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  1. So I have a things problems with my newly setup RODI that I need some advice with: 1. I have just added an auto off valve / system however I’m not sure if it’s working correctly? After I shut off the output, the pressure slowly goes down to zero after roughly 10 minutes and I’m assuming this is the valve cutting off the water supply to the pressure gauge which is why it is zero? But the thing I am confused about is even when this pressure is zero and the valve is supposedly working, the drain line still has water going through it - what could this be? 2. My normal water psi is about 20-25 so I bought a booster pump to raise it. However, now I’ve setup the pump (without the pressure switch system for now) I can see the pressure is only raising to 50psi, shouldn’t it be higher? One thing I’ve noticed which definitely isn’t normal is how it is making a part of the tubing shake uncontrollably. What’s wrong with the pump? 3. As you can see from the second question, I can at least get the pump to turn on, however as soon as I try to turn it on with the pressure switch (which I am 90% sure I have set up correctly), nothing happens. Even if the pressure is around 25psi and the output valve is open and running, the pump won’t turn on. How do I fix this? Any answers are appreciated, thanks
  2. Installing my booster pump for my RODI now and was wondering if it’s okay to put it inbetween the pre filters and my feed water? Only issue I’ve heard with this is that some sediment from the raw water can damage the pump overtime but this isn’t a huge issue as it can be repaired. The reason I can’t really do it after the pre filters is because I don’t have enough line or space to install it there - would my way be fine? Thanks
  3. I have a few questions about my rodi machine: 1. So I have just bought an auto off kit, a booster pump, a high pressure switch and wiring harness for the pump - should I setup the auto off system before I setup the booster pump and pressure switch or the other way around? 2. By having the auto off kit, does this mean that I can leave the cold water supply valve on without it wasting any water? So this means there won’t be any water moving through the filter at all (as long as the float valve is closed)? 3. When using the flush system, do I have to have my output valve open aswell (even though when the flush valve is open nothing comes out)? Thanks
  4. Sorry for all the posts around this topic. So I am soon going to setup my booster pump for my rodi. The rodi system is located in my bathroom which is connected to my bedroom (where all my tanks are. I don’t have any plug sockets in my bathroom, so I was wondering if I could drill a small hole on each side on the wall and thread the thin transformer cable through the one from one side to the other - so on the bathroom side it will be connected to the pump and on the bedroom side it would be connected to the plug socket inside my room. Would this be okay? Thanks
  5. It comes with a float valve anyway, so I might set that up later but as long as this one works for now thats great. Thanks
  6. So gonna buy an auto shut off kit for my RODI system but I was wondering if instead of using a float valve could I just use a standard ball valve? I would just connect it to the end of the water OUT line and if I close it surely it would create the same amount of back pressure the closing of a float valve would, causing the auto shut off to activate and close. Picture of valve I plan to use instead of a float
  7. I forgot to mention as well the flow rate is fluctuating quite a lot which makes me think this isnt my mains pressure and something else (my faucet never fluctuates)
  8. So I have just setup my RODI and it is producing water but very very slowly. When running water just through the prefilters and not the membrane the flow is fine, however as soon as I hook the line up so it passes through the membrane aswell the flow plummets. It is also hissing quite a bit so I wonder if pressure is being lost somewhere or something like that. Is this something that the membrane just does or have I gone wrong somewhere? Thanks
  9. Yep can confirm about the val - I am kinda considering making it a bit deeper but tbh I would rather not
  10. Final product! Just measured and comes in at about 6cm or 2.4 inches so hopefully okay for plants (?) I actually really like this depth I think it’s pretty much what I envisioned in my mind lol
  11. Tbh I prefer having it completely flat, also you won’t really be able to see the back any way as I am going to heavily plant it and put lots of wood in.
  12. I appreciate it 🙂
  13. Thanks for this info. I have filled it up a bit more since I wrote this and I would say it’s about 3” now maybe a tiny bit less. This’ll be okay though?
  14. So just filling up my tank at the moment with sand and I was originally going to do 4 inches (planted by the way) but I am at about 2 so far and I think 4 may look a little too tall for my liking so I am thinking about going for 3 inches. Will that be okay for good plant growth? Thanks
  15. So I am washing my very fine sand by filling a bucket to about half with sand, filling the bucket up while mixing, pour it out and repeat another 2 more times. By the third rinse the water is relatively clear. Is this fine? I am a bit worried as I have heard it can ruin impellers in filters and stuff if they aren’t washed properly. Thanks
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