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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Welcome to the forum! Man, I wish I was closer than the other side of America so I could visit 😂
  2. LOL, yes I am going to change that but trying to find a good logo for white clouds lol! Yea ik somebody would notice that @Gideyon 😁. Good luck and as long as no ammonia any time soon you will be just fine!
  3. I do not think it works that way…..I would just let it run its course, once no ammonia nitrite nitrates left, and btw it all has to leave in 24 hours or your tank is probably not cycled, then do one big water change (50% probably) and then wait like 2 days and then check and make sure ALL of ammonia nitrite nitrates are gone then fish @Gideyon
  4. Yep, green spot, I thought I remembered what green dust looked like, but I didn’t. Like @Tony s, it should come off with a blade @svachon9
  5. I am a plain gravel guy, but if your looking for something to pop, get some normal colored gravel (like the tan grey and black rock) and some galaxy black gravel and mix, and a idea I have for a 5g I am setting up isi will make a normal gravel all around and then get some black gravel as a path to lead out of a cave and river rocks on the side of the path @Skyler!
  6. If your talking about diatoms, no, it’s super natural and happens to every tank, for example I had one that had no plants, had diatoms forever but not anymore, becuase my betta dies today and I cleaned everything out. So, it doesn’t mean that your plants are not thriving or anything like that, nothing you need to do @Gideyon 🙂
  7. @Colu Well, he was gulping for air, I believe he has had dropsy this whole time, so, I had do the hard thing and put him out of his misery and get him out, and I did the blunt force to the head method, maybe not the best method, but I have no koi sedate or clove oil so I did that, rip Sonic…..🥺
  8. I think it would be just fine to have have those 2 together, but I would get 2 honeys @TMartins, they are kinda shy and also, they might eat the baby’s but idk if you are gonna breed or not.
  9. Awesome! I love horses too!!! Nice fellas you got there @EricksonAquatics!
  10. Same second Q @spokanejared, the light could be an issue here, as well as fertilizer.
  11. Yes exactly like @Guppysnail said, I prefer ones with no aloe Vera. Personally I would go get a bottle of prime water conditioner @Misterpotato. Yep, don’t chase them, then they get a lot more unstable and you can get even more issues on your hands.
  12. Looks like green dust algae to me @svachon9. But possibly green spot.
  13. @Colu, ok, what is the name again? I read it but thought that you might’ve missed spelled something because I looked up “kio sedate” and only KOI sedate showed up. Is that it?
  14. @clownbaby, I have a big allergy problem with it, nothing against nature, but I’ll say, that is great lessen there!!!! Thanks for that quick lesson on nature! Spring will be over but, here comes summer! The hottest of seasons, the wasps, bees hornets NOO!! I alike summer pretty good tho overall, but my fav is fall, a perfect, not super cold, not super warm climate that has awesome looking leafs as well! What is your favorite season @clownbaby?
  15. Looks like diatom algae, not really a “algae”but yeah. Perfectly normal, all tanks have this. Especially a newly established one.
  16. I love stress coat of API and seachem prime personally, but they all get the job done.
  17. Here is something I hate, POLON!!!! If that is even how you spell it lol
  18. @Colu, I have no clove oil I just realized. I hear that another way to do it is to get some ice cold water, net it out and put it in? Is that a good way?
  19. I have been using this in my fish tank for a while, I will be shocked if anyone knows what this is, have you ever heard of “silver”? Like, the stuff you drink for your health???? I was using it for my betta (Sonic) and I thnk it helped, I looked it up, 100% safe for pet fish, can help with a lot of things. I wanted to tell everybody about it, so if you’re fish is sick, give it a try! I use a measuring cup like for medicine and use 5 ml for it, but anyway, just wanted to tell everyone, if you want to try it!!!
  20. I second the chilli rasboras, they are tiny, harqilun rasboras are great too, but maybe still to big for the banana tho…..
  21. I would say probably medium to low flow is reasonable for them @RetroFeesh
  22. Thanks @Colu, it is sad that it ended this way, idk if you know how much he has been through, but it’s a fish, it will happen so thank you for being helpful and caring enough to help me for the last month, I will I guess do that, I was wondering how to put him out of his miserable condition, again, thanks sooooo much, I am 100% gald to join this forum, because of people like u that want to help. Oh and I do not have an airstone, does that matter?
  23. Should be good, they can in a tank with the temp being as low 65 degrees Fahrenheit @RetroFeesh. Up to 77 as well.
  24. Thanks so much btw @Tony s, you have been one of the most helpful people on here. Pandas it will be, a nerite snail? Or mystery or does it even matter lol
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