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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Got it, thanks. Thanks @CoryWithAKatana Yeah i have 2d and 3d, i got diatoms and normal green algae. I also have hair alage, and flakey algae, unsure of the name. But i can use a toothbrush to get it out. Thanks, @Guupy42 Yes, i am getting some crushed coral as my water is super soft. thanks @VanDogh!
  2. Hi everyone, hitting y’all with another question, I am new to snails, and wanted to ask one question, what do I feed my nerite? I am getting one this weekend, and wanted to know what’s best, I have PLENTY of algae for him to go to work in my 10g, but was wondering for a side food, whenever he cleans up most of my algae (hoping he will). Algae wafers? Some other treat? Suggestions? Just algae? Thanks oh and this is another option I saw ⬇️. I just wanted to see what was best 🙂 https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/fish-food/products/nano-banquet-food-blocks
  3. Goodness, I have seen some moss balls that big, but just moss? That’s insane!!! I would have to get a 50g just to keep it 🤣
  4. Thanks, I am going with the filter cartridge, and man, my water is the softest water in this world lol. My gh is close to 1. And same with kh. Thanks @CoryWithAKatana Ok, I wanted a floater plant, in fact, I was going with some hornwort until I saw this aquarium coop deal that says buy 4 plants get 10% off, so I said why not? 😂 so is there a specific bag that I use, as I don’t have a mesh bag @Tony s?
  5. Sorry about all this again @Colette. If ammonia is present, then definitely water changes are needed, if it doesn’t stress them out a lot, 20% every day is my suggestion. I know about ammonia, I had a ammonia spike that ended 1 week ago, that started in FEBRUARY lol. Still don’t know the actual cause, and I did 20% change daily to keep ammonia out, or at least untoxic. If you have seachem prime, then I would use that, as it doesn’t kill ammonia, but make it not as toxic for 24 hrs.
  6. I’m also gonna get a nerite snail, can anyone recommend where to put crushed coral in my tank, my water is super soft. Filter or substrate? Ideas? I will! I am going for it! It’s worth a try! Thanks @Yoshi.
  7. I read that it does better with C02 but it’s not required @CoryWithAKatana This what I read Monte Carlo does need CO2 supplementation to thrive and grow fast. However, it doesn't require a lot of it, especially if placed in medium-lit aquariums. Like most aquatic plants, nutrient and Co2 consumption is dependent on the light and temperature it receives. I have a medium to high light. Yeah when you said that, it struck me, that I saw something about that, but it’s ok, thanks for the warning, as I don’t know NOTHING about co2 lol, not a plant guy, I’m a cycle guy, and White cloud minnow guy lol
  8. Sounds great, I love the dark look of the aquarium, it looks awesome @Yoshi
  9. Update: Trying my luck with 4 random plants, but don’t worry I looked into them, here they are. ammonia has been 0 for more then one consistent week, so I am going to get a nerite snail this week, and like I said, gonna order these plants ⬇️
  10. Man, I knew there was tons of guppie breeds, but this is a LOT! Cool chart @GuppyLover123
  11. The dr Tim’s ammonia is a good choice, gets the job done, when did you start the cycle @Yoshi? Because I usually test after the first 2 days, but that is me, not important I guess. But everything is looking awesome!
  12. I know, he has been my favorite since 2018, but I have been watching baseball since I was a kid, but you gotta respect the MLB players that have 100 koi in a 10,000 gallon lol
  13. Yes, I mentioned that to him, he is going to take it out of the substrate, hopefully it will live.
  14. I know, it’s so fun to me, and so relaxing, also gives you a chance to enjoy your fish longer @GuppyLover123!
  15. Ohhhh ok, that’s super smart @bigcorydora49, I should of thought of that for my betta tank.
  16. I feed freeze dried daphnia, but frozen is better @BlueTurtle25, I would start with the fritz aquarium salt, and if no improvements in 3-5 days or so, I would start maracyn. You can fast and use aquarium salt at the same time, don’t do anything else with those 2 things though @BlueTurtle25.
  17. That’s good news, again, you’re doing a great job @Colette!
  18. Correct, Java fern, hope it makes it! @VanDogh
  19. Thanks a ton @CoryWithAKatana, I will look into that! Thanks for all the cool plant recommendations. Algae is so annoying, I have it everywhere in a 10g I have. Thanks for the 3rd time!!
  20. It did! You’re welcome, and yes that is what mine looks like as well. @VanDogh
  21. Yes, and also u can buy gel glue from aquarium coop and glue it to rock/driftwood/decor etc. here is a link to the gel glue that u can use @VanDogh. Hope this helps. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/plant-supplies/products/super-glue-gel
  22. If it’s Java fern, it is really easy to keep. One thing to keep in mind tho, if it is in the substrate, that’s not good, it’s a rhizome plant, if you bury the rhizome, it will rot. This is the rhizome, besides that, it only needs ferts, and it can handle high medium and low light, it is a super easy beginner plant @VanDogh
  23. Wow, I don’t know that would be it, I love it too!!!!! Your welcome @GuppyLover123!
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