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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Oh ok. If u didn’t say that I would panic 😂thanks @Tony s
  2. Oh ok. Thanks. Yeah I will bury good after a floating period! The only reason I left it in the pot was I saw AC said let it convert to its underwater form…. Thanks @nabokovfan87
  3. Thanks a lot. Will do tomorrow! Great advice thanks! Thanks @Tony s and @nabokovfan87
  4. Thanks a lot! I heard don’t cover the leaves in gravel…is this true @nabokovfan87?
  5. Yeah Ididnt think so because of you saying that they had humped backs. Yeah you are prob right
  6. Ok I will order some, should I add easy green fertilizer for the time being? @Tony s
  7. No your fine about the temp. I am no expert! Yeah that stinks about those plates. The salt will help I know, but trying to think of other things u can try….🤔.
  8. Nice tank! Yeah bettas seem to like pellets mor than flakes…keep us posted on everything and hope everything goes well! @pancake
  9. I would say, keep doing what you are doing. 86 degrees sounds crazy….can fish survive like that? I have never heard of having it that high. Idk maybe i have just never heard of taht! The salt or cupramine or whatever it is works. I know that but could u send a pic plz
  10. My Pearl weed is sitting in a pot, do I add it into the gravel now and how? Btw the light just turned off because of timer on tank.
  11. Ok, I might be overreacting, but I feel that my micro sword (swords, I got 2 pots worth, yeah a lot of it😄) Is not doing good. Paremeters⬇️ Nitrate 15 ppm. ammonia, maybe 0.1 ppmpossibly I cant tell exactly nitrite 0.5 ppm. ph, 7.5 ppm. I use easy green plant fertilizer. Should I get root tabs? Did I plant wrong? Help. Here is pics. I have a timer so can’t turn light on as it just went off a little bit ago…also, do I need to add twice a week of dosage of day green? I have a medium light aquarium I guess. It is a kit so does not say. Last pic is what the tank looked like a while ago. But taht is the light.
  12. Awesome! I love AC. @Cory has like the most helpful vids ever and I wouldn’t have the fish I have now without ACs vids. The plant videos are the best IMO
  13. If they have sunken belly’s that is under feeding. I am almost positive. Do not treat with medications this early if not underfeeding. What I would do would be feed more and good protein to fatten them up. This may not be but sunken belly’s but I am 99% sure it is. Could u get a pic now? @macdaddy36 wait, humpbacks? I didn’t see that part! Uhhhh…idk now….first a pic will do whenever you can get one.
  14. Yeah keep adding every week. After water change is the best. But once a week every week until signs of improvement. Unless it says more than once a week…I have always done once for a betta I have and it works every time! A good natural kinda way to go about treating sickness!
  15. Great! I would monitor as much as u can because u never know what might happen with these bettas! 🙂 U are doin great and might have saved this bettas life! A+!
  16. I discovered it last month! I have kept fish for 2 years and have ordered from them lots of times!!! Best company ever @Andrew Puhr
  17. Yeah slat is what u wan @FishQween. If u have none at the moment. I suggest fritz aquarium salt!
  18. That was a long good stream!!!!!!!!! The best one yet! Great stream guys!
  19. Spider wood does this? I had no idea…can u stop this from happenin?
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