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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I don’t have this type of snail either but snails in general will sleep. Make sure the snail has plenty of food. Not sure what your type of snail eats but snails usually can’t exist solely on algae. Maybe @Guppysnail knows something about cappuccino snails?
  2. I would advise against Tums. They have added ingredients (flavorings and food coloring) that you don’t necessarily want in your water. I use wondershell, cuttlebone, crab cuisine, egg shells (baked then powdered), banquet food blocks, and calcium carbonate. I put the eggshells or calcium carbonate into “Snello”, but some people put the powdered eggshells directly into the tank (powdered so no sharp edges). Snails may not be able to utilize the calcium in spinach due to the iron, which is true for reptiles. My snello:
  3. I like the octopus @xXInkedPhoenixX. I have a squid. Have you read any of the Dragonlance series?
  4. I recognize the plant as a crinum. update: I see it was identified as Vesuvius sword. They look similar.
  5. The glass food storage containers have removable gaskets inside the lid
  6. Can you run airline tubing around the basket? Perhaps even cut the airline tubing in half lengthwise if you need it to be smaller. (Maybe these ideas are lame) 😅
  7. In this vid, it seems to be operating properly at 3:00, but at 3:04 major bypass. All based on flow rate rather than media.
  8. My nerite likes to go above the water line and hang out for awhile, then returns to the water and continues on his merry way.
  9. Did you ever complete your Snow Murphy?
  10. RE: media too full Did you leave a gap? When you helped me w/ my filter you said leave a gap where the water first enters the filter. I'm assuming your water enters from the bottom and goes up through the basket. Do you have ceramics at the bottom so there is some space for water movement?
  11. I get that. I don't know how old my betta is either. I adopted him from a friend, and I don't know how long she had him.
  12. I tried to grow duckweed once but the snails used it as little parachutes to float to the bottom, and that was the end of it. LOL If you have a lot of duckweed, and you have snails, go to YouTube and look up Duckweed Snello. It's a recipe for snail food that is literally made out of duckweed, and apparently snails love it. Clever! 😍 You can kind of swirl the siphon above the sand and it will stir up and pick up the mulm. You'd still want to siphon into a white bucket so you can inspect the water that was removed for shrimplets. Unless you have the end of the siphon covered with the pantyhose, cheesecloth, etc.
  13. It is a blessing in disguise. It really really sucks the fish died, and I'm so sorry that happened. The silver lining is you could have had an ammonia spike because you hadn't noticed, and that could have come with more losses. Your cleanup crew had a high protein meal. You have a nice little ecosystem in the tank taking care of itself.
  14. Do you have snails or shrimp? If the fish died in the tank, they would have eaten him. --- I am enjoying my betta. I talk to him and we play games, like I will drag something through the water (ie: a plant cutting) and he will chase it.. and he always always greets me when I approach. He flutters his side fins excitedly when he sees me. Sometimes he gives me a little flare, because he has a 'tude. I hope he lives a long time, but I did read about the short lifespan of bettas before I adopted him.
  15. Snoopy got Repashy. He sort of does a little happy dance, wiggling back & forth, when he gets one of his favorites.
  16. Hence I just keep egg-laying snails. I'd probably be ok w/ a rabbit snail. They only produce a baby about once a month. I think they look cool but supposedly they eat java fern, and I quite like my java ferns.
  17. @Guppysnail found a little pipsqueak guppy gone rogue; failed to take the rehoming journey to another household with his/her tankmates.
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