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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. She is Miss Personality @Guppysnail Always curious and always there to greet me excitedly when I approach. “What is this?” (Asparagus) & here she’s in a happy mood because she just had some brine shrimp. (When she swims backwards I think it is the cutest thing)
  2. What would be the goal nitrate level be for, I guess you’d say a lightly planted tank? Is it 20?
  3. Logged on to Amazon to checkout the cart for the cat water fountain cartridges, a routine purchase, and Amazon reminded me that I might be interested in the Ink Bird. Oh yeah, that’s true, Amazon! Thanks! Looked at some while reading the heater thread. Now’s a good a time as any. So that’s on the way. One for now. More later ($). Ink bird on the qt tank is debatable. That’s such a temporary setup. Not sure if it’s worth the expense since the heater will not have continuous use. This one will go on the display tank. I’ve never had a problem with heaters (nor do I want to). Had a close call or two back when all the heaters were HOB. Ah, the presubmersible days where they all had the little screw-on clamp. You had to make d@mn well sure that you unplugged that thing if you were doing maintenance. Can you imagine how many problems there must have been? Not that we were using the internet then to hear people’s reports and experiences. 🤔
  4. Can you help me translate this to #Tbsps salt per gallon? This too? 🙏
  5. If I just drop it in they get a little bit then the filter sucks up the rest
  6. Should I take a few days to bring the salinity up to the level I want?
  7. On two occasions level 2 salt. And on another occasion level 3.
  8. I have pristella tetra. They have bright color on their fins.
  9. For those of you that use salt in quarantine, how do you keep your tank cycled? On 3 different quarantines where I’ve used salt, the salt killed the bacteria on the sponge filter. To get by, I would do daily water changes with Prime, and I had no losses or ill effects. Just wondering what everyone else does to manage it.
  10. She looks like she is improving compared to the first photos you took in May.
  11. Hi! I think most of us are in the same boat. We started before the internet and relied on word of mouth from others. Pet stores sold me stuff and didn't explain it to me. When I was 12 years old, they sold me a western newt for my aquarium. Needless to say, that didn't work out. I've also had fights break out in the tank because I put fishes in that were not compatible with each other. Quarantine tanks didn't exist. Didn't know about water changes. If fishes survived, great. If not, we bought some more fish or some different fish. Boy have times changed!
  12. For some of these mods you are doing @nabokovfan87 & @TeeJay, have you ever tried plastic mesh? https://www.walmart.com/ip/Darice-Plastic-Canvas-Sheets-7-mesh/643290441 I went into a physical Walmart and went to the craft section; they sell 6 sheets for $2.95. Also these are really great for placing over gaps in the lid, if you have any!
  13. That's the easiest thing. I noticed other filter brands' intakes hang at approx. that level. I have an ACO sponge filter at the bottom anyway, so nbd if we don't go to the bottom with the HOB. Could be a small weekend project, and I'd get my preferred length that way.
  14. I planted the water sprite with a root tab and it got very upset. So then I just pulled it out and floated it, following the suggestion from @TeeJay and it's much happier.
  15. Ha! I had to laugh at that. You must be a programmer. Welcome!
  16. @Bev C I tried the green beans with the Knox gelatin but not with the Repashy. I am not sure what proportion you would need to get it to set. I would start with a little bit at first so it still gels. Let us know if you try it and how it goes and if the critters enjoy it. I have candy molds but I'm kinda lazy and don't use them. But I do like to put leftover food that they didn't eat into the candy molds with a little tank water, and make food ice cubes. (I suck the leftover food up with a turkey baster). I drop one into the tank when they get hungry again. Saves money! Sometimes I do this with crumbly foods too, like if I try to cut a chunk off of a nano banquet block and the whole thing falls apart to dust. I collect the dust and make a tank water/dust ice cube in the candy mold. Then later I will put the cube in the snail dish, but the only thing is, the cubes float, so I hold it over the dish with the aquascaping tongs until it melts, and then all the stuff falls where I want it to.
  17. That's a good idea @Guppysnail. Here's Cory's video about repashy. My tetras don't understand how to eat it off of a surface. Maybe guppies are smarter.
  18. Yeah, I do that with a turkey baster. I suck some sand up, and then I just squeeze the baster to put it back down and it looks refreshed.
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