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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Same, I have like, one friend who has a 20g with a couple of fish, but he is not a hobbyist tho…. Sorry don’t live in Iowa @jodip, I would search and see who sells the best floating plants @jodip.
  2. Idk, @Colu, he moved when I accidentally bumped the table he was on, bout to go see, maybe he will live, because he has done this a lot.
  3. Hard to say as I think we are not able to share anything from other websites competing with AC, I would say lots but idk if I can give a link or no…..
  4. Update: I am or was or still going through a ammonia spike in tank sadly, it was because I lost a fish (like could not find him) idk if he went under the plata and got stuck, I did not notice tho. So I lost him, know an ammonia spike is what I got, @Tony s, I am thinking of pandas, but I thought they were to big but maybe not, at least they are close to me. Close = petsmart. But maybe I will get harqilun rasboras instead. What would you do? Just curious, I am not much of a decider lol.
  5. Nice job there @jodip! Driftwood pretty much makes everything better lol.
  6. @Colu yes, could it be the neons? I was wondering if that could be it, but I am probably wrong.
  7. Yep, it will dessolve every time you put it in, but it still helps, trust me @NickD 🙂.
  8. That’s good, hopefully a full recovery and no more sickness during it.
  9. Awesome! I love the arcade and retro type games, also modern games, I love those a lot, the outdoors are better tho imo. I am a big fan of baseball especially.
  10. It could be ich. Most likely a fungal infection @sonorasage. Or maybe even cotton wool disease. Or something else, you can do maracyn and maracyn 2 + I would do some aquarium salt.
  11. Yes like @Tony s said, every water change add what ONLY you took out.
  12. Man, gotta go check that hornwort out soon! Seems cool, grows like crazy I guess too…. Why not? lol
  13. Yes, sadly he is barely breathing last time I checked, when I get back I will check him again, it was a long journey with this little guy @Colu. Hate that he was basically sick all his life but he is a long fin betta, I think usually those kind are unhealthy.
  14. I am doing Tons of Water changes because of an ammonia spike, not fun. Have done 4 in past 3 days lol
  15. Now he is barely breathing, @Colu could this be the end of his life? 😢
  16. Ok thanks, ONE more and HOPEFULLY no more lol. (I am kidding obviously because you will always have to do water changes at some point)
  17. Yep, anubias is the chill plant, throw some fertilizer in there, give it some light wait 20 years and it will grow lol. I also like Pearl weed.
  18. Ok, it’s .50 ammonia now and nitrate is low, should I dose easy green now? Thanks for all the help @Tony s!! So shoudl I do ONE more change or let it be?
  19. Wow, I have that cave and those plant holders from AC as well, that’s awesome @doktor zhivago!
  20. Like @Chadsaid, I can say “hi” and “welcome to the forum”. People will chime in here and I know will help you. BUT, if you are talking about brown diatoms, and it is heavy and it the diatoms are every where, then you got a classic cased of a new set up tank going through diatoms, it happens to almost every tank at some point, I have a 5g that is 1 year old and still has it but that does not mean yours will be that long of diatoms @Dave Spangler, hope that helps. Time will tell.
  21. Very sorry, I have lost a betta on first 2 weeks + I have had a sick betta for almost a year, it’s hard @Lily Beth 😢
  22. Well….… @Tony s I did lose a fish, had NO clue where he went…….could taht be it?????? Like I looked in filter I looked under all decorations but maybe he got under the gravel? I have no clue, but he is gone, and not outside of the tank I can tell u that. @reefhugger @Galabar @Tony s, could that be it??????
  23. Hello @Galabar, I maintain a higher ph of 7.5 but for example when the tank was started (during the fishless cycle) I saw that ph went to 6.5 so I added baking soda, would this cause this? Yeah I know prime doesn’t kill ammonia but I just like to use it more than stress coat. Tank is 10 gallons, been running for since….. January, idk the actual date but I’m sure that doesn’t matter, no new fish have been added at all, in past month, I have 5 WCMMs in the tank, (super hardy) so they are alive and very well. What could of happened was, somebody suggested on here one time to not cycle gravel. I didn’t and when I fed the fish they did not get it all before it went down, (I feed them every other day btw) so could that of broken down and turned into ammonia basically?
  24. Yep, fish store or Amazon @NickD, hope its helps. Like for example, petsmart/petco
  25. Looks interesting…..right now I would start with a tablespoon of aquarium saltper five gallons. Also if you have any almond leafs and Keep a real close eye on it. And also make sure your water is clean
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