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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Lol, I was wondering how you made so many posts! I mean you’ve won like 24 days and make tons of posts, but all helpful! I had to respond again instead of reacting, why is there a limit 🤣
  2. Man, I did a 25%, because my ammonia was low today at .25. @Tony s
  3. Thanks l will just buy the topfin one, mig(t not work, but it’s super cheap, 15 bucks. If it works great. If not I I’ll get another one. I guess not a great Q, you don’t own my tank or know the exact dimensions. I ordered the light, coming Friday. Thanks for ALL the help since I joined this forum, you have answered tons of questions I had, your super knowledgeable! I say it a lot, but I mean, I am not that experienced of a keeper, I know a lot, but we all have lots of questions. ps: I can’t react to any more posts lol 😉
  4. Welcome to the forum @MrBrbsmoke!
  5. Man, it has terrible reviews, like 2 stars, could you recommend a different brands? @Tony s This one looks great, would it fit? It’s a dif brand. Idk if that can be a issue. @Tony s
  6. Temp swing is what I was thinking. Maybe something wrong with your tap if that is what your water is, maybe test tap in all categories. How hard is your water? Gh kh, ?
  7. Oh found it, it’s for 10g topfin tanks, 20inch, same exact size!
  8. Ramshorn maybe?????? If not that, definitely bladder or mystery snail. Maybe someone else can be more specific. My best guess is mystery snail @TuiandLa.
  9. Ok, does it it matter if not the same brand @Tony s?
  10. About to do a water change, could anyone suggest a size? @Tony s, a 50% 25%, ammonia last time I checked is .50 ppm
  11. Whoops, I read past the fertilizer part, Corys right, light can be a problem if you don’t have a timer, and if it’s random from 8-12 per day that could be an issue.
  12. Yes, thanks that’s incredible! Thanks for the suggestion, I might do that…..
  13. I guess I am a handy kind of guy. I have a good number of tools in my barn. (That’s for a example i don’t think I actually need tools.) Petsmart has the DIY ones you say? @Tony s, because those would be ok. Sweet! Ordering now…. @Tony s, can I order this today online at petsmart? That would be great. If possible. The glass lid is what I am talking about.
  14. Also a lid. That fits mine. A 10g glass lid to protect light and also to stop fish from jumping. @macdaddy36, @Tony s. Wonder if you have suggestions to possibly @Mmiller2001?
  15. @macdaddy36, @Tony s, is this light ok? I found it on amazon.... could you reccomend one if not this one? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SCBLN8L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&tag=tank01-20&th=1
  16. I never knew that, mine is at the top of the water and grows vertical. So i trim it then it will go more horizontal? Because i have only one, do i need more @AllFishNoBrakes?
  17. Very knowledgeable @gardenman. I appreciate someone who makes sense and has tons of info. @gabdewulf put out another great Q as well. There is variations of this plant i see.
  18. Lol, I have not tried any but have read a ton about them. I think nerites and mystery snails are awesome and help a ton! The only issue with the nerites is they lay eggs and they don’t hatch, and it looks unpleasant lol. But still great snails out there @AllFishNoBrakes.
  19. I have grey algae on my micro sword and I read this online. What is the GREY algae in my fish tank? Staghorn Algae You can identify this type of algae because it branches like deer antlers in stringy branched formations and is grayish green or grayish purple in color. They thrive in unstable environments and can be an indicator of a reduction in necessary tank maintenance. Also is because ammonia is present. My ammonia dropped .50 ppm. I did a 50% change today and clean the glass. That’s my mini update everyone, my dr Tim’s bacteria is arriving tomorrow. Going to order the cartridge tomorrow. I will show pictures of my plants tomorrow morning. A topfin power 10 filter.
  20. Oh it’s ramshorns. I have heard nothing of them helping with algae control. If you want, you can keep them in there, but I don’t really see benefits of it. But maybe there is idk.
  21. It can be, they can clean up (by eating) the rotting leaves and some can help with algae.
  22. Could I see a picture of the tank light and the plants and in general your tank? Because usually 0.5 watts can be described as medium light. Some ground-covering plants or stem plants do well in medium light. 1 watt per liter or more = a high light aquarium. A picture would be huge if possible @anodyne99. Might need time, I will look at the picture. Are your water paremeters staying stable? Like ph and nitrates. Also do you do root tabs and liquid ferts? Do you have a timer in the tank? 12 hours is kinda long, but does not have anything to do with this situation at the moment. Goodness, 14 watts! Wow, that’s bright, could I see a picture if possible of your tank and the brightness of it? That helps maybe more than you think.
  23. 10g, the Cories will be fine with a ten, and the other fish are just as big, or smaller, WCMMs, they don’t need a huge QT tank, but you getting other fish too =10gs. A 10 gallon for Qt is not to big not to small. A 20g is kinda expensive and big and a room taker just for a QT tank. All to say 10g is yep the best, nothing different from everyone else lol. @Tony s, I am going to start watching this podcast soon! It looks interesting…
  24. Yes I knew they could, (the females) but I have never seen them in petsmart before. Yes keep us posted if u can @writinglover0101!
  25. Yes, feed flakes 1 to 2 times per day, and then what i would do is give them a frozen treat (like ice cream basically! No i am kidding) maybe once a week. Pellets to
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