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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. They stopped yawning but get air from the top of the water often, but no other common signs of ammonia poisoning, I will get an airstone soon and just keep a eye one em @macdaddy36.
  2. Ok, let me first say, I am super glad someone else chime in here with some fresh ideas!!! @Tony s and me are in the dark and just trying to figure out the issue. I thought I did cycle the tank @Tony s right? Like it had no ammonia after the cycle for a month. Maybe I am wrong or just tired 🥱 lol. @cotasm, thanks a million, I don’t use the dr Tim’s bacteria every change actually and have not at all recently. Maybe it expired when in the middle of use? Idk Yeah, I am starting to pull my hair out and just mad and confused why this is happening. Yup. I will tomorrow morning and report. Last time I checked they were 15 ppm. And I do shake vigorously for one minute and shake the bottle and everything, I have been trying to follow the book as perfectly as I can 😉
  3. Remember this? The rotting roots were still there for all the way to today until i noticed them.......could this be the issue, rotting plants can = ammonia right? @Tony s and the gel glue was there too.
  4. Just completed a 25% change, mainly to scrub algae and clean gravel, Thanks, yes you have been patient enough with me a guy who will sometimes panic 😅 Filter cartridge coming today from amazon, + dr tims one and only
  5. When pH is low and the water is acidic, it heavily reduces the toxic form of NH3 ammonia, but with a pH higher than 7 and at certain water temperatures, the concentration of toxic NH3 ammonia is much higher. I just read this. My temp is 72 with ph sitting around 7.6. Could this be another thing? I am sorry for spamming posts but i just want to have a normal no ammonia tank like most of everyone else 😥
  6. Could it have to do with the ph of the water? And temp as i read this, also my gh and kh are both 2, if that means anything at all https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=is+there+ammonia+in+city+water&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-syn_launcham&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aSFOTltNdSPoIx38%2BUf%2FiXrvPdoGmStdlfwLFZYDvqkAJrWWk4yNReCLnBD%2FqPsDZd7olTZcV8HMx1G%2Fk786sE2Tis1g8dJd8zxVWs%2BbKztBnq1TfqUiqPYK9pXifXmJFyorDuCsYXJE71Y6G5tfejBOGQIkjMWL9ueYatTiC2seBRG7mLrXW8bxskI4s31K8kOvBetBHycGi3ZyaVwlEjUKPvxyjERSAiOqmUn%2FkMi2Iy%2Fv%2FBy3SaHMDPBujTOF9A1CxwSb6tFKPLzgY55T2C42gLx568IpR7jXQVDE6XrO&param3=HpCyCT2cXaKG4CVDR00rqgObRQahimQNt2d5ZCR7Jy3IZoD3T11qaq2nywASZYgKzfyS10BttKbIeHkaaNI9P0ioRHftV47BlCRVuFr0mVctO7htUdYjC5dp%2Fy6lQtNXycZ%2Fl5k9kS0fHQGnJnFf4%2BU%2BYl2TSsGiOseOtnQhKiRVko3gcXLlbDwQyIBxjoAb8rXuJow298qLDb7ZCDTVGrSG1rxH8q8gmQMjB%2Fim2C9fMDHdbRdkDp7L%2BkQmc8lcLNPMk%2B5eTw1MFEKJMBnND6PCkO7jaoFECrjoZSnfAo9ml2uFBHlNnXPiuIIkRr1E&type=f2%3A%3B.6850610d4680680b2811f3dcdca6be379af%3B5.ac48522a20946644e52a8ef8e64166f19c0ca9cd289975659b0570f139cfd1da05e084af6b3ead9e74a4d#:~:text=Ammonia exists in either one of two forms. It can exist in a pure%2C un-ionized%2C uncharged form (NH3)%2C or it can exist as a positively charged ammonium hydroxide ion (NH4%2B) when it dissolves in water. The form ammonia takes in water is highly dependent on the temperature and pH of the water. It has to be my water, or i am testing wrong but i think that think that i am doing everything correctly. Last guess, its the jugs i use for water changes, empty distilled water jugs and a used (idk what for) 5 gallon bucket i found and cleaned from my basement. @Tony s
  7. Nope, i have no clue where my water comes from before tap besides its city water. Why is all i am asking.................................................. Could it be my ammonia test jit? Should i get strips and test? The fish, are as healthy as they could be. Living it up in there lol. I have no clue....
