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  1. I’ve been using this black bio sponge media for the inside of my aquarium as filtering media, but the outtake sponge was suddenly missing, I didn’t know what to do so I thought of the best thing I took out some of my black sponge, small piece, poker hole and put it on my outtake. Looks like a charm1
  2. I have an update, she’s doing a lot better since I put the guava leaf in the aquarium.
  3. Well, you’re gonna like this one I have an update, after most of my frog bit have melted down and died, there is a rapid growth that just came out of nowhere, and now I need to pull some of it out, because it’s about to cover the whole entire top of my 5 gallon tank I don’t think it could be water flow because I still have the same water flow and they don’t stop growing, it could be that I just have completely different water parameters than my local aquarium store. I don’t live in the same town as my local aquarium store. And plus I use a substrate that lowers the pH and the hardness.
  4. Guava leaves and jackfruit leaves are very good, they have medicinal properties
  5. I added a guava leaf yesterday, at the moment I really don’t have any money for aquarium salt, so I’m hoping that the guava leaf or I might add a jackfruit leaf as well Would help my betta, guava leaves, and jackfruit leaves are small enough to put a whole leaf in my 5 gallon aquarium
  6. Thought as much. Well, I know my pH is 7.5+ my GH should be around 6.0 to 7.5 I keep my temperature around 75°+
  7. So today I had just gotten my bloody Mary shrimp in today, she hasn’t really tried to eat any of them. She just pokes around at them, just trying to see what they are. But that’s not important. What’s important is after I finished acclimating my shrimp and put them into the tank. I noticed something was wrong with my betta fish left eye, it looks like there is a bubble around her eye. any guesses to what this is?
  8. It’s a female betta, I have had pretty good experience, having female bettas with shrimp before everything turned out great, males are usually the ones eating the shrimp even trying to gobble on the adult ones when they notice a rise of temperature, which causes them to go and try to eat everything so they can be ready to breed, i’m not too worried about her, eating the babies, i’m providing enough hiding space for them I have a female betta, don’t usually worry about it, because the males are usually the ones eating them if they notice a sudden rise of temperature, which gets them ready to breed so they try to eat everything, I’ve had female betta with shrimp before and everything turned out All right, I’m not too worried about her eating the babies, though I’m trying to provide as much hiding spaces for them.
  9. I have kept my aquarium for about one month now I started in February and now I have a tiger snail and a betta fish, before, and after note: I had to remove most of the water sprite that was on the background, because it was dying. For some reason I’m gonna find a new background plant, possibly maybe the Japanese penny worth for a similar plant, I also do plan to keep some bloody Mary shrimp
  10. I had collected some Amazon frog bit from my local fish store, and now they are starting to look like they are almost dying, I understand it could be new water parameters
  11. This question had me scratching my head, I had recently found out that my local aquarium store carries pea puffers, but I’ve heard many times that they should be kept alone, one is fine for a 5 gallon, but do they really create enough bio load to sustain a 5 gallon?
  12. Yeah, it’s kind of strange, because yesterday and today I have zero nitrites and nitrates, also no ammonia, i’m trying to get some drop tests
  13. I have only started my tank last Wednesday, I think that I should note that I have fluval bio stratum, I dosed my tank with the proper amount of fastart f on Wednesday then on Thursday, Around that time I was seeing a little bit of ammonia, then yesterday, and today I noticed that nitrates are starting to show up, and now a little bit of nitrites are also showing up. I’m not new to cycling aquariums, but this is the only tank I have right now, it’s a 5 gallon tank with some dwarf Sag, Anubias, Java fern, water sprite and plan to put some water Wisteria,
  14. Yeah, I was thinking the same getting some liquid tests,
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