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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Ok phew, just making sure, I would make sure you eliminate that bit of nitrite first, as any of it can harm the fish, I am not saying that that is all the problem but a quick water change will get that out @Lily Beth
  2. @Lily Beth, thanks for all that info, that helps a ton but, do you mean degrees or Celsius for that temp? Because if degrees then that betta is definitely dying because they can’t live under 72 degrees for a long time, but I’m sure Celsius right?
  3. Yeah I personally like the just plain gravel. The lighter kind, but I have seen amazing things done with darker gravel, @Mmiller2001’s tank is a good example of that for sure, but it’s all what you think at the end and what you want for your guppies! 🙂
  4. Thanks @Mmiller2001, but idk if I can get it off the cave….any ideas?
  5. That’s what I like too here @Spaghider! Never played pikmin…might look into that! Love splatoon!
  6. Lucky is all I can say @clownbaby! I live on the OPPOSITE SIDE of the USA lol!! Yep that plant is super thick I have read! Good luck!👍🏻
  7. Exactly! The most hardy fish you can buy for sure!!! So happy I got these boys @JE47
  8. You can do some aquarium salt while your gone @JohnNYC.
  9. I only had one rhizome but it was all tied up and knotted together on both, it has 2 rhizomes because there is 2 plants that I got in one from aquarium coop, @FLFishChik, and @Rube_Goldfish, thanks for the responses btw
  10. My Java fern (the new Java fern I got) is brown and I think I probably because of the rhizome not being open from the roots? I know that the rhizome can’t be be covered but I tried to get the roots untangled but couldn’t. Why is this happening? I dose with easy green. @Mmiller2001, advice? I know you don’t know everything but I wanted to know your thoughts. Thanks in advance!
  11. Yep,hornwort seems very popular, I wish AC had it, do you shop from aquarium coop @clownbaby? If not, they have some pretty awesome plants there!
  12. Thanks @Scaperoot, and @Bsquared, I love em too!!! small update: I checked the ammonia and…..it was 1.0 ppm!!!!! 😦. I almost screamed lol, did the quickest water change ever and added some seachem prime for conditioner, hope that does not happen again, something about these white clouds is, they are crazy hardy!
  13. Where is my Nintendo, Xbox, play station gamers out there? I am a huge Nintendo fan, love all the Mario games, my favorite is super Mario odyssey. Zelda is a great theme too, but I love a platoon 3, I love it! What is your favorite video game?
  14. Wow, that’s a great quote and perfectly fits fish keeping too! Most people I see, say I did everything right and something went wrong but that is how it is in this world. Just make sure that you don’t overfeed @Qnash,we all do it, I am not trying to say you maybe were, but that causes excess ammonia and ammonia will eventually kill the fish if not noticed.
  15. Looking nice there @JS Fish! Are you planning on some taller plants too @JS Fish? Fishless cycling is the best way to cycle and gald you are showing respect to the fish as I call it by having the tank 100% ready! Nice tank 👍
  16. 3rd on peacock gudgeon. I recognized it from a video from AC, is this in your tank?
  17. Totally agree, and also agree with @Rube_Goldfish, I hear hornwort is good for coverage! @clownbaby
  18. Oh sorry, did not see that part, no they probably won’t,they only filter feed @JS Fish.
  19. Nice! Obviously just one for a 20g, with they’re diet being, ⬇️ tiny frozen foods such as cyclops and baby brineshrimp, along with regular feedings of zooplankton or phytoplankton and ground-up flake foods. paremeters here ⬇️ 68° - 85° F (20° - 29° C) pH: 6.5 - 7.9. They like a higher flow of water I believe. You might know all of this but idk if you do @JS Fish, hope this is what you meant?
  20. That sounds great! Real quick, can you remind me of the stocking on this tank? Like how many fish you have? Then I will give u my thoughts on these boys!
  21. hello @Carolina!!! Love your betta there! I would say, first maybe you can raise the water level a bit. Bettas are kinda sensitive to to much movement in the water and if you raise it to right under the filter that woud be great! Welcome to this awesome forum!
  22. Sorry about that,I would just grab 2 more corys personally I think they feel safer in groups if I am not mistaken, I look forward to your tab in journals!! Thanks for update @Qnash
  23. Yeah Java fern is not my best either, I have in a 10g I have, micro sword, Pearl weed, anubias nana, Java fern, and moneywort so far!!!! Ok, totally just messed that quote up top up!!! 😂. I was trying to quote different parts of your post and…yeah didn’t work, your not the only one that is new to the forum! (Well I have been here a for a good 2 months and have made a lot of posts but I still make mistakes but anyway for high light floater plants I suggest MONEYWORT!!! It would not seem like it but mine broke on accident and one chunk I left floating and the other planted! For another floater Monte Carlo is great, also if you just want high light plants, Java fern gets pretty huge but takes a LONG TIME to grow so, some might include, valisernaria, also hornwort gets crazy quick, kinda tired at the moment so will think of more tomorrow lol. But yeah there is some options, also if you get the honey I would go with a duo of them so they can feel a bit more safe. @clownbaby, that’s my 2 cents LOL!!! But those are some good ones, like valisernaria is awesome, it is like a JUNGLE in an aquarium!
  24. Ok if you have done one full DOSE if I understand correctly then you can do another treatment of it, like a COURSE is what I mean @Ronnie. Then after that he should be good but if not, then aquarium salt is the other option!
  25. Ph there isn’t to high I would say, looks like 7.6 or maybe a tad higher, I would not worry about it unless those fish require lower ph @Boston Bill.
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