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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Water paremeters? This is most important in the case of disease. @Vonz1
  2. My minnows are hiding, kinda from each other? Why is my question. One is in between a tiny gap at the bottom of the tank, and one is hiding behind the part that comes down from hob. Here is pictures of the fish at the bottom. Also the males chase the females like crazy! I’ve seen them chase, but am I about to have a breeding situation? Thanks if u can even see him 😒
  3. It’s full 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇. It looks incredible!!!!! I almost cried it looks good, and my minnows were like “dang, and here we are with a lil 10g 😂😂😂. Here it is.
  4. Edit: I decided on no uplift tube, I don’t have the right thing to cut it sadly. So I am going to add sand and everything I need for tank in there, will setup today, start cycle in 2 days, will let tank sit for 48 hours. I’ve actually watched this twice and yes above ⬆️ is what I did. Here are pictures. My tank is almost complete!!!!!!
  5. The medium sized sponge filter is to tall for my 20t long :(. So I was thinking of taking off the top curved piece of the sponge filter altogether? Anybody else do that? I read this earlier. So thinking it is fine? @Tony s? Anybody?
  6. Yes a + as heaters can take up space. I can see it, just like WCMMs, it may not seem like it could go in a 6 but if you everything right and have the right conditions, I can see it. (IMO)
  7. Then just monitor. If worse, QT tank. @flossy
  8. Hmm ok that makes sense. Thanks!!! Now seeing what it is, I am glad I don’t have it 😜 @Tony s.
  9. How old is your corie? Could be aging. Old age. But if not just have the other tank on hand and see if he improves or gets worse.
  10. Yea I was thinking some shrimp. I was thinking Amano. Very good point! But i think it is going to be a QT tank for both tanks. But yes I am thinking of shrimp!
  11. Petco might have them, we are not allowed to mention certain stores tho on this forum. But maybe check there @shrimpleaf.
  12. Here is the results! The 20g is now on the table where the 10 used to be. Now all I am waiting on is the light and thermometer. Everything else came yesterday.
  13. Here is the results!!!! I moved it, they survived and all is well 🙂. Pictures down below. The light is starting to go to the sunset cycle and is going down. It looks better than I thought. 20g is on the other table.
  14. They are. They are incredibly hardy,and peaceful, which makes them one of the most beginner fish I’ve seen. @shrimpleaf. Remember, you’re working with a small tank here, make sure everything is okay for your ricefish and in ship shape. 6g is still small. But they are nano, so if you do everything right, you’ll be fine with these little guys!
  15. Pictures + parameters will help in identifying this disease. But swim bladder is most likely the situation. Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate etc. Agreed.
  16. My nerite eats it, but no more is in the tank now, for the moment. It is crazy!!! Maybe that is the cause of my ammonia spike i had a few weeks back that lasted months 🤔
  17. This is what I read. Bio-Stratum is a natural soil product, and like any other organic matter, adding it to an aquarium has the potential to slightly increase ammonia levels. If it’s 1 inch and the plants are fine, then no substrate needs to be added. Can I see a picture of you substrate and plants in there? It would help a lot @Moz!!
  18. Do you have hard or soft water? I didn’t read the beginning of this topic. If soft, crushed coral works, if hard you don’t really need anything but a good calcium diet. Idk the water hardness though, I will read and see. @Guupy42.
  19. Sorry for late reply, no he is a speedster still, but I have not seen him in a day, he hides a lot, and when he comes out, it is the middle of the night. He is still very active. He even has green algae on him too.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Yes like @CoryWithAKatana said, feel free to ask questions!
  21. Yes mine has it too. All you have to do is rub it off, mine has some algae on its shell, i a, going to rub it off as soon as possible @Guupy42. Pictures? If you can?
  22. Very interesting, yes some fish will eat guppy grass but I’ve never known fish to eat every single bite of a plant…. Very strange.
  23. I actually know all of those, all really cool Pokémon! But yes not super common, probably the most common one is Gyarados.
  24. Wow. Very good design!!! Very awesome! @PGH Jeremy
  25. This is what is goin on with my 10g. I gotta table from goodwill (a store in the southeast were you can buy good quality stuff cheap) for 15 bucks that should have been 75 dollars!!!! A steal my friends! Here is the picture! The 10g is going on this table and I am moving my 20t to the table my 10g is currently on. Pics
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