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  1. People make a good point. Chasing parameters can be a challenge. Adjusting something in one area can throw something else out of wack. The most important thing overall is stability.
  2. My beta went through almost exactly the same thing. When I first got him I was feeding him mostly pellets. I switch in freeze dried brine shrimp and he went crazy for it. After that he refused to eat the pellets at all. What I found, hunger is one heck of a motivator. If all you offer him is the pellets, when he's hungry enough he'll take to them again. I've instituted a rotation of pellets, the dried brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms.
  3. If you can get your hands on some Seachem Alkaline Buffer that will raise your PH. Keep in mind it will also raise your KH, so you'll want to see where you're at there before using it.
  4. Little mini update! Last night I put a couple of pieces of frozen green beans in the tank to switch up the food rotation. This morning I looked and my Japanese Trapdoor Snails were literally carrying some of the pieces around the tank! In my head I hear them saying "It's mine and you can't have any!" It made me smile! 🙂
  5. Sarah the snail has a nice ring to it! 😁
  6. I used the 7 to start my new 55 gallon tank. I found it was really effective in jump starting the first stage bb that coverts ammonia into nitrites. Where I don’t think it was as effective was at giving me a head start on the second stage bb that turns those nitrites into nitrates. That still took me about 5 weeks. I know the use of these bacteria starters can be a topic of varying opinions. One factor that I don’t think gets talked about enough is how they’re stored before they even get to you. If during transport or in some storage room they’re exposed to particularly hot or cold temps that can greatly affect their effectiveness.
  7. Sooooo - after doing a bit of quick reading, pretty much all the other fish I have tentatively planned can do well in water in the mid to low 70s. And ACO says WCMs can tolerate up to 77. In your experience are they a top of the water column, bottom, or middle type of fish?
  8. I thought about WCMs! But don't they really need cooler water? I'm running my tank at about 77 degrees.
  9. I'm definitely planning on schooling fish. The goal over time is to have one bottom schooling fish, probably panda cories, and two mid-column schools, thinking cardinal tetras and maybe CPDs. I haven't read anywhere about whether it makes any difference if you add bottom schooling fish or mid-column fish first. Top of the water column I'm still debating about. At one point I thought about silver hatchets, but I'm really worried about their jumping and my lid having a gap in the back. Someone suggested guppies actually and I'm thinking that may be cool.
  10. Update time! It's been a little over two weeks since the introduction of the first livestock. As I previously posted I lost two snails in the transition, but so far everyone else seems to be thriving. One new development regarding the shrimp, they're starting to molt which I'm taking as a good sign that they're growing and happy! Also in the past couple of days I've started seeing a couple of them swimming almost constantly through the water column around the tank. I read somewhere that this is a possible indication that a female is releasing pheromones, attracting males to mate. I've been feeding a rotation of Repashi, sinking pellets, frozen green beans, and flakes. Two of my anubias plants lost all their leaves and their rhizomes have turned brown. I'm guessing I glued them too tightly to the rocks. However, each of them have started sprouting new roots out of the brown rhizome, which I wasn't expecting at this point! I got some Easy Potassium and started dosing that along with the Easy Green and Easy Iron. We'll see if they come back. No immediate plans for more livestock at this point. I want to try and get the shrimp colony well and truly established before I introduce any fish. I'm guessing a few months at minimum. As that time gets closer I may probe the hive mind for any suggestions on what to introduce next!
  11. Good to find a fellow Minnesotan join the forum! Welcome 🙂
  12. We're three days in and it's been almost all ups with one down. For the down, one of my red spotted nerite snails didn't survive the transition into the tank. Everyone seemed to be relatively active that first evening, but I noticed the next day one particular guy was in the same spot all day. I gave it a few days and then tonight did the smell test and he's very obviously moved beyond the mortal plane. But that's the only casualty that I'm aware of. It's quite possible some shrimp haven't made it, but with them it's so much harder to tell. One observation - some of the snails seem to have staked out certain parts of the tank they like to hang out in. It's only been a few days, so that may change, but I've found that interesting to watch. The zebra nerites like to hang out back by the sponge filter and one of the heaters, two of the red spotted nerites are always by the Malaysian driftwood, and three of the Japanese trapdoor snails stay over on the right of the tank. Speaking of the trapdoor snails, I'm really falling in love with them. That tinge of what almost looks like patinated copper is just so pretty. They're also probably the most active of the snails. Almost always gliding around their area. Parameters have remained stable, even though I massively over-fed on the second day with some sinking pellets. I over estimated how much was in a teaspoon. Ammonia 0 Nitrates 25 Nitrites 0 GH 300 KH 120 PH 7.2 Chlorine 0
  13. "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things, Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - Of cabbages and kings - And why the sea is boiling hot, And whether pigs have wings." I actually don't know why I decided to lead with that, but it felt so right in the moment. . . So today was the day! Parameters have been stable all week, so I decided to venture over to the LFS after work today. For the record we have 20 cherry shrimp, 2 horned nerites, 2 zebra nerites, 4 spotted nerites, and 4 Japanese trapdoor snails. I dip acclimated everyone before putting them fully in the tank. Within 20 minutes everyone was moving around. I expected some of the snails to sort of clam up (no pun intended), but all of them almost immediately started sliding around, exploring. The shrimp were the same way. They instantly were zooming from spot to spot before settling down in a couple of areas. I plan to take parameters pretty regularly for a bit to make sure the cycle holds and things stay stable. But I'm excited!
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