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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yes, it is 7:27 pm, down here in Eastern standard time. The light is off, tho. Thanks for the quick reminder @Guupy42.
  2. I think it’s a decent size for this kind of mix, I have never done this before but I think you have just enough room for some of it @quick-nanotime If not the mix, black and white colors would pop, with that sort of background, the darker the more pop shown from your fish. But I think you could try this mix, maybe I should too, as I am setting up a 5g myself soon. Not my first tank, the first I went with gravel, now I am thinking of sand….
  3. Whoops, edit: 2. They enjoy dark spots. I unfortunately learned that the hard way. My Nerite snail was burying itself, and I thought it was stress. If you don't have any tunnels or anything of the sort, they will bury themselves I substrate. - @Guupy42 i read this from the topic on my WCMMS possible disease, I don’t really have tunnels or anything like that, sorry I missed this. He is fine then I guess. @Tony s, @Guupy42, @Yoshi, and everyone else who follows this topic…. Thanks Yes I just saw this, thanks!!!!! Yeah he’s awesome, just a classic 🐌. Next step: order all this stuff! 🙃 kinda breaking the bank, this 10g is 🤣. It’s ok, I love and care for my fish!
  4. Get a snail from petsmart: ✅. Got one, idk if it’s a black racer or normal nerite, as it’s a darker brown/black color, but I got one that was on the wall as suggested @Guupy42. I got him, acclimated him, and put him in. He got to work, not on the algae but moving! He is cool, he buried himself in the substrate after moving around checking out his new pad lol. His top of his shell is visible but he buried himself in. Is this a bad thing? I read that they chill when they are buried, or they are trying to protect themselves. Pictures tomorrow. The light is off. So it’s fine in the gravel right??? Thanks guys 🙂
  5. Nice! I am here for your journey! @FLFishChik! Can’t wait to see more updates! Oh yes, that is a every day event for me, I sit down, drink my coffee, then just sit and watch for hours and then I say “ok I gotta get Omar thing done today, and can’t just sit here forever” 🤣
  6. Looking great! Yes monitor while you can, to see if anything unusual occurs @Colette, have a good one!
  7. Ok, got it, thanks! If it gets worse (it hasn’t yet) I will start the treatment, btw my paremeters are still good, nitrite 0 and ammonia 0. Plus my nitrates are 15. I a, back to weekly changes now. Thanks @Colu!!
  8. I looked it up, it’s snail safe and plant safe, but I can’t tell if ts fuzzy, they are so tiny and fast, but now they are yawning….I have a airstone plus strong filter….. idk what to do, plz help @Colu.
  9. Ok. Is it snail safe? I am getting one today, also I will check in a bit, the light is going through the sunrise phase @Colu I will treat maybe if it’s fuzzy, but here is what it looks like now kinda hard to tell … The third picture is the best, just making sure that my new snail would not be stressed out of getting to my tank , then all the sudden I do constant water changes thanks btw
  10. Yeah no their not, they have acted the same since I got em. Yes I was thinking that too.
  11. Yea, algae is taking over. But anyway, I have one thing I wanted to add. I just realized there is several pictures of my fish that the white stuff on their lip, a long time ago, is it a problem, or this breeding or ? Idk, I finally got my ich-X. @Colu, should I hold of on treatment? Thanks
  12. @Colu, or @Odd Duck are our disease people, wondering if they would know…..if this is not a sickness, not sure if they would know, but most likely. but idk anything about snails, I am getting my first today, so very new to the snail thing @jkh772
  13. Sounds sweet! This is a good opportunity for you I bet, and it sounds very awesome! Same, I am so interested in stuff like this……… I would love to know some of your experiences!
  14. Good morning and that is looking like 0, and that is a great sign! @Colette your making progres!
  15. Ok thanks. The number one thing I never forget, is do it LAST lol. There is somewhere else down farther (not a fish place) ga that I like as well, we will see! I will post pics soon!!!
  16. I say leave your nitrates, they will crash at the end and go down, it’s to early, for the ammonia, I did 4 drops form the dr Tim’s, my ammonia almost never came down, it stayed over the highest reading of 8.0 ppm. Thn came down, now I have a cycled tank! The ferts will add some nitrates so not to worry. nitrite at 5, that’s good, your making progress already @Yoshi!
  17. 😂 ok 👌. I will get one if possible, I am trying to decide to go to one store or the other, one has the colorful ones in stock, but it is farther of a drive, or go to my closer one that I have been too hundreds of times, but only has a black racer snail, you know it’s all black 🤣🤣. Not colorful, and I want some pop so I might go to the farther one, now I am just thinking out loud 🤣
  18. Sweet thanks, yes I am going tomorrow, I will try the algae wafers for sure! Thanks again @EricksonAquatics. Thanks! I will ask when I go to petsmart tomorrow.
  19. Got it, this is what I was looking at on petsmart, I am going there tomorrow for the snail. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/filters-and-pumps/filter-media/top-fin-filter-media-bag-5218054.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxJenqysDDcoU3x7Uyv4EODtYODSDa8fOI4GRBw5xH8HkR6RlOHenqhoCgosQAvD_BwE @macdaddy36 So I will see what petsmart has btw @Tony s, @macdaddy36.
  20. So read this again, maybe I should go with a 2 day feeding calendar per week? Idk. How many days a week shoudl I feed them other food BESIDES algae. I like me a consistent schedule 😅
  21. Hmm, @Colu should have a better idea of me of what to do, we’ll see what he says but would go with number 1. I might be totally wrong, but this is definitely a tuff situation @Colette, I think the salt can have somewhat of a impact on the fish at this point actually, again a experienced fish keeper here, I am learning too in this topic, @Colu has more experience with these diseases. We will see what he says for clarification. But I say 1. Yes from that I would not put the goldfish back in, and you can do water changes daily for the QT tank, if ammonia is high, could you do a ammonia test for me @Colette?
  22. That would be a dream for me.. someday as I am in my last years as a teen and will get a job soon….Like @CoryWithAKatana said, your tanks are awesome, so jealous! Very cool tanks there! @Mr Gumby
  23. Thanks! I would’ve never knew that the healthy ones would be on the walls of the aquarium, I have plenty of decor for them to hide in, and I read a article about them, I think I’m all set!!!! Thanks @Guupy42! Here is pictures of my tank now.
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