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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Thanks for all the responses guys, will look into every one!!!
  2. Oh, my bad @Tony s, I think somebody else mentioned that, thanks tho!
  3. HOB. Got it @macdaddy36, I am planning on a new light anyway, Thanks a lot for 5eh suggestions @Tony s! Hmmm… maybe I should not get them then? Got a HOB and it is kinda strong. Thanks @Yoshi
  4. Very possible, I think it could be one too now that I think about it. Yes, hospital tank, maybe add some aquarium salt @Marcelo as well.
  5. Thanks will look into both, thanks for the quick response @Yoshi! Btw like your logo, I am a big Nintendo fan!
  6. @Tony s, gotta a possible issue here, the online fish seller you mentioned (I think Cory said that we cannot mention them because they are now selling plants against AC) has only the option of buying 6, not 5, would 6 even fit in a 10g with the minnows?
  7. Interesting, I have no idea how or why he’s skinny @Marcelo, maybe he doesn’t get fed as much because they are bullying him possibly? I am kinda clueless……
  8. I want some floating plants for my 10g so I can have more coverage for panda cories when I get them soon enough, anybody have some options, suggestions, recommendations? Thanks in advance! (It’s a medium to high light tank, a starter kit light, not the best but might get the AC light soon).
  9. Ow, that looks like it hurt, @lighting13, I see artificial plants in the tank, are there any sharp pieces of decor/plant in the tank, might be he just got injured from something sharp.
  10. I am planning on corys still, as long as ammonia will still be 0 for a week. Found a killer deal online for em, but can’t mention the name on this forum, will give a update when I get them soon enough!
  11. The nitrite is almost 0 u say, is it like maybe less than .25, because any present nitrite can be harmful, but anyway, that is probably not the problem, how much do u feed them @Marcelo?
  12. Nice, same, I have no clue how to rescape one of mine, but you gotta start somewhere right?
  13. How that it was a journey, of spending tons of money for just a 10g, but I think it was worth the money. From cycling it to now having awesome fish, white clouds. But my favorite part is the plants, and the cave look in it, I love cave hides for tanks and I also of course love my fish!! Here is some pics, I love how it turned out, hope you do to! I have a 5g too, but it’s empty right now. 🙂
  14. Thanks, yeah there is only 5 of the WCMMs, I will definitely try to not overfeed. Thanks again
  15. YES!!!!! Finally, but i will see if it it stays, thanks for the help guys! @macdaddy36, thanks, will be getting cories as soon as i make sure ammonia stays for a week or so, stay tuned, i will post on my journal about them @Tony s @macdaddy36.
  16. Update: tested the water and looks like I am at 0!!! Maybe? Here is the pics. Up top is today, and bottom is from 2 days ago, see the difference @Tony s, @macdaddy36 and @Shrimp Doggy Dogg? I believe it is 0. And hopefully it will constantly be there. Thoughts? This very bottom one is from today btw, messed up the edit
  17. Got it, yeah looking at that guide, looks pretty good, I would go for it @Guupy42.
  18. It seems safe from what I read, here is a topic on it on the forum a while back @Jeff, https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/6217-med-trio-and-plants-whats-your-experience/
  19. To what I am reading, it seems like the paremeters change a lot, or am I wrong? Like, the nitrates for example are from 0 to 20, does it change drastically? Ph is pretty high. Guppies are sensitive to a lot different things in the water such as water hardness and so on @Guupy42.
  20. Yep, just did a 30% change, thanks @Shrimp Doggy Dogg!
  21. Do you have any sharp decor in the tank @Tan Tran?
  22. Hello @xxannan! Welcome to this forum, Welcome to the forum @Darcy! I am glad I found it to!
  23. It’s been a long time, maybe 2-3 weeks?? I have NO CLUE WHY. Any thoughts? @macdaddy36.
  24. Correct, camera is not helping. It is zero to me, but @macdaddy36, is that close enough? 0 or .25 idk.
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