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Tan Tran

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  1. No. I have plants river rock and a sponge filter and a canister filter. Nothing is sharp in the tank
  2. Hello everyone, my sakura ranchu has a small split on the tail and it is splitting faster now (I notice it started happening about 5-6 weeks ago). He is normal with eating, swimming. I have something in mind to do for the fish but need your help with better method or recommendations. First, I’m thinking to treat it with methylene blue salt bath, once a day for few days. Second, treat it in a quarantine bucket with maracyn. Thank you 🙏🏼 ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate ~40ppm, ph 7.4 here is the link for the video of my fish:
  3. I have 3 different types of worm in my tank:1st is thin and long, 2nd is thicker and shorter, 3rd is very tiny and have something like 2 antennas on the head (I cannot take a picture of this kind because too small). My tank is 20 days old and has one hillstream loach. I did some research and know that worms is cause of over feeding and decay organics but my loach is not eat anything beside algae in the tank (I know this because he/she poop a lot and my plants are growing). I will add some fancy goldfish to the tank so I worry if these kind of worms gonna be bad for them Another question about water quality beside worms: I do water change once every 5 days and ammonia is 0.25ppm and nitrate 10-20ppm every time. I have two large sponges filters in 40gallon tank. Will this going to be enough filtration for my fancy gold fish (I’m thinking to get 3-4 of them)? I attached 2 pics of the worms and 1 pic of my tank
  4. https://youtu.be/Hu8U8dXWEG8?feature=shared Hello everyone, greeting from Gilbert, Arizona. I am super new here and I just set up a new aquarium and it been in cycling process 3 days. My concerns are the tiny bubbles in water column (they pop when hit the surface so I think they are air bubble), what can I do to get rid of them to make the appearance better? I am not sure if it is because of the sand (I got the sand from local fish store and it is for fresh water, they are tiny and got a lot of bubble when I put them in the tank) or too much surface agitation. Thank you Edited: I add a youtube link that I record a video from my tank
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