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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I dont have any experince with this plant, but i know possibly the problem. How bright is your light? Is it considered a high low medium light? Is it new to the tank? Those are some Qs i would like to see you answer please first, before i start throwing out ideas. @miketoms21. @anodyne99. Another thing, how long is your light on because Vallisneria can grow under a wide range of lighting conditions, but moderate to bright light is the best if you want good growth. Providing 8 to 10 hours of light per day will help it grow taller and you wont have a lot of extra excessive algae growth.
  2. @JS Fish, i looked up your channel and found it. I subscribed! I love that video of your baby bass. Hope you make more! Just thought I'd mention that.
  3. My temp is 72 consistently. Ph, last time I checked = yesterday was 7.5. My water is super soft too, yes ik, nitrates are 15. Nitrite has not shown up once since my fishless cycle a while back. @Airborne 82nd. @macdaddy36 and @johnnyxxl, got it, will order it ASAP. thx
  4. Now can anybody tell me how to swap catridges with out killing bacteria if that even can happen, Like how to swap them and transfering the bacteria
  5. I also use prime to condition the water, the reason on doing 2 today is becuase i think i might need to to a bigger change then what i did, to even put a dent in 1 ammonia. Can anybody give me a link to amazon for the right catridge? @johnnyxxl? @AndEEss? @mynameisnobody? please. I could not find it. The one u dont replace but only clean, thx. ps: somebody just gave a link, never mind.
  6. Yes, a 30%, I might do a another 25 later.
  7. I don’t mean dr Tim’s cartridges if that is what you saying, I was talking about bacteria but… ok I will get those sponge cartridges @AndEEss mentioned. Thanks I had a slight thought that the most unlikely is the most likely…..thanks I will try to build up the filter.
  8. Yes, and yeah ik. I just have NO clue why this is happening, I have a idea of what it could be possibly. 1. Rotting plants 2. The dead fish a while back 3. Overfeeding (I actually now looking back a couple months ago was doing this.) 4. Changing cartridge and killing some of the bacteria. (Most likely not the case.) And yeah. Corys vid is super helpful btw. I will do a daily 50% change + no feeding for a week and test.
  9. Correct, my gravel is normal colored premium gravel. Where could I get this? Amazon? I will 100% rather buy that. I also bought more nitrifying bacteria. Dr Tim’s. Thanks for the info @AndEEss
  10. Oh ok i will. Thanks for showing tho! Cool tankss!
  11. Maybe, my temp is 2 consistently. I have no heater too. Might be my jugs, it used to have distilled water in them. @johnnyxxl. Thanks for responding
  12. My ph is at 7.6, could this be a problem as I read this Ammonia is more toxic at higher temperatures and pH levels above 7.0, and less harmful at lower temperatures and pH levels below 7.0.
  13. For more info on my ammonia spike (and also if you have some helpful info for me which I would love) click the link. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/37550-ammonia-spike-help/page/2/#comment-366051
  14. This video is helpful, was up so late last night just trying to figure it out… Cory is so helpful. I overfed WAY to much a while back, but idk if this is the problem as it’s closing in on 2 months….
  15. @Tony s, @johnnyxxl, @macdaddy36, I feel so discouraged 😔. The ammonia in tap is 0. After letting it sit overnight as mentioned, It hasn’t budged and is very close to 1 ppm ammonia, after I checked it just like a minute ago, how is this happening? Please can someone help me and throw out ideas? I feel super discouraged as it has been forever…. Interesting, I just read this, High Ammonia is caused by: Inadequate biological filtration (damaged or immature 'New Tank Syndrome) Over stocking. Over feeding Could my cartridge be like that since I changed it? I added bacteria (dr Tim’s one and only) yesterday after my water change.
  16. Crazy enough, i have been to one that had them in tanks! Like nice 10gs, but never seen anything like it again. @Tony s
  17. Yes your not alone, i have only bought fish from petsmart. I think its fine, i bpought every fish i ever had from there. My white cloud minnows have really good health and are thriving so yeah, dont feel bad. Kanaplex, 100% reccomend. I have it, i think it can be better than maracyn 2 possibly as well like @Tony s mentioned Same.
  18. Cool info @clownbaby, but i was wondering what tanks you have? fish tanks.
  19. Wow, please remind again of the plants in the very back @johnnyxxl? Everything just shot up like a weed in your tank! Nice job on it!
  20. For some reason I love this game called Pokémon unite, no idea why, but made me love Pokémon even more!
  21. But it might steal the nutrients because of how fast it grows. But I might get ACs light and a new glass lid (maybe)
  22. Back to the theme of the topic, I see hornwort can be a good floater, but will it steal nutrients from my root plants @beastie? As you mentioned something of that sort. Just was seeing this, reading an article on ACs website about hornwort, down below. Does hornwort clean water? Fast-growing plants like hornwort are good at “cleaning” aquarium water because they consume waste compounds from the water (e.g., ammonia, nitrates, and phosphates produced by fish waste and excess fish food) and use it to grow more leaves. With enough light and nutrients, hornwort can easily grow 1-4 inches (3-10 cm) per week.
  23. Update: I decided as the ammonia is .25 to .50 ppm. 😫. That I am going to take out my Java fern tonight, it’s rotting terribly. And gonna see if the rotting is causing the ammonia. Fun fact, the ammonia spike started about around the time it started melting (might still be not the case but we’ll see). @Tony s, @macdaddy36, @johnnyxxl, hope this is the problem, I found on the internet what people said about rotting plants and ammonia. ⬇️ Picture down below, of my tank, I changed the look, the moneywort, yeah I got rid of it, it was barely alive, roots rotting two pieces left. @macdaddy36, I tried a video of them eating but it says it’s too large. ? Idk how to get it. But there is my update everyone. Ps: I moved that small cave to behind the Pearl weed. Where it was originally.
  24. Yep, age. Mine was 2 and a half when he died (I think idk fully) and not saying he is gonna die soon, but we have no idea when their time will come but for the fin rot I would do maracyn like @Colu mentioned. Yes I have too, sadly I didn’t see the result of it when I used it on my betta (as he passed a few days after) but yes, definitely, I would buy it.
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