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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Thanks for responding @Solstice_Lacer! I see that AC is out of stock with this but will continue to check, thanks
  2. I was just about to say ich, but maybe a sort of fugal infection possibly, I would start with some aquarium salt, read it on back and see the dosage….could be something else but salt is where I uselly start, then medication if no results @reefhugger
  3. Now, I am starting to think of, what other fish for this tank? I have gotten great suggestions from the following, @macdaddy36, @Tony s, @Jeff, @Schuyler, and others, thanks everyone, now what will it be? CPDs? Chilli Rasboras? Honey gourami? Shrimp? Panda catfish? Still thinking on it, I like all of em. Still trying to decide on that and plants if anyone could suggest plants to I would be happy! Thanks everyone for all helpful info
  4. Wow, 15, crazy, will 100% look into these @Jeff!!! Thanks
  5. Ok thanks. I have never used aqadviser, will look into that, btw I actually am up to bigger water changes, on the weekends that is, maybe corys…… Wow, definitely doable for me! Thanks we will see! Yes 100% into buying more plants! Thanks @Tony s Oh wow, well thanks for giving some of your tTime to help me! That is super helpful info and your driving thinking of other things, thanks!
  6. That betta, oh man is it cool! Nice fish there! 😂 Corys are really looking cool, definitely looking into some, nice fish @Tony s! @tolstoy21, @FLFishChik, @Tony s, @Ninjoma, @Galabar, @Fonske, @reefhugger, thanks for sharing! Love all the the cool fishes!
  7. Yeah, I have only kept 2 bettas (not at once) and WCMMs! But love each
  8. I was looking for a fish for my 10g when I thought of an idea for a topic, what is your favorite fish you have or want? My fav fish I have is WCMMs and what I want is a Mickey Mouse platy, just like them lol, so what is yours? Or your top 10 or 3 maybe? I see all the variety of fishkeepers, liking some things, trying new things and wanteing new things, I was curious so yeah what is your favorite fish?
  9. @Tony s, I was reading this from AC, and maybe a cherry barb is an option too? They can stand a temp of 73 to 74 I looked up…https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-10-fish-for-10-gallon-aquarium#:~:text=In our opinion%2C guppies are,last morsel in the aquarium.
  10. Ok, thanks a lot, I will look into pandas and some others and then decide, @macdaddy36 thank you for the time 🙂
  11. Thanks, yeah I was interested harlequin Rasbora, but another school type fish in a small 10g….would that even work @Tony s and @macdaddy36? Thanks Seems like the celestial Pearl danios are kinda not common for petsmart and petco to have in stock…
  12. I had a heater (and still do) but it is not in, the room temp is about 68 degrees and so tank is sitting at 68, but with heater it can be whatever I like, I can set from 65 to 82 with each number in between, @macdaddy36, huh, I thought I saw prime time aquatics say that they can be single two, and Irene from AC said that as well, interesting….. Aquarium coop has them as up to 77 which sounds kinda extreme so maybe 74 would be fine for both????? If I get the honey. Also a panda Cory, does it need algae to graze on? I have onLucy the slightest bit of brown diatoms at bottom and barely any green algae on sides….
  13. Yes,salt first, then medication if needed but exactly like @Colu said, aquarium salt, I don’t see it harming plants.
  14. Ok, @Tony s, just making sure that it would be fine, in a 10g with 6 minnows, I have 5 but plan to get one more, I just checking because the tank will be heavily planted eventually, planning on a honey, or Cory, triangle to decide…….
  15. Looks like Popeye to me. A bacterial infection I believe, what are the paremeters @TheDesktopAquarium?
  16. Thanks! Could you reccomend a good smaller Cory for a 10 gallon? @KaitieG
  17. I am planning on, if the moneywort comes out ONE MORE TIME…..I am leaving it as a floater plant, I hate that my gravel is not that thick, messed up there a couple months back, but they both look good in the tank now, suggestions on some more plants? Maybe some Java moss in there? Idk, but here is a picture of tank now. Sorry, I decided on pic now, because will not have time later in afternoon and I forgot the light timer was not in yet 😉
  18. Like @Tony s said, that he does a quick water change, leaves them, does not feed them, then come back and they are fine. Exactly what I do when long road-trips arise lol. I would not worry to much with UNDERFEEDING. They can go a long long time, no food, trust me, it is a tough decision like @Guppysnail said but I say add them to main tank, no food for the time you are gone, don’t forget the water change at first before and when you come back (supposing this is not like a 1 month trip) they will be fine🙂
  19. Fish should be fine, just the algae might be taking over the house LOL!!! I am kidding 😅, welcome to the forum! If u have not danios then that does not mean u don’t like them right lol? I have a pic as u can see of a red betta, I don’t have RED one, but a blue one 😂
  20. Sorry for not seeing this in time @Max W., my bad, but the test strips will do, but if you can, as long as you get some ammonia strips too. Like @Tony s said, that little thin biofilm can be because you might be slightly over feeding, i get that sometimes too. I would get an airstone like @Tony s said, then strips or even better, the API master test kit that measures ammonia nitrite and nitrate and ph.
  21. @Ninjoma, @Tony s, @Schuyler, thanks so much, will look into these!
  22. Ok, will look for it, once posted🙂
  23. Yeah but that one would take all the gas out half way to the state, maybe someday…….😅
  24. Ok yet me say, HOW!?!? That is one of the best looking tanks I seen in a while, besides a lot of other amazing ones on this topic lol! Incrediable is all I can say!! Looks awesome! Great job! Beautiful! Looks great, nice job 👍
  25. Actually I meant the stuff at very top of the water with steams coming down from it, the stuff that is everywhere on top @JorgeO
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