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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. So I am prob good. I will add the dosage of the water in tank to first gallon and add tap water rest of the way. That should work….😅 Still actually helped btw! Now I can add the water without stressing
  2. Yes! Hey have a Q that needs to be answered right now! Can I add dechloranater (stress coat) to each gallon of water. I am doing 5 gallons of water for the change. Cycle just finished. Help. Like can I do the dose of 5 ml of water for each gallon of water? @Tony s
  3. Hello, I would recommend if u haven’t got the ammonia kit yet the API master test kit. It actually is WAY more accurate then the strips. I am sorry about your fish and hope she feels better soon! I have a lot of experience with bettas, had 2. First one died, the second had TONS AND TONS. of issues with em. Salt is a good option. @Janel R
  4. Thanks. You are the MOST helpful person on this forum dude!
  5. Hey thanks for coming back and I got good news! It is DONE!!!! I did 10 drops of the ammonia, tested 10 mins ago which exactly at 24 hours and BAM! Sooooo happy for the fish! Thanks for EVERYTHING @Galabar @Galabar, should I unplug the heater now because getting some WCMMs and i could let it just go down right?
  6. I have a question about root tabs. I am currently looking into Pearl weed live plant on AC and I have had this Q a while, can I still suck up the gravel and put root tabs in the gravel? Basically I was just wondering if I could still siphon out the waste and keep putting root tabs in the aquarium. Any advice, of course is accepted! 🙂thanks
  7. @Odd Duck, so can u gimme a link to the best live daphnia for him? So many said that it was to big for the fish and they arrived dead from Amazon….😫. Any suggestions? Maybe…😅 I had no CLUE what I was doing and fed him some flakes at first when I got em and then pellets for all his life and now I have learned!!
  8. Hey thanks for responding! Yes I fed him some freeze dried bloodworms yesterday and bug bites day before! Here is what I got now…I think these are recent! 😂 he is way to fast for me! I will try to get Daphnia. The live kind Got em a new heater @Odd Duck
  9. There might be some options on Amazon out there but I like the stuff from the pet stores personally. @Rosi Your welcome! Glad to help!!!
  10. Glass top for sure. It will hold the weight definitely!
  11. @Sherry, @jwcarlson, @JS Fish, @Tony s, @Galabar, thanks for everything and the info! I am glad I discovered thes plug timers if you will. I have got tons of info from everybody and thanks to all!
  12. I Was going to do this with a betta but he was kinda sick so didn’t take the chance but I say why not. Just like taking em from pet store and bringing them to new tank at home. A 2 tank transfer is common when getting fish.
  13. Yes he is very tough! I was stressing sooo much about him that I thought he die and couldn’t do anything about it but nope! He lives on!
  14. Yea I have looked into this! Btw, y’all have one of the BEST websites for fish tank of all time!!! Thanks so much for the GREAT customer service and everything else! Got some live plants for y’all and ordering more soon! @Cory! Yeah me too…. Yes that is awesome idea Agreed.
  15. @Manringjk,hello! I am new to this forum too! Kinda new anyways..been here for almost a month! Welcome and yes I agree that people are super nice and helpful. Love your tanks! So cool!
  16. Thanks. I will prob get this now! Oh. It is from AC! Wow I had NO CLUE they sold one! Buying it right now!!!!
  17. It did thanks so much! I will check it out for sure!
  18. Oh yeah, didn’t think about that… 😄 thanks though.
  19. I have had the opposite issue with my gh @Fenrir, so wanted to see what was going on here.
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