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Everything posted by Levi_Aquatics

  1. Java moss is a great plant for your shrimp. As for natural betta habitat plants, I don’t know any off the top of my head but I bet they would enjoy the shade provided by a dwarf aquarium lily.
  2. You could pull out one of the sag plants and put it in a container to test on just that plant and see what happens. If I’ it doesn’t negatively affect the sag then you could use it in the main aquarium.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Those are some great plant choices and pea puffers are indeed awesome!
  4. If you are trying to remove nitrates pothos or "lucky" bamboo are great options. I also like java fern and anubias.
  5. Thanks @Laura R I’m excited to see them!
  6. A group of endlers would probably be my choice. They add color, personality, and you will probably get some breeding action from them.
  7. Welcome to the forum @dangerflower Those aquariums and your pond look beautiful! I love the ricefish!
  8. That is super cool! The fact that they have been born and raised in your aquariums should make them and the fry do much better than if they were store bought.
  9. I would go with a medium aco sponge and a hob. If you want to breed fish I would put a pre filter sponge on it to stop the filter from sucking up fry.
  10. Congratulations! I would probably choose option 2 or 3
  11. I agree with @Guppysnail neo shrimp are a good food source and form of entertainment for your puffer.
  12. Selling a 55 that I replaced with a 75. Shipping some fish I sold on aquabid Breeding kribs and Bristlenose Organize my aquarium stuff
  13. Welcome to the forum! Do you have a way to share some photos of your aquariums? They sound great!
  14. I think I’ve heard that SAEs will eat it but have had no BBA to test mine on.
  15. I would go with a solo puffer if you don’t want aggression but they might be happier in a group of 3.
  16. Now that upside down aquarium would be super cool if you added upside down catfish!
  17. I’m only at 3 right now but I definitely want a larger group like yours @JettsPapa
  18. I think you'd be fine for that amount of time @Taco Playz My trip was 3+ hrs so I needed to use one.
  19. Wow somehow I didn't find this post until now! Lots of great info and I will definitely be on the lookout for some bamboo!
  20. I would plant it and see if it grows but the coop will definitely make it right if you contact them.
  21. I recently purchased a 75 gallon aquarium that came with some african cichlids and a few other fish. I just put the fish in a 5 gal bucket and used an airstone to keed the oxygen levels up. As for the tank, I just placed a blanket under it to pad the bottom glass and used a second blanket tho protect the sides. I left the substrate in the aquarium and had no issues.
  22. I have a pair of kribs that are doing well in a ten so I think the apistos would probably also be fine in a ten. As for the puffers, I keep mine solo. If I had the space and money I would love to upgrade to a 20 H and have 5-6 but she is doing well by herself. I feed her small ramshorn snails and bloodworms and change up the plants and decor to keep her interested.
  23. I was very close to buying a nice group of blue and gold 3-spot gouramis for my 110 gallon aquarium but ended up going with pearl gouramis. The 3-spot gouramis are definitely appealing because you can mix the colors with them still being the same species.
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