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  1. I do graphite drawing, I picked it up later in life. But in college while I was learning clay sculpture my photographer friend did black and white prints that he used oil paint to add one touch of color like the wick of a candle or I add like red from a bandana on a portrait. It's a small touch to pop the picture.
  2. I love the 80 gallon tank I have. I think it's really a 75 that holds a bit more water because I fill the sucker full to the band. It is deep which can be an issue if you're too short or the stand is too tall. But the size is great for nice natural behavior from shoals and schools.
  3. Cherry Barb are bright and active. Mine school pretty nice. They are smallish, or chili Rasbora, killie fish I kept them with some shrimp in a ten years ago. Kulhi loaches would be great for bottom dwelling if you have a nice group 5 or more. I like the look of the red tetra that Cory was showing from the Germany trip.
  4. From earlier this week.
  5. I was given what I thought was frog bit but was dwarf water lettuce. It came with red root floaters. Grew better than the floaters. It's also nearly indestructible as a floating plant.
  6. The temperature might be part of why my plants are doing well. I keep my tank room temperature. 68-74 depending on season. My fish are happy and thriving, as are my plants. Never thought that might be part of the plants success.
  7. I just let the algae grow in hope that the otos, and snails will keep it in check. So far they are doing a good job. The Tiger Barbs are contributing to snail 🐌 population control.
  8. I did this it's totally random, the pickers don't know you ordered the mystery box. The computer randomly generated the list i got a Java fern, Tiger lotus, Anubias,, and forgot what else.
  9. Looks like the stuff my snails ate when they hitchhiked into my tank. They cleaned it up.
  10. True, many don't like the fungus that forms around the roots with the stagnant wet
  11. I only have lost a panda Cory, and 2 ottocinclus, I plopped and dropped after temperature acclimated. I only deal with 2 lfs and dans
  12. Much prefer standard tanks easier for everything. Because I like building my own accessories. Tops, lights, stands etc.
  13. I have 12 in my tank with the tiger barbs and they are really active and shoal. But my tigers also are way more peaceful than most think. I got all of my fish as juvenile and I believe that and larger groups has helped. I think I have 4 male and rest are females for the cherry barbs.
  14. I thought that it can just clear up on its True, my barbs help control snails. Algae is held at bay by plants and critters
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