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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. I might net them out but idk, I will see soon enough. Thanks! Yes it is, abut at least it is not a 20g or larger that I have to carry. Talk about large 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Yeah it doesn’t, but it is actually 30” across and 12” deep. It is huge in person to me! @CoryWithAKatana
  3. I know!!! Can’t wait, here is the tank, kinda boring tho lol. Yes indeed!!!
  4. Yes it is time, the journal where I post everything for my 20-gallon long!!!! I bought the tank, an empty 20-gallon long Marineland tank. I ordered these items for my tank, down below. From aquarium coop. AC sponge filter. Edit: also bought baby brine shrimp for my WCMMS, not related to this topic tho Amazon buys, Standard airline tubing for sponge filter. Heater, going for a tropical tank instead of what I did with my 10g WCMM tank with no heater. Air pump for sponge. Spiderwood 7 pc set. Thermometer. Nicrew 20 watt 30 inch light. 20lb bag of sand (black galaxy) And maybe i forgot something else but idk if i did or not. For my stocking, (again, tank is not setup and there is nothing in it and has not been cycled, going to do the fishless cycle) 8 panda corys. 6 guppies or rasboras cannot decide which schooling fish i want yet. And 3 honey gourimais. And it will be heavily planted, going for that natural look. And that is it, thanks for reading! Pictures as soon as i set up!!!!
  5. Cool! Thanks sounds great. It might sound wierd because i have an established tank but i am goin for no shortcuts, just the cycle. I see how shortcuts could be a good and faster thing, but overall i am going to stick with what i know @EricksonAquatics. Thx for the help! Keep an eye out for my journal! Ooohh interesting @Tony s! Thanks for sharing!! Thanks for the info @RyanR! Thanks i will keep this in mind if i buy the guppies @DBrown918
  6. Ok i see. Yes bettas are not fans of high flow. Slower flow is better, you could even buy a sponge filter and add it for a couple of weeks then tie HOB out. Could be risky for the BB. @aminowrimo
  7. You have done ich x for him right? If it’s parasites then ich x is best treatment, also not sure if I didn’t read close enough but have you done aquarium salt? It helps with a ton of things. @aminowrimo
  8. Interesting, @Colu hopefully will show up soon becuase I am clueless too, and want to know what this is. If you already did all these treatments posted above, idk at this point sadly. Maybe take out the tetras from the tank with the betta. Sorry for this situation @aminowrimo.
  9. This is what I read on the aquarium coop website about it. We find that crushed coral inside the aquarium may need to be replaced every 1-2 yearsdepending on how low the pH of the tap water is. If using crushed coral in a filter, it will dissolve faster. This means you'll usually use smaller amounts, but replace it more frequently. More light can do it. My light is really bright and because of that my nerite a lot of different types of algae to work on he stays busy.
  10. Got it. Yes colu will be very helpful with this. Or visit this topic he has on different disease treatments @aminowrimo. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/15673-the-most-effective-treatments-of-commonly-posted-diseases/
  11. Poor guy RIP. Sorry for the loss. So your cardinal tetra and betta are the ones dealing with this illness now correct? @aminowrimo
  12. Yes I forgot but I remembered this morning, thanks for the reminder. Now this is what I am planning on. I am getting a small table, for my 10. I will transfer it over to the smaller table, then I will put my 20 on the table where my 10 is at the moment. But don’t worry. It is literally a foot or less away from the big table so it should be fine, I will just take out the filter and light, take out a couple gallons of water and transfer. I am strong enough to lift the tank, so it should be fine. Idk if anyone has tips about moving it tho and will take any suggestions thanks!
  13. Man, that is tough. My dogs are losing their Winter coats right now and its bad. I kicked them out now, and will wait till they stop shedding lol
  14. @Colu, he could probably help. Hopefully, he show up soon for you @aminowrimo
  15. Wow, that is a good story! I know you have been here but welcome to the forum @clownbaby!
  16. Glowlight tetras are cool. I agree with @GoofyGarra. Honeys would be great! They are so personal. Idk really about the glowlightss, i just know that they look pretty awesome. But corys are the best. They are super personal i hear and would be great for all ages. (IMO)
  17. Hmm, not a bad idea. So would I still need to add BB and ammonia to the tank? And just do what would normally do? I am just making sure as I have never boosted the cycle before. I was thinking of just doing the cycle. But I am traveling across the US on a huge long 26 car hour trip in august. It might be too late by the time I leave. Might sound dumb but I don't want to make any mistakes @EricksonAquatics. Thanks i will look into it! @DBrown918
  18. I just got the 20g!!!!! Ordering sponge filter and sand, and light and air pump for filter and everything else you need for a tank. Oh yeah and a filter. So should I mix gravel from my 10 in the sand in my 20? @macdaddy36.
  19. If u don’t continue ammonia your BB will not die probably @Yoshi, it takes a week or so for the BB to die, I would keep adding ammonia on your schedule of when you add it, until your second stage of nitrite converting to nitrate ends and your cycle starts to finish.
  20. True, mine is in the substrate and has lots of algae, but is still thriving right now!
  21. Same, i am on a rampage for plants right now lol. I was not sure i should try it because i cannot even pronounce the name LOL
  22. It looks awesome! I would get this for my new tank if it were not for my interest in sand lol.
  23. Got it, i will do schooling fish first, i would like to try guppies but idk, i really like neon tetras and harqulin rasboras. Welp i got time tp decide because i am going for the fishless cycle lol.
  24. Thanks I will check this out @Guppysnail!
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