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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. 30% is not to much @Litfan93, I sometimes do a 70% if I understand correctly what you are asking. Are you doing root tabs twice a week? If so that might be to much for twice a week, I do them once per month, but I might be misunderstanding that too lol. Kinda tired tonight lol.
  2. I have an empty tank……a 5g, but there should be no empty tanks so I am starting this to show the progress of my 5g tank, my betta died a week ago, so now it is COMPLETELY empty with the HOB sitting there. I have no pics because it is just completely empty (no point) and I am still deciding on what to do with it and also another thing, the super long process of the fishless cycle. I am open to suggestions like, what kind of fish to put in, how to decorate it, and helping me when I ask some Qs if you can. I might not post for a bit because I am still trying to find what I need for it and setting up and prepping for this tank, it will be planted btw and there you go, here is a pic of what it used to look like down below. Thanks for reading this through to the end and yeah not much more to say lol. 🙂
  3. Welcome to the forum and glad you are back in it and settled, I have seen you around a bit but here to say 👋 hi!
  4. That’s great! Most are kinda aggressive to other fish but your lucky @Matthew does stuff
  5. Nice!!!!! U did it! Great tank! Love the floaters as well!!! @Moose hope to follow this in the future!
  6. Yep water change time, takes like 3 hours but hey, it ends up being awesome if you clean your tank! In fact, I ACTUALLY enjoy them, I think it is fun @Guppysnail! 😁
  7. Wow, this forum explains itself so much. Thanks for that @macdaddy36!! Got it, can you click it and tell me if it brings you to my journal? Thanks I did but want to make sure for everyone else!
  8. @Supermassive I am sorry this happened but it happens, I mean it is not luck or the like but just another thing that happens in this fallen world, and I am again sorry about that, but stay with it because there is +s to of this great hobby 🙂
  9. Then prob 5 to 10 nitrates. Weird...... i would just grab a new one and test as some can expire basicly
  10. Not techy, i will say that first, but how do i link my journal into my sig on my profile? Thanks. I will answer Qs if you have them too and not sure if i worded that right lol
  11. @Gideyon, i would get another test kit and also what exacty is the nitrates?
  12. Yes @Colu will help with this, and also waht are your paremeters @RyanR?
  13. Oh nice, @Tony s. Cool vid. @wwjond, should be fine then. Just make sure there is no agression
  14. Gotcha, and like @FLFishChik said, Izzy sounds great for a male or female, or if you have a better name you can name it that.
  15. Maybe, idk, not one either lol. @Matthew does stuff, either one, why are you wondering? Just curious.
  16. Hey @EricksonAquatics, yep, you have helped me on this forum and thank you for all that! Welcome (even tho u were already here for a bit) and nice! I love bettas but sadly mine passed away Friday (RIP Sonic) 😢. I have a 10g + empty 5g right now! Nice tank!
  17. Idk, it kinda is looking like one, but it doesn’t have the brightness colors I have seen, because females don’t have brighter colors than males, I fell like that is one, but idk either really, but what is your reason why you think it is not @Matthew does stuff?
  18. If that small, I personally would not go for the acara @wwjond, if you already have the corys that is.
  19. Yes some frets can help and thanks for the suggestion @johnnyxxl.
  20. Hello and yes blue acara is a great choice but the smaller corys can become food sadly @wwjond, what kind of corydora @wwjond? The ones that get bigger might be fine for the future but now if they are 2 inches, I do not recommend.
  21. Hello @Moose! And welcome to the #1 forum on earth lol.
  22. Nice! Micro sword is doing 10 times better than mine lol @Ladette!
  23. Wow, that’s amazing!!!! I have never seen a brighter fish! Nice fish @Fish Folk!
  24. Yes I was planning on that, thank you @macdaddy36, ok, that is good because that smaller store is far away with petsmart maybe 30 mins away, I am planning on a week at the least. Thanks again
  25. I am still trying to make sure no ammonia present, last time I checked (1 day ago) it was .50 ppm, water change today, I am thinking of maybe going to a smaller chain store instead of petsmart, because usually their fish are kinda sickly and I saw the reviews that panda Corys they got from there are sick sometimes too. Do not get me wrong, all fish can get sick and the reviews don’t always matter but well I will see! 5 panda corys I am planning right now…..
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