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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I feel like paracleanse would be good, as I have seen this Fritz ParaCleanse treats and controls of a wide variety of parasitic diseases. Use Fritz ParaCleanse for outbreaks of aquatic parasites including velvet (Oodinium dinoflagellates), hole-in-the-head disease (Hexamita sp. & Spironucleus), fish lice, or gill & skin flukes (Dactylogyrus & Gyrodactylus).
  2. I say 10-12 of harqulins, and 5-6 pgmys, that’s just my opinion, but others might have better opinions, I would for a trio of gouramis as well, they like to be in smaller groups, of 2-3. You could go with 15-20 harqulins even. IMO @clownbaby, hope this makes some sense!
  3. Seeding a new aquarium is the process of transferring nitrifying bacteria from an established aquarium to a new aquarium. Seeding gives the new aquarium a jump start on the cycling process. @bigcorydora49
  4. Your are doing a great job @Colette! You are taking this all so well, hoping for a full recovery, she is looking better every update!
  5. I luckily found out in my first try 🤣. Second try, I uncovered as best as I could, still rotted. But hey, idk why they do that, but I am sure they hav esowm exclamation @johnnyxxl. Beats me
  6. Yes bottled bacteria can help, dr Tim’s, fritz 7, there’s a lot of options out there, but @Colu is right, another established sponge filter will help @LoriG
  7. @gabdewulf, welcome, DEFINITELY feel free to ask Qs, we got some very smart hobbyists here! Again welcome!
  8. I would say honey. It looks like a lighter version of one, all of them can be slightly different. It looks like a honey, this picture says it’s a honey gourami. And it looks similar to yours Just a bit more red.
  9. I have decided to wait, if it gets significantly worse, then I will treat, the ammonia has been 0 for a whole week, first time that’s happened in 2-3 months! Will continue to test and monitor tho. Thanks @macdaddy36, I will
  10. I am guessing your doing more constant changes, because as you definitely know, that ammonia can be toxic, might sound simple, but idk what all is happening in this topic, I guess I should read more in depth lol. Hope it all turns out, just here for encouragement @LoriG
  11. Hmmm, well that is super helpful!! Thanks @macdaddy36, they have been trying to fight for the one female I have, there’s 4 males, and 1 female, they always are chasing each other. And they always chase the female constantly. I will wait and see, if it gets worse, I might take action then. Again thanks
  12. Oh never thought about that, good point @macdaddy36, then my last option for you @Michaeldv2, is bettas, they would be fine in there. Pea puffer, huh I will have to look into that, I have seen they are nano fish…. It’s definitely limited space for most nano fish.
  13. Shrimp is best for a column tank. 10g has not a ton of options, but I gotta say, WCMMs (white cloud minnows), super hardy, can be in even a 5g. Micro rasboras. If you didn’t say a community tank I would of said a betta and snails, if the personality of the betta is calm and peaceful, that’s one of the best nano tank duos for a 5-10 gallon tank. Chili rasboras are good too. I like what @Lenniesaid, the horizontal space is very limited. Agree with @Tlindsey also. But I am not trying to discourage you, I still see these 4 best options. WCMMs chili rasboras shrimp only or maybe some other nano fish that you can find. Hope this helps
  14. Ok, I have had no time at ALL today sadly to do a water change. But I guess then I will have to do one tomorrow right before the first course. Tomorrow. Should I do a 25-30-50% change??? @Tony s, @Guupy42, @Colu. oh and I can’t do one now either, will not be how, until 9 or 10 tonight.
  15. Yeah I have seen that. Hmm, I think the best thing would be to do these things, the gh kh, has it been this high since it’s been set up with him in it? Also for treatment, here is my suggestions. 1. Give an Epsom Salt Bath. Epsom salt is helpful for aquarium fish with illnesses including dropsy, constipation, and swim bladder dysfunction. You can add some Epsom salt to your tank and change the water's chemistry. option 2. Fast him. Keeping in mind that betta fish can go 1-2 weeks without having to eat, he will be fine usually I fast fish for 5 days, then I will feed some daphnia for swim bladder disease because it can clear up his stomach. He might have a possible tumor as well. 3. Use aquarium salt, fritz aquarium salt is my recommendation, but if you have some, that’s good. The instructions on the back will say what to do for some different situations. 4. Treatment. Treat him with maracyn or maracyn 2. The last tip for helping your bettas swim bladder disease is to ensure your water changes are done correctly. When doing water changes, make sure the water being added is at or around the same temperature as the tank @BlueTurtle25, hope that makes sense 🙂
  16. Astonishing. I’ve never seen that many fish, not even in the ocean lol. So insane! Awesome @Pepere! Not a lot of elbow room in there 😂
  17. Too risky. A chemical smell doesn’t mean anything good. I say return it. That’s IMO tho. Exactly. Would not. Maybe order again and see if it smells as it shouldn’t, if you can get a refund.
  18. Sorry if I am budging in 😉 but You should never use more than one fish medicine at a time because they might react with one another in the water. It is to risky if you ask me. @Colette
  19. Yes, my betta had that regrowth but then it would just get even worse. If it’s red as well, that usually means continued infection. Kanaplex is my suggestion. Colu is a master tho at diseases, he might know more than us.
  20. Yes, they can lay them but can’t hatch em. I have a 10g so either 1-2 will be good. Thanks I won’t, overstocking is the last thing I want after a ammonia spike lol. Thanks @Colu! Yeah I just saw that they are the best cleanup snail, and I actually know a lot about them from research in the past.
  21. Then it’s bacterial, the ammonia and nitrite levels is what you will need to test @Maya. Agreed with @DBrown918, @Tony s.
  22. I a, thinking of going to my local petsmart and getting these guys, is 2 fine? @Tony s, these are the only ones in stock, the normal nerites are out of stock.
  23. Wow, that’s awesome. My only guess is that they are trying to attract the females. If there is females in the tank, if not I am clueless @TJ _isme.
  24. Personally I would stick with what you are doing right now @Colette, and then see if there are any improvements, from there you can maybe change to the salt for dropsy.
  25. Oof. Paremeters are what will we need to have here for better advice, first is your tank cycled? Is there anything sharp in the tank? Decor/fake artificial plants? @Maya.
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