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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Same Q, how much or how long are the lights on a day?
  2. Really? Wow, i did not know that, will have to look it up @Gideyon, interesting..
  3. Yes, make sure you untie it though, because mine is rotting becuase the rhizome is covered @Sondra
  4. I guess that is not the case, because I ordered the API ammonia test and checked, and it was .50 ppm, I could not do a water change today sadly @macdaddy36 becuase I was not even home pretty much the whole day. I will do one tomorrow but will be super busy as well tomorrow but I will do my best…..
  5. Agree with everyone else, adding fish too a tank that has a betta already can be a recipe for disaster, but I also like what @Lennie and @Tony s said about trying too make it work as well, I would go for another tank if you can and maybe eventually add tank mates for jaws to that one, @PithyUserName, what is his aggression level? Like how aggressive is he? Is he aggressive to the snails or shrimp?
  6. @macdaddy36, @Tony s, it could be also the residue from me forgetting to empty it out all the time after and sometimes it would just sit for days 😭. Yeah, I am super forgetful sadly.
  7. Welcome to the forum @Flynnster14! Nice guppies!
  8. Ok thanks and nope. I had 6 but now I have 5. It’s wierd….. I ordered an ammonia test from Amazon today. Mine is super old I think and it has different colors around the edges and the color is slightly off @macdaddy36
  9. I am not doing a cycle, I already did it a long time ago, the fishless one, 2 months or more ago, @macdaddy36, that’s why I did one, the fish are in the tank, sorry if maybe confused you.
  10. Anubias for sure, I have anubias nana in my tank, you can put it in a pot holder as well in the tank, https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/plant-supplies/products/easy-planter Thats what I have it in, but best to just stick it too driftwood @Frank Rex. it is super easy to take care too.
  11. Yes I have 2, one not even set up yet, so I enjoy the one tank water change every week @FLFishChik 😂.
  12. I say that the minnows can breed easily in that size tank, they are super easy too breed, you can breed them in as low as a 10g I believe, Agreed.
  13. Oh my bad, I meant it helps with, fin rot, clamped fins, most bacterial and fungal diseases, basic the most common ones @johnnyxxl. I like too use it whenever my fish is Ill, if it is even any of these, it still helps I believe.
  14. Ok, it has been ages I feel like since I even checked my notifications on this forum, so I will give a mini update, tank is fine, I checked ammonia yesterday and it was .50 ppm, so I did a 30% water change and am about to recheck it today, @macdaddy36, when do you think I could maybe add the pandas now? Soon or be patient (which is not my strength lol).
  15. Looks like you have some harder water there, mine is the worlds softest lol @johnnyxxl, do you have an way of testing the ammonia in the tank or no?
  16. Thanks a lot, @macdaddy36, i will defintley look into that! Yes for a 5 gallon your budget can expand as it is not too expensive.
  17. Java fern, so basic, so simple, sticks to a lot of things, but I am sure that there is tons more of options @Milliardo Peacecraft. Yeah ik, kinda basic lol.
  18. Oh and can anybody suggest gravel ideas? Black sounds good but any thoughts? Thanks everyone.
  19. Since I have these I will recommend them, White Cloud Mountain minnows. 6+ of them, hardiest fish in the world. Also very fun fish @Mr.catfish
  20. Hello and welcome to the forum, hope to have some nice conversations with you soon as well, @AtomicSunfish! 🙂
  21. Ohhhhhhh, I did misunderstand lol. But yeah me too I kinda became a lazy fish keeper by not checking paremeters until I tested ammonia and it was 2.0 ppm!!!! That woke me up and I told myself, DO NOT stop testing lol. I had an ammonia spike and those are not fun. Ok, everything looks good, @Litfan93, yes I wish I could reset everything as well on my tank but, oh well.
  22. A pair will do better, that means they can feel more care with a companion @Mr.catfish, you can do a single if you want too tho I believe but 2 s best.
  23. Thanks, those sound cool! Thanks for the suggestion @FLFishChik! Yep @Ladette, I love the thought of redoing everything on a tank, so the mistakes you made last time, you can fix! Yes, he was only 2, had sickness pretty much since I had him, he fought hard but now, RIP Sonic…..
  24. Yes, it’s melting, super normal for that kind of plant. Nothing to worry about @Gideyon. Unless it completely dies, it is melting.
  25. Yeah it does but I am getting a new one that is sturdy before I fill it up @macdaddy36, I will upgrade substrate and all that too, thanks for the suggestions!
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