  8. One of my WCMMs is yawning every once in a while. Could this be a issue? low oxygen right? Do I need a airstone?
  9. It’s .25 and maybe the tiniest bit less possibly. Here is some pictures of the check this morning @Tony s, @macdaddy36, and everyone else.
  10. Beautiful tanks! Good luck!!! @Beach Cruiser, i love some big tanks! I have the nicrew light as well actually, got it last night , it’s awesome for sunrise/sunset.
  11. He was partially joking. I have bought ACs plants for months and no snails. If you have a quarantine tank tho you could quarantine the plants and try to eliminate the ramshorns if it will make you sleep at night, @cotasm.
  12. Yes, my anubias is indestructible. Amazing, the most basic plant, throw some AC all in one ferts and there you go, not more issues.
  13. Interesting, I might look into that, I am currently having a ammonia spike in my tank.
  14. The white cloud minnows is the G.O.A.T fish, very cool tanks! Cory your right, my fav fish of all time. I like this video on how to breed them. Or just find a old thread on the forum. I know they are super duper easy to breed. I have them, the best fish 🙂
  15. The light came!!! 🎇🎇🎇 Also I went to petsmart because I literally forgot it was there and drove past it and said, “oh yeah there is a petsmart there”. And got the topfin hood, it fits like a charm! The light is perfect I mean PERFECT. I have it on a 8hr cycle and in the morning I will set it to turn on at 9:00 am and turn off after 8hrs is over, I will show pictures in the morning, it’s off now. @Tony s, @macdaddy36 amazing light. Decent hood actually too.
  16. Oof, yeah thats dead @Gideyon. Sorry about that. Its not, i have lost 5 plants recently. That is just how it goes sometimes, @Mmiller2001 might have more questions on what ferts you are using and maybe tell you how this might have happened. Maybe idk.
  17. What are your paremeters @Ventuxio, that's super important for any disease. @Colu will help identify the disease better than me tho, but ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph are super important.
  18. Ok, no bleach probably then, i dont have any actually at the moment, thanks @Guppysnail, @lefty o. Just warm water and scrub
  19. Welcome to the forum @CaptDave!
  20. Thanks. It is dry. True, I was mainly wondering how to clean it. And saw that I could use bleach. Thanks a lot @Guppysnail! It did thanks! It is empty now, was previously set up 2 years ago. My betta died a month ago, it’s completely empty now, nothing but a dirty tank and filter. Thanks @PluckyD! Ok got it, so maybe I don’t need bleach? Just a good rinse with warm water, scrub all the poop/algae out and do a good clean of my filter. Am I correct? Thanks for the info @TOtrees. Thanks a lot! @clownbaby, @T. Payne, @TJ _isme, @Guppysnail, @Galabar, @Tony s, @jwcarlson, @PluckyD, and @Schuyler, thanks. So after all this, should I worry about bleaching my tank, or really really good cleaning will do it? The disease my betta had is not contagious btw.
  21. 😦. Wow what a idea!!!!!!! Why do I not th8nk of the simple things 😂. I just might do that…….lol
  22. Have not got one yet, oh no, I might’ve jinxed myself,I am ordering some soon lol. Never heard of leaped ramshorn… interesting.
  23. Life hack lol. Interesting I need to look into all the hacks for zip ties in aquariums…. You never know. Might be more. I have been following this topic for a while and hope for more updates @HelplessNewbie!
  24. Hi all, of course what the title says, I need a way to clean and kill all bacteria in my 2 year old empty used 5 gallon tank. I read you can use regular or household bleach? Is this true? In general how to clean and kill all the bacteria in my tank that a sick betta was in, thanks in advance guys.
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