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doktor zhivago

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  1. your fish are already controlling their numbers. i suspect your shrimp problem may be something else then.
  2. Most problems in a shrimp only tank can be solved with a couple fish Those are not planaria. That is an annelid worm of some kind
  3. I've never seen top fin glass lids. Only the hoods. They have weird dimensions on their tanks and nothing fits right
  4. Should be plenty for one fish even if he's big
  5. I just finished a maracyn 2 treatment. It does not completely wipe out your BB. They were certainly curtailed a bit and I had to dose fritz complete once or twice but they bounced back a few days after the first dose. The first dose according to the package instructions is a double dose and that seemed to cause the problem. The single doses after that did not cause any decline and after two days from the first double dose my cycle was back to normal.
  6. I just use gravel. and I've never really messed with CO2. Pearl weed, hornwort, swords, java moss, dwarf lillies, even valisneria. They grow just fine in gravel. i add dead leaves and cones for the shrimps and snails and all the tiny micro creatures that live in-between the gravel bits and they break everything down into a nice mulm, i rarely even use root tabs anymore. I think if you had trouble with fluval stratum you will find the same problems with a dirted tank. Downsides: I'll never have a real carpet effect because of the gravel and it took about 6 months for the plants to really get enough fish poop to take off. It will never look as good as a properly done walstad tank or a really fancy aquascape. It just doesn't look that nice compared to some of the other substrates, especially more active soils that you could plant crypts or stem plants in. Upsides: I just do water changes maybe twice a month and give everything a trim if it starts blocking too much light. Don't even bother to gravel vac, it would even be counter productive for the most part. I have not personally attempted the father fish/walstad style tank but you can search the vast number of posts on this and other forums of people struggling to control their algae, nutrients, and ammonia levels in dirted tanks. The people I have seen on here, and in real life aquarium club settings, who succeed with dirted tanks tend to be very experienced aquarists. Here's my platy tank. The other tank I have going currently is sand and Java ferns so it's not much to look at just yet.
  7. Worst case you can always get a cheap UV sterilizer and it will kill off the green water. I tend to not like killing the microbiome of my tank but it certainly has a place in emergencies
  8. Black skirt tetras get pretty big so I don't think you could keep them in a 20 gallon walstad. I don't recommend walstad or father fish tanks on here and I feel like I'm always ragging on them but they're very difficult to pull off and I think the promise of low maintenance sort of disguises how hard they are to get balanced. You can just create a regular planted community tank with all your tetras and cories and shrimps (tho once the black skirts start getting big after a year or two there may not be many shrimps). And it will be very enjoyable and easy to take care of.
  9. That might be cyano bacteria not hair algae.
  10. I can't find anything saying this in Florida fish and game. However if this is a shoal bass and not a largemouth it cannot be kept. I would release this fish immediately to an appropriate body of water (large pond or stream). Or have a fish fry. This is not an appropriate fish to keep as a pet regardless of which particular black bass species it belongs to
  11. Probably just detritus worms. Most of the worms that are pathogenic (parasites) are very small and you won't see them in the water column as their life cycle is inside the fish in their adult phase. Actually looking closer the things at the top look like pupae and the floating worms could be insect larva. Probably some kind of fly.
  12. I didn't know you could test the oxygen level.... Male shrimps will go crazy swimming all around the tank when a female is molting cuz they wanna get it on. It's not because anything is wrong
  13. No way it will run 3. There's a trade off made with the price point and the battery backup. It will struggle to run two at the same time much less three. The nano USB pump seems to be more powerful
  14. There is no product that starts up a tank you will have to cycle the tank which is mostly time and patience It will probably be fine. You will want to get a light specifically made for aquarium plants. There are many brands that are very good. But a regular aquarium light probably won't have the correct frequencies or intensity. There isn't really an answer to this other than it depends. I don't know how you're going to grow plants without a substrate. I recommend gravel for a first tank but others may disagree.
  15. I have super hard water with a ton of buffer so I've never noticed a chemical change with almond leaves. But the shrimps and snails love them and they seem to create a nice microfauna ecosystem while breaking down into a nice compost.
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