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JS Fish

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  1. Thanks @Whitecloud09 I'm so excited the shrimp might make a full come back!
  2. Update! I know it's been a while since I updated on this tank but I have some great news and some bad news. For one, my micro sword has finally finished adjusting to my tank and has been spreading out and growing! Secondly, at least two cherry shrimp are still alive with one successfully giving birth to live baby shrimp! I have confirmed at least two baby shrimp but havent been able to find the parents. Sadly, one of the rasboras which has been looking very skinny and has had a hunched back for a while recently passed away. The scarlet badis, other two rasboras, and otocinclus have all been doing well though! Thank you for reading and I hope you, your family, your freinds, and your pets are having a wonderful day!
  3. Thanks! I just recently figured out how to add music to my youtube videos which seems to help!
  4. This tank is looking great just your 20 gallon long! Good luck with all the new plants 👍
  5. Looks great @Whitecloud09! Cant wait till it's all planted and grown in. Btw, water wisteria grows very fast! It also can develop two diffrent shaped aquatic leaves! It's a cool plant. Also the marino moss balls are fun to. I believe if they grow big enough you can break it in two so you can get another one. Good luck and glad to hear about the ammonia being zero!
  6. Thanks @Whitecloud09 Not sure why it's not showing up
  7. Here's a video I posted of this tank on my YouTube channel. Hope you enjoy!
  8. Looking great @Whitecloud09! That valli is looking great to! Hope to get some for my 5 gal tall soon. Also, I like the no fishing sign 😂
  9. Thanks @Whitecloud09. I'll see if I can get a vid of Buzz. He's very active and exploitative. I'm also going to post a vid of my 5 gal tall with my guppies soon!
  10. Thanks. Most likely. I'm thinking of moving my bumble bee goby to this five and maybe going with rocket killifish and shrimp!
  11. Unfortunately, Mango has passed on. I'm not sure why exactly he passed but unfortunately it happened. A few days after his passing, I decided on a new occupant for this tank. A new bumble bee goby. I've tryed these before with little success but this time I have something I didn't have before. Live brine shrimp. With this, my new bumble bee goby who I've named Buzz has been eating very excitedly. I'm looking forward to his growth and will post a picture of him when he let's me get one.
  12. This is a tank I got a little bit ago for free from a teacher who was moving from my school. It is a five gallon tall tank with a built in filter system. I set this tank up by starting with a roughly inch deep layer of fine gravel. Then I put ontop a layer of sand about an inch deep in the front and 2 inches deep in the back. After, I put two peices of wood from my backyard into the tank along with some small river stones and a fossil. Later I found a tank decor that is a big hollow river stone with two big holes in it making a cave. For plants, I used water wisteria, java moss, dwarf hair grass, micro sword, water salvinia, and duck weed. I also have a peice of pothos with its roots in the tank as extra filtration. At first it was home to a small pet bass. I bought him 3 little feeder guppies and 2 feeder shrimp for him to eat. He ate two of the guppies but none of the shrimp. After the bass who I named Boomy wasn't doing so well, I released him back where I found him and found that my single guppy was pregnant. Since this, my guppy has had around 14 fry and my shrimps have passed. Here's the tank now: Now I'm building a backyard pond I plan to eventually use to house these guppies and some comet goldfish.
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