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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Oh……….I didn’t do that……..I threw it out…. 😥 I think there was NO Way to get ALL THAT GLUE OFF. Sorry….I am new to plants and trust me that glue was waaaaayyyy to much. I messed up and I learn from my mistakes…😢. To late unlesss I could take it out the trash can 🗑 and retry but now to late I think. @Creedmoor Aquatics I am sorry. Should’ve not done that. @Creedmoor Aquatics it was for the best. Didn’t put on the right rock. I will restart @Mmiller2001 I guess I did the right thing. Didn’t want to fool with it.
  2. 👍. That’s good that his cist healed.
  3. How is it going on betta? Just came to get a update. Haven’t read this yet
  4. Sooo…what is this topic? Do u just tell people what u got done today???? 😂😂 so new to this photos,videos,journals
  5. Oh no…I might have to get rid of it now… @Mmiller2001 don’t want to worry about it so…. Yes I messed up bad though… @Creedmoor Aquatics
  6. It is kinda brown and black in some spots. @Creedmoor Aquatics I couldn’t find the rhizome @Mmiller2001. So is this something I should take action quickly? Help please @Mmiller2001
  7. If this doesn’t work u can come back and I will suggest other ways to fix this. @NickD
  8. Ok so I thought this nothing and it still might be nothing but…is this a bad thing?
  9. Thats ok. I have no clue either! 😂 Wow. Thanks I had NO CLUE u can have that many plants! 😂 yes I am going for Pearl weed and maybe some species of crypts!
  10. Hmmmm….could be green spot or green water algae. Do u have live plants? What are they? Do u got a vacuum or algae brush? @NickD Or that green stringy algae stuff.
  11. Thanks. I will get this very soon. @lefty o Yes I have noticed how small it is at petsmart! @Miranda Marie Thanks for the info @Tlindsey!
  12. Yes I was mainly concerned of the tea looking water. I don’t like it. Is there some that don’t make water brown? @lefty o Ok thanks!! Thanks. Sorry for late responses. 😂. I have seen spider wood but wasn’t sure of it.
  13. Thanks It’s a 10 gallon tank @anewbie. Do u need the dimensions or…. How big does narrow leaf Java fern get @xXInkedPhoenixX? Is baby tears ok? Does it get big? @Tony s?
  14. Hey, looking into a LOT of plants but since everyone is so helpful on here wanted to ask. My paremeters are: ph 7.4 ppm, temp, 73 degrees( getting some WCMMs so that explains the temp). Any ideas? Looking for beginner plants. Have anubias nana and Windelov Java fern at the moment. Don’t have the fish yet. Have easy green fertilizer and I can get some root tabs if I get stem plants. Thanks 😊
  15. Gotta 10 gallon, it just finished cycling, my next step was fish…..but I haven’t got them yet. So I have seen spider wood and other types of driftwood if there are “different” types of driftwood. So, heard that it it can be hard to keep. This is obviously not a live plant or fish but any recommendations as I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium as some of you know and getting some white cloud minnows.bonus Q: can I add 6 WCMMs to the tank? I pretty much have to because they can get stressed if not I heard. I will make mistakes but being cautious since this tank was more expensive than u might think for all that goes into it. Prob spent 250+ dollars and I want to have decent aquarium. Thanks in advance! 🙂 ps: that is why I am asking sooo many Qs! 😂
  16. She prob will get better with time…sometimes a lot of time but don’t worry u are doing fine.🙂 @Janel R
  17. Wow. Thanks for that pic. Was a little confused on how but now yeah I got it. 🙂 thanks @Galabar @Galabar, Q, does this sponge thing slow the flow? Because my betta doesn’t like a lot of flow!
  18. Yes if the betta is healthy than I wouldn’t stress to much about the marineland potrait being to big. It is a nice tank! @Gideyon
  19. I like 5 gallon tanks. They are good and if I get a good quality one you will be just fine! Do u know what u might get ? @Gideyon?
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