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Everything posted by Levi_Aquatics

  1. Welcome to the forum @SinfulBetta94 I am glad to hear that dispite some bad experiences that you are still pushing forward in the hobby. All your bettas are beautiful!
  2. I think that should be enough ammonia to start it up but adding a bit more wouldn’t hurt. Semi regularly ghost feeding will help keep the beneficial bacteria alive.
  3. Most African cichlids will do well in liquid rock.
  4. I completely agree with @xXInkedPhoenixX that ph is too low for the fish you keep. Adding crushed coral would help keep the ph higher. As for the rams horn snails feeding less and removing some adults whenever you have a chance will help keep their population under control.
  5. I’m glad you decided to find a good fit for the platy and that it worked out. Sorry for the fish you lost along the way. @ScottieB has a good point that some of those losses could have happened anyway.
  6. I would probably do a group of angels, a large group of tetras of your choice, a group of corys of your choice, and a fancy pleco of some sort.
  7. I usually just drain the tank and then change the substrate.
  8. It is made to feed pellets but I put flakes in mine and it works fine. @bettta999
  9. I forgot about fry food and krill flakes! They are amazing! The auto feeder is also great!
  10. That stand looks beautiful! I love the wood finish!
  11. I love my crypt wendtii and val. Java fern windelov is also a fun plant for attaching to rocks or driftwood.
  12. Test strips, usb nano air pump, coop brine shrimp eggs, and towels are some of my personal favorites.
  13. I would probably move the snail if you can. My pea puffer has eaten some pretty large ramshorn snails.
  14. That is tough! I would probably personally go with the L236.
  15. I agree with @HydraSlayer Some hillstream loaches would be a good choice!
  16. A quick update on my aquariums. Claire is doing well and the fungus on her fin has almost completely cleared up. She has started to eat some bloodworms which is great. I purchased a 75 to replace my 55 a few days ago. I haven't yet set it up though. I also found an albino krib for my male so hopefully I can get them to breed soon. I also sold some guppies and plants on aquabid and will be shipping them out on monday. Picture time!
  17. Welcome to the forum! Those aquariums look great!
  18. Welcome to the forum! You made some great choices plant wise! I love crypts lol
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