandas need room at the bottom of the gravel @Tony s?
  20. @Tony s, @Rube_Goldfish, could it be the cartridge? I think it has been 1 month since I changed it, I am not saying that Is the reason because probably not but should I change it anyway?
  21. I have had it for like 2-3 months, it looks old, around the cap it’s different colors. But I know I did it right as described @Rube_Goldfish, but I will check it again thanks Doing water change now……
  22. Ok thanks for the super quick response! I will do like a 50% and add prime + bacteria!
  23. @Colu will probably have better info but you can also do a epsom salt bath @Lily Beth.
  24. I checked it yesterday, 2.0 ppm ammonia. I have NO clue why or how. did a 30% water change added prime after, tested this morning, 1.0 ppm, how are the fish alive Is what I was thinking but they are just fine. Do I do another water change again? Should I buy a bacteria starter or something like that? I have dr Tim’s one and only but it is like 2 months old, should I use it? Thanks in advance. Plz help. Btw the master test kit book got wet so it looks super grubby.
  25. Ok phew, just making sure, I would make sure you eliminate that bit of nitrite first, as any of it can harm the fish, I am not saying that that is all the problem but a quick water change will get that out @Lily Beth
